protected void passButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
// I want to be able to surround this is a try catch block statement
// because there is a "Run as Admin" A lot of users may say no and it will crash.
Process myProcess = new Process();
String pathWay = "C:\\blah.txt";
//Although we have a working enviornment here we still need to be able to run it as an administrator always
//This would eliminate the need of a "Try/Catch" statement.
myProcess.StartInfo.FileName = pathWay;
myProcess.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = true;
myProcess.StartInfo.Verb = "runas";
//Fixed the bug where the app would crash when the user would enter "No" instead of "yes" the App would not launch in this case.
Console.WriteLine("Enter so value here for logs later down the road if we run into the problem.");
// Here is where I want to be able to change the value incase the user
// clicks another button as of right now the text block updates once
// the block is clicked with a simple "Hello World" but if I click of the value remains the same
textBlock.Text = "Hello world";
他の人がそれをデバッグするのに役立つように、アプリケーションコードの簡略化されたバージョンを投稿できますか? – laylarenee
ちょっとLaylarenee、私はちょうど上記のコードのいくつかを追加しました。私はそれがいくつかをクリアすることを願っています! – RyanWilliamWest
3つのボタンのクリックハンドラを追加できますか?テキストを設定するビットを含めるだけです。 – laylarenee