2017-02-01 17 views

私は同僚と彼のワードプレスサイトを手伝っています。大文字小文字は非常に単純です:属性(post_status => "future")をループに追加してください。唯一の問題は、私はそれを行う必要がある。ここで、iはそれを行うための任意の適切なwp_query()文を参照してくださいいけないと私は(見つけることができないということであるテンプレート・ファイルの表情みてください:ループに引数(post_status)を追加する

* Render the blog layouts. 
* @author  ThemeFusion 
* @package  Avada/Templates 
* @version  1.0 

// Do not allow directly accessing this file. 
if (! defined('ABSPATH')) { exit('Direct script access denied.'); } 

global $wp_query; 

// Set the correct post container layout classes. 
$blog_layout = avada_get_blog_layout(); 
$post_class = 'fusion-post-' . $blog_layout; 

$container_class = 'fusion-blog-layout-' . $blog_layout . ' '; 
if ('grid' == $blog_layout) { 
    $container_class = 'fusion-blog-layout-' . $blog_layout . ' fusion-blog-layout-' . $blog_layout . '-' . Avada()->settings->get('blog_grid_columns') . ' isotope '; 

// Set class for scrolling type. 
if (Avada()->settings->get('blog_pagination_type') == 'Infinite Scroll' || 
    Avada()->settings->get('blog_pagination_type') == 'load_more_button' 
) { 
    $container_class .= 'fusion-blog-infinite fusion-posts-container-infinite '; 
} else { 
    $container_class .= 'fusion-blog-pagination '; 

if (! Avada()->settings->get('featured_images')) { 
    $container_class .= 'fusion-blog-no-images '; 

// Add the timeline icon. 
if ('timeline' == $blog_layout) { 
    echo '<div class="fusion-timeline-icon"><i class="fusion-icon-bubbles"></i></div>'; 

if (is_search() && 
) { 
    $number_of_pages = ceil($wp_query->found_posts/Avada()->settings->get('search_results_per_page')); 
} else { 
    $number_of_pages = $wp_query->max_num_pages; 

echo '<div id="posts-container" class="' . $container_class . 'fusion-blog-archive fusion-clearfix" data-pages="' . $number_of_pages . '">'; 

if ('timeline' == $blog_layout) { 
    // Initialize the time stamps for timeline month/year check. 
    $post_count = 1; 
    $prev_post_timestamp = null; 
    $prev_post_month = null; 
    $prev_post_year = null; 
    $first_timeline_loop = false; 

    // Add the container that holds the actual timeline line. 
    echo '<div class="fusion-timeline-line"></div>'; 

    // Start the main loop. 
while (have_posts()) : the_post(); 
    // Set the time stamps for timeline month/year check. 
    $alignment_class = ''; 
    if ('timeline' == $blog_layout) { 
     $post_timestamp = get_the_time('U'); 
     $post_month  = date('n', $post_timestamp); 
     $post_year  = get_the_date('Y'); 
     $current_date = get_the_date('Y-n'); 

     // Set the correct column class for every post. 
     if ($post_count % 2) { 
      $alignment_class = 'fusion-left-column'; 
     } else { 
      $alignment_class = 'fusion-right-column'; 

     // Set the timeline month label. 
     if ($prev_post_month != $post_month || $prev_post_year != $post_year) { 

      if ($post_count > 1) { 
       echo '</div>'; 
      echo '<h3 class="fusion-timeline-date">' . get_the_date(Avada()->settings->get('timeline_date_format')) . '</h3>'; 
      echo '<div class="fusion-collapse-month">'; 

    // Set the has-post-thumbnail if a video is used. This is needed if no featured image is present. 
    $thumb_class = ''; 
    if (get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'pyre_video', true)) { 
     $thumb_class = ' has-post-thumbnail'; 

    $post_classes = $post_class . ' ' . $alignment_class . ' ' . $thumb_class . ' post fusion-clearfix'; 
    $post_classes = ob_get_clean(); 

    echo '<article id="post-' . get_the_ID() . '" ' . $post_classes . '>'; 
    // Add an additional wrapper for grid layout border. 
    if ('grid' == $blog_layout) { 
     echo '<div class="fusion-post-wrapper">'; 

     // Get featured images for all but large-alternate layout. 
    if (((is_search() && Avada()->settings->get('search_featured_images')) || (! is_search() && Avada()->settings->get('featured_images'))) && 'large-alternate' == $blog_layout) { 

     // Get the post date and format box for alternate layouts. 
    if ('large-alternate' == $blog_layout || 'medium-alternate' == $blog_layout) { 
     echo '<div class="fusion-date-and-formats">'; 

     * The avada_blog_post_date_adn_format hook. 
     * @hooked avada_render_blog_post_date - 10 (outputs the HTML for the date box). 
     * @hooked avada_render_blog_post_format - 15 (outputs the HTML for the post format box). 

     echo '</div>'; 

    // Get featured images for all but large-alternate layout. 
    if (((is_search() && Avada()->settings->get('search_featured_images')) || (! is_search() && Avada()->settings->get('featured_images'))) && 'large-alternate' != $blog_layout) { 

     // The post-content-wrapper is only needed for grid and timeline. 
    if ('grid' == $blog_layout || 'timeline' == $blog_layout) { 
     echo '<div class="fusion-post-content-wrapper">'; 

    // Add the circles for timeline layout. 
    if ('timeline' == $blog_layout) { 
     echo '<div class="fusion-timeline-circle"></div>'; 
     echo '<div class="fusion-timeline-arrow"></div>'; 

    echo '<div class="fusion-post-content post-content">'; 

    // Render the post title. 
    echo avada_render_post_title(get_the_ID()); 

         $categories = get_the_category(get_the_ID()); 
         $separator = ', '; 
         $output = ''; 
         $numItems = count($categories); 
         $i = 0; 
          foreach($categories as $category) { 
           $output .= '<a href="'.get_category_link($category->term_id).'" title="' . esc_attr(sprintf(__("View all posts in %s"), $category->name)) . '">'.$category->cat_name.'</a>'; 
           if(++$i !== $numItems) { 
            $output .= $separator; 

    echo ('<div class="lista-koncert-podtytul">' . $output . '</div>');      

    // Render post meta for grid and timeline layouts. 
    if ('grid' == $blog_layout || 'timeline' == $blog_layout) { 
     echo avada_render_post_metadata('grid_timeline'); 

     if ((Avada()->settings->get('post_meta') && (Avada()->settings->get('post_meta_author') || Avada()->settings->get('post_meta_date') || Avada()->settings->get('post_meta_cats') || Avada()->settings->get('post_meta_tags') || Avada()->settings->get('post_meta_comments') || Avada()->settings->get('post_meta_read'))) && 0 < Avada()->settings->get('excerpt_length_blog')) { 
      echo '<div class="fusion-content-sep"></div>'; 
     // Render post meta for alternate layouts. 
    } elseif ('large-alternate' == $blog_layout || 'medium-alternate' == $blog_layout) { 
     echo avada_render_post_metadata('alternate'); 

    echo '<div class="fusion-post-content-container">'; 

    * The avada_blog_post_content hook. 
    * @hooked avada_render_blog_post_content - 10 (outputs the post content wrapped with a container). 

    echo '<a href="' . get_post_permalink(get_the_ID()) . '">Zobacz więcej &gt;</a>'; 

    echo '</div>'; 
    echo '</div>'; // End post-content. 

    if ('medium' == $blog_layout || 'medium-alternate' == $blog_layout) { 
     echo '<div class="fusion-clearfix"></div>'; 

    // Render post meta data according to layout. 
    if ((Avada()->settings->get('post_meta') && (Avada()->settings->get('post_meta_author') || Avada()->settings->get('post_meta_date') || Avada()->settings->get('post_meta_cats') || Avada()->settings->get('post_meta_tags') || Avada()->settings->get('post_meta_comments') || Avada()->settings->get('post_meta_read')))) { 
     echo '<div class="fusion-meta-info">'; 
     if ('grid' == $blog_layout || 'timeline' == $blog_layout) { 
      // Render read more for grid/timeline layouts. 
      echo '<div class="fusion-alignleft">'; 
      if (Avada()->settings->get('post_meta_read')) { 
       $link_target = ''; 
       if (fusion_get_page_option('link_icon_target', get_the_ID()) == 'yes' || 
       fusion_get_page_option('post_links_target', get_the_ID()) == 'yes') { 
        $link_target = ' target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"'; 
       echo '<a href="' . get_permalink() . '" class="fusion-read-more"' . $link_target . '>' . apply_filters('avada_blog_read_more_link', esc_attr__('Read More', 'Avada')) . '</a>'; 
      echo '</div>'; 

      // Render comments for grid/timeline layouts. 
      echo '<div class="fusion-alignright">'; 
      if (Avada()->settings->get('post_meta_comments')) { 
       if (! post_password_required(get_the_ID())) { 
        comments_popup_link('<i class="fusion-icon-bubbles"></i>&nbsp;0', '<i class="fusion-icon-bubbles"></i>&nbsp;' . __('1', 'Avada'), '<i class="fusion-icon-bubbles"></i>&nbsp;%'); 
       } else { 
        echo '<i class="fusion-icon-bubbles"></i>&nbsp;' . esc_attr__('Protected', 'Avada'); 

      echo '</div>'; 
     } else { 
      // Render all meta data for medium and large layouts. 
      if ('large' == $blog_layout || 'medium' == $blog_layout) { 
       echo avada_render_post_metadata('standard'); 

      // Render read more for medium/large and medium/large alternate layouts. 
      echo '<div class="fusion-alignright">'; 
      if (Avada()->settings->get('post_meta_read')) { 
       $link_target = ''; 
       if (fusion_get_page_option('link_icon_target', get_the_ID()) == 'yes' || 
       fusion_get_page_option('post_links_target', get_the_ID()) == 'yes') { 
        $link_target = ' target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"'; 
       echo '<a href="' . get_permalink() . '" class="fusion-read-more"' . $link_target . '>' . apply_filters('avada_read_more_name', esc_attr__('Read More', 'Avada')) . '</a>'; 
      echo '</div>'; 
     echo '</div>'; // End meta-info. 
    if ('grid' == $blog_layout || 'timeline' == $blog_layout) { 
     echo '</div>'; // End post-content-wrapper. 
    if ('grid' == $blog_layout) { 
     echo '</div>'; // End post-wrapper. 
    echo '</article>'; // End post. 

    // Adjust the timestamp settings for next loop. 
    if ('timeline' == $blog_layout) { 
     $prev_post_timestamp = $post_timestamp; 
     $prev_post_month  = $post_month; 
     $prev_post_year  = $post_year; 
endwhile; // End have_posts(). 

if ('timeline' == $blog_layout && 1 < $post_count) { 
    echo '</div>'; 
echo '</div>'; // End posts-container. 

// If infinite scroll with "load more" button is used. 
if (Avada()->settings->get('blog_pagination_type') == 'load_more_button') { 
    echo '<div class="fusion-load-more-button fusion-blog-button fusion-clearfix">' . apply_filters('avada_load_more_posts_name', esc_attr__('Load More Posts', 'Avada')) . '</div>'; 

// Get the pagination. 
fusion_pagination($pages = '', $range = 2); 


この場合は - の部分を。 ?テンプレートの私は...




のでwp_queryの操作ではなく、テンプレートファイルに必要な表示されません。 functions.phpという名前のファイルに格納されています(通常、ほぼすべてのファイルに置くことができます - 特に、 eme)。それを見つけることは混乱の可能性があります。


while (have_posts()) : the_post(); 


$query = new WP_Query(array('post_status' => 'future')); 
while ($query->have_posts()) : $query->the_post(); 

はあなたに感謝します! :) –


私の答えがあなたを助けてくれたらそれを受け入れることを検討してください:) –