2017-08-01 15 views

Dialog APIを使用してアドインから他のドメインURLを呼び出そうとしています。Dialog to remote urlを開いているときに、Word 2016を使用してドメインが信頼されない

Word Onlineでは正常に動作しますが、Wordデスクトップでは「ドメインは信頼されていません」というエラーが発生しています。


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
<OfficeApp xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/appforoffice/1.1" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:bt="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/officeappbasictypes/1.0" xmlns:ov="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/taskpaneappversionoverrides" xsi:type="TaskPaneApp"> 
    <!-- BeginBasicSettings: Add-in metadata, used for all versions of Office unless override provided --> 

    <!--IMPORTANT! Id must be unique for your add-in, if you clone this manifest ensure that you change this id to your own GUID --> 

    <!--Version. Updates from the store only get triggered if there is a version change --> 
    <ProviderName>Acrowit, Inc. DBA WittyParrot</ProviderName> 
    <!-- The display name of your add-in. Used on the store and various placed of the Office UI such as the add-ins dialog --> 
    <DisplayName DefaultValue="P365-DEV" /> 
    <Description DefaultValue="P365-DEV"/> 

    <!--Icon for your add-in. Used on installation screens and the add-ins dialog --> 
    <IconUrl DefaultValue="https://p365.wittyparrot.com:3000/resources/assets/images/parrot365/word_icons/p365_word_32px.png" /> 
    <HighResolutionIconUrl DefaultValue="https://p365.wittyparrot.com:3000/resources/assets/images/parrot365/word_icons/p365_word_128px.png" /> 
    <SupportUrl DefaultValue="http://support.parrot365.com/support/home" /> 

    <!--BeginTaskpaneMode integration. Office 2013 and any client that doesn't understand commands will use this section. 
    This section will also be used if there are no VersionOverrides --> 
    <Host Name="Document" /> 
    <SourceLocation DefaultValue="https://p365.wittyparrot.com:3000?source=msoffice" /> 
    <!--EndTaskpaneMode integration --> 


    <!--BeginAddinCommandsMode integration--> 
    <VersionOverrides xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/taskpaneappversionoverrides" xsi:type="VersionOverridesV1_0"> 
    <!-- Optional, override the description of the Add-in --> 
    <Description resid="residToolTip" /> 
    <!--Required, hosts node. Each host can have a different set of commands --> 
     <!--Specific host. Workbook=Excel, Document=Word, Presentation=PowerPoint --> 
     <Host xsi:type="Document"> 
     <!-- Form factor. Currenly only DesktopFormFactor is supported. We will add TabletFormFactor and PhoneFormFactor in the future--> 

      <!--GetStarted information used on the callout that appears when installing the add-in. 
      Ensure you have build 16.0.6769 or above for GetStarted section to work--> 
\t \t \t \t \t \t <!--Title of the Getting Started callout. resid points to a ShortString resource --> 
\t \t \t \t \t \t <Title resid="Witty.GetStarted.Title"/> 

\t \t \t \t \t \t <!--Description of the Getting Started callout. resid points to a LongString resource --> 
\t \t \t \t \t \t <Description resid="Witty.GetStarted.Description"/> 

\t \t \t \t \t \t <!--Not used right now but you need to provide a valid resource. We will add code in the future to consume this URL. 
\t \t \t \t \t \t \t resid points to a Url resource --> 
\t \t \t \t \t \t <LearnMoreUrl resid="Witty.GetStarted.LearnMoreUrl"/> 
\t \t </GetStarted> 
\t \t <FunctionFile resid="residDesktopFuncUrl" /> 
      <!--PrimaryCommandSurface==Main Office Ribbon--> 
      <ExtensionPoint xsi:type="PrimaryCommandSurface"> 
\t \t \t <OfficeTab id="TabHome"> 
       <!--Group. Ensure you provide a unique id. Recommendation for any IDs is to namespace using your companyname--> 
       <Group id="Witty.Citations.Group1Id1"> 
       <!--Label for your group. resid must point to a ShortString resource --> 
       <Label resid="residLabel4" /> 
       <!--Icons. Required sizes 16,31,80, optional 20, 24, 40, 48, 64. Strongly recommended to provide all sizes for great UX --> 
       <!--Use PNG icons and remember that all URLs on the resources section must use HTTPS --> 
        <bt:Image size="16" resid="icon1_16x16" /> 
        <bt:Image size="32" resid="icon1_32x32" /> 
        <bt:Image size="80" resid="icon1_80x80" /> 
       <!--Control. It can be of type "Button" or "Menu" --> 
       <Control xsi:type="Button" id="Button3Id1"> 
        <!--Label for your button. resid must point to a ShortString resource --> 
        <Label resid="residLabel3" /> 
        <!--ToolTip title. resid must point to a ShortString resource --> 
        <Title resid="residLabel" /> 
        <!--ToolTip description. resid must point to a LongString resource --> 
        <Description resid="residToolTip" /> 
        <bt:Image size="16" resid="icon1_16x16" /> 
        <bt:Image size="32" resid="icon3_32x32" /> 
        <bt:Image size="80" resid="icon1_80x80" /> 
        <!--This is what happens when the command is triggered (E.g. click on the Ribbon). Supported actions are ExecuteFuncion or ShowTaskpane--> 
        <Action xsi:type="ShowTaskpane"> 
        <!--Provide a url resource id for the location that will be displayed on the taskpane --> 
        <SourceLocation resid="residUnitConverterUrl" /> 
     <bt:Image id="icon1_16x16" DefaultValue="https://p365.wittyparrot.com:3000/resources/assets/images/parrot365/word_icons/p365_word_16px.png"> 
     <bt:Image id="icon1_32x32" DefaultValue="https://p365.wittyparrot.com:3000/resources/assets/images/parrot365/word_icons/p365_word_32px.png"> 
     <bt:Image id="icon1_80x80" DefaultValue="https://p365.wittyparrot.com:3000/resources/assets/images/parrot365/word_icons/p365_word_80px.png"> 
\t \t <bt:Image id="icon2_32x32" DefaultValue="https://p365.wittyparrot.com:3000/resources/assets/images/parrot365/word_icons/p365_word_32px.png"> 
     <bt:Image id="icon3_32x32" DefaultValue="https://p365.wittyparrot.com:3000/resources/assets/images/parrot365/word_icons/p365_word_32px.png"> 
\t \t <bt:Url id="residDesktopFuncUrl" DefaultValue="https://p365.wittyparrot.com:3000?source=msoffice"> 
     <bt:Url id="residUnitConverterUrl" DefaultValue="https://p365.wittyparrot.com:3000?source=msoffice"> 
      <!--LearnMore URL currently not used --> 
     <bt:Url id="Witty.GetStarted.LearnMoreUrl" DefaultValue="https://p365.wittyparrot.com:3000"> 
     <bt:String id="residLabel" DefaultValue="Launch Widget"> 
     <bt:String id="residLabel3" DefaultValue="Parrot365"> 
     <bt:String id="residLabel4" DefaultValue=" "> 
     <bt:String id="Witty.GetStarted.Title" DefaultValue="Parrot365 Document Assembler Loaded Successfully"> 
     <bt:String id="residToolTip" DefaultValue="Instantly assemble proposals, contracts, legal docs using pre-created reusable content and templates."> 
     <bt:String id="Witty.GetStarted.Description" DefaultValue="Instantly assemble proposals, contracts, legal docs using pre-created reusable content and templates."> 


あなたはdisplayDialogAsyncメソッドに渡すドメインとは何ですか? –


https://dev2.wittyparrot.com:3001といくつかのパラメータ。実際にはこれは別のWebアプリケーションです。私はダイアログボックスのアドインからそれを開こうとしています。 – Leo



あなたが直接ダイアログAPIを使用してリモートURIを開くことができません。 documentationから:

The page, controller method, or other resource that is passed to the displayDialogAsync method must be in the same domain as the host page.



Office.initialize = function() { 
    window.location = "https://dev2.wittyparrot.com:3001"; 

したがって、[OfficeHelpers](https://github.com/OfficeDev/office-js-helpers/)ライブラリの暗黙のフローは に完全に壊れています...彼らはログインURL(login.microsoftonline.com)でdialogApiを開きます。 ..) – Alexander
