2016-06-23 17 views

Excel VBAを使用して解決しようとしている問題は、ループしてグラフに追加する情報テーブルです。例えば、データファイルは、次の形式であるテーブル内のデータをループしてグラフに追加する方法

-696.710022 48 0 
0 415.853546 2 1 
5 417.769196 2 1 
10 419.684845 2 1 
15 421.600464 2 1 
20 423.516113 2 1 
-602 48 0 
0 371.893372 2 1 
5 373.851685 2 1 
10 375.810028 2 1 
15 377.768372 2 1 
20 379.726685 2 1 
-497.76001 48 0 
0 323.194183 2 1 
5 325.189819 2 1 
10 327.185486 2 1 
15 329.181152 2 1 
20 331.176819 2 1 

このファイルの場合、列3 =「0」、これはここによるヘッダ行である:

column 1 = location, 
column 2 = number of points at location, 
column 3 = header flag (i.e. "0") 


column 1 = X value, 
column 2 = Y value, 
column 3 = colour of points (i.e. 1 = green, 2 = blue, 3 = red). 







Sub DoCharts() 
    Dim iRow As Long, nRows As Long, iPt As Long, nPts As Long 
    Dim rXVals As Range, rYVals As Range, rColor As Range 
    Dim cht As Chart 

    With ActiveSheet.UsedRange 
    For iRow = 1 To .Rows.Count 
     If .Cells(iRow, 3).Value = 0 And Len(.Cells(iRow, 3).Text) > 0 Then 
     ' value is zero and cell is not blank 

     'define X and Y values 
     nPts = .Cells(iRow, 2).Value 
     Set rXVals = .Cells(iRow + 1, 1).Resize(nPts) 
     Set rYVals = rXVals.Offset(, 1) 
     Set rColor = rXVals.Offset(, 2) 

     ' chart 
     Set cht = ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddChart(xlXYScatter, , .Cells(iRow, 1).Top).Chart 

     ' clear existing series 
     Do While cht.SeriesCollection.Count > 0 

     ' add desired series 
     With cht.SeriesCollection.NewSeries 
      .Values = rYVals 
      .XValues = rXVals 
     End With 

     ' point color 
     For iPt = 1 To nPts 
      With cht.SeriesCollection(1).Points(iPt) 
      Select Case rColor.Cells(iPt) 
       Case 1 ' green 
       .MarkerForegroundColor = vbGreen ' use nicer colors, of course 
       .MarkerBackgroundColor = vbGreen 
       Case 2 ' blue 
       .MarkerForegroundColor = vbBlue 
       .MarkerBackgroundColor = vbBlue 
       Case 3 ' red 
       .MarkerForegroundColor = vbRed 
       .MarkerBackgroundColor = vbRed 
      End Select 
      End With 
     End If 

     cht.HasLegend = False 

     iRow = iRow + nPts 
    End With 
End Sub 

EDIT - すべて同じチャートで表示されます。


Sub DoOneChart() 
    Dim iRow As Long, nRows As Long, iPt As Long, nPts As Long 
    Dim rXVals As Range, rYVals As Range, rName As Range 
    Dim iColor As Long 
    Dim cht As Chart 

    With ActiveSheet.UsedRange 
    For iRow = 1 To .Rows.Count 
     If .Cells(iRow, 3).Value = 0 And Len(.Cells(iRow, 3).Text) > 0 Then 
     ' value is zero and cell is not blank 

     'define X and Y values 
     nPts = .Cells(iRow, 2).Value 
     Set rXVals = .Cells(iRow + 1, 1).Resize(nPts) 
     Set rYVals = rXVals.Offset(, 1) 
     iColor = .Cells(iRow + 1, 3).Value 
     Set rName = .Cells(iRow, 1) 

     ' chart 
     If cht Is Nothing Then 
      Set cht = ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddChart(xlXYScatterLines).Chart 
      ' clear existing series 
      Do While cht.SeriesCollection.Count > 0 
     End If 

     ' add desired series 
     With cht.SeriesCollection.NewSeries 
      .Values = rYVals 
      .XValues = rXVals 
      .Name = "=" & rName.Address(, , , True) 

      ' series color 
      Select Case iColor 
      Case 1 ' green 
       .MarkerForegroundColor = vbGreen ' use nicer colors, of course 
       .MarkerBackgroundColor = vbGreen 
       .Border.Color = vbGreen 
      Case 2 ' blue 
       .MarkerForegroundColor = vbBlue 
       .MarkerBackgroundColor = vbBlue 
       .Border.Color = vbBlue 
      Case 3 ' red 
       .MarkerForegroundColor = vbRed 
       .MarkerBackgroundColor = vbRed 
       .Border.Color = vbRed 
      End Select 
     End With 

     End If 

     iRow = iRow + nPts 
    cht.HasLegend = True 
    End With 
End Sub 

ありがとうございました。これは問題の素晴らしい解決策です。私は、nPtsに基づいて各シリーズごとに新しいチャートが作成されることに注意します。彼らはすべて同じX値を共有するので、XとYの値をすべて1つのチャートに結合する方法はありますか? – James


@James - すべてのデータを1つのグラフにプロットするための2番目の手順を追加しました。 –
