Public Sub test()
Dim t_direction() As String
Dim t_nextDirection() As String
Dim myDirection As Variant
Dim test As Integer
Var = 0
ReDim t_direction(4)
t_direction(0) = "N"
t_direction(1) = "S"
t_direction(2) = "E"
t_direction(3) = "W"
t_nextDirection = randomizeArray(t_direction)
For Each myDirection In t_nextDirection
Var = Var + 1
Next myDirection
MsgBox (UBound(t_nextDirection))
MsgBox (Var)
End Sub
Public Function randomizeArray(ByVal t_array As Variant) As String()
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim tmp As String
Dim numItems As Integer
numItems = UBound(t_array) - 1
' Randomize the array.
For i = 0 To numItems
' Pick a random entry.
j = Rand(0, numItems)
' Swap the numbers.
tmp = t_array(i)
t_array(i) = t_array(j)
t_array(j) = tmp
Next i
'MsgBox (UBound(t_array))
randomizeArray = t_array
End Function
Public Function Rand(ByVal Low As Long, _
ByVal High As Long) As Integer
Rand = Int((High - Low + 1) * Rnd) + Low
End Function
素敵なショット、いつものように:)と5000 +のおめでとう、あなたは非常に迅速にそこにいた – JMax
@Jmaxのおめでとう、おめでとう - 非常に感謝:) – brettdj