2016-08-21 14 views

Adob​​e InDesign CS6 AppleScript Scripting Guideに従っています。設定したテキストを変更しようとしています。それは「りんご」、「フルーツ」のような文字列のリストとして設定findwordすることは可能ですAppleScriptでindesign文書のリストからテキストを検索


を変更します。 私はそれをリストを作ってみましたが、設定されたプロパティのため、このエラー 」無効な値が 『見つける』だ。予想される文字列または何も、





set findWord to "Apple" 
--establish text for change 
set changeWord to "Pear" 

tell application "Finder" to set indesignFiles to (files of folder "test1" whose name extension is "indd") as alias list 

tell application "Adobe InDesign CC 2015" 
    open indesignFiles 

    --Clear find text preferences 
    set find text preferences to nothing 
    --Clear change text preferences 
    set change text preferences to nothing 
    --establish properties for find 
    set find what of find text preferences to findWord 
    --establish properties for change 
    set change to of change text preferences to changeWord 
    --perform change text operation 
    tell document 1 
    change text 
end tell 
    set find text preferences to nothing 
    set change text preferences to nothing 

    if modified of active document is true then 
     tell active document to save 
    end if 

    tell active document 
     export format PDF type to "Macintosh HD:Users:mattsocha:Desktop:Test1:test.pdf" without showing options 
    end tell 

end tell 




set findWord to "(apple|pear|peach|banana)\\w*" 
set changeWord to "fruit" 

tell application "Adobe InDesign CC 2015" 

set find grep preferences to nothing 
set change grep preferences to nothing 

set find what of find grep preferences to findWord 
set change to of change grep preferences to changeWord 

tell document 1 
    change grep 
end tell 

set find grep preferences to nothing 
set change grep preferences to nothing 

end tell 