deliveryID | ProductID | SourceLocation | DestinationLocation | Quantity | deliveryStart | deliveryEnd | ReferenceNumber | Status | Requestor | Receiver | ControlNumber | MoveType | ProductCode
13 | 1 | WAREHOUSE | Burger Queen | 5 | 2016-11-14 | NULL | CTRL_MULTI01 | PENDING| john.doe | NULL | CTRL_MULTI01 | MULTIPLE | 19000207
14 | 1 | WAREHOUSE | DcMo | 4 | 2016-11-14 | NULL | CTRL_MULTI01 | PENDING| john.doe | NULL | CTRL_MULTI01 | MULTIPLE | 19000207
15 | 1 | WAREHOUSE | Strapbucks | 10 | 2016-11-14 | NULL | CTRL_MULTI01 | PENDING| john.doe | NULL | CTRL_MULTI01 | MULTIPLE | 19000207
16 | 2 | WAREHOUSE | DcMo | 6 | 2016-11-14 | NULL | CTRL_MULTI01 | PENDING| john.doe | NULL | CTRL_MULTI01 | MULTIPLE | 19000209
を参照してください。 1 referenceNumber
しかしウォンでのみ一列(項目)がある IF
CREATE procedure updateTBLStock
@referenceNumber nvarchar(50),
@destinationLocation nvarchar(50)
as begin
--1) insert non existing items to a temporary table
INSERT INTO tblTempStockList
SELECT b.ProductID, a.ProductName, a.ProductCode, b.Quantity, a.UnitOfMeasure,
a.Provider, a.Category, a.ExpirationDate, b.DestinationLocation, b.ReferenceNumber
FROM tblStockMove b
inner join tblProducts_warehouse a on b.ProductCode = a.ProductCode
where b.ReferenceNumber = @referenceNumber
and NOT EXISTS (Select a.ProductCode from tblProducts_establishments a
where b.ProductCode = a.ProductCode
and a.Location = @destinationLocation
and b.ReferenceNumber = @referenceNumber
and b.MoveType = 'MULTIPLE')
--2) update items' quantity if they already exist in the destination location
UPDATE tblProducts_establishments
SET Quantity = a.Quantity + b.Quantity
from tblProducts_establishments a
left join tblStockMove b
on a.ProductCode = b.ProductCode
where b.ReferenceNumber = @referenceNumber
and b.MoveType = 'MULTIPLE'
and a.Location = @destinationLocation
and EXISTS (Select a.ProductCode from tblProducts_establishments a
where b.ProductCode = a.ProductCode and a.Location = @destinationLocation
and b.ReferenceNumber = @referenceNumber and b.MoveType = 'MULTIPLE')
--3) Insert the row from the temporary table to the main table
INSERT INTO tblProducts_establishments (ProductID, ProductName, ProductCode, Quantity, UnitOfMeasure, Date, Provider, Category, ExpirationDate, Status, Location)
SELECT ProductID, ProductName, ProductCode, Quantity, UnitOfMeasure, getdate(), Provider, Category, ExpirationDate, null, Location FROM tblTempStockList where ReferenceNumber = @referenceNumber and Location = @destinationLocation
--4) Empty the temporary table
DELETE FROM tblTempStockList where ReferenceNumber = @referenceNumber and Location = @destinationLocation
DECLAREの@StockType以下のように自分のパラメータを渡します。あなたの現在のコードで何が間違っていますか? –
私のSPは、特定の施設内の既存製品の数量を更新することになっています。例えば、「ProductID 1」がDcMoに存在し、tblStockMoveが5である場合、それらは一緒に追加されます。ただし、カーソルを使用すると、tblStockMoveから同じ「ProductID」が挿入され、DcMoにIDが重複します – Saudate