2017-09-20 21 views



import Game.Game; 
import Prompter.Prompter; 

/* This class is the main class that starts the game. 
* It instantiates the Game and Prompter objects. 
public class Hangman { 

    public static void main(String[] args) { 
     //Check if an argument has been passed, we expect the answer to be passed 
     if(args.length == 0) { 
      System.out.println("Expected: Java Hangman <answer>"); 
      System.err.println("Answer is required!"); 

     System.out.println("Welcome to Hangman!"); 

     //Create an instance of our game 
     Game game = new Game(args[0]); 
     //Create an instance of our prompter 
     Prompter prompter = new Prompter(game); 

     //Starts the game 
     while (game.getRemainingTries() > 0 && !game.isWon()) { 
     //Displays the outcome of the game 


package Game; 

/* This class is responsible for implementing the game 
* logic. 
public class Game { 
    //Declare our member variables 
    public final static int TOTAL_TRIES = 3; 
    public final static int MAX_SCORE_POINTS = 10; 
    private String mAnswer; 
    private String lettersHit; 
    private String lettersMissed; 
    private int score; 

    //Default constructor 
    public Game(String answer) { 
     //Initialize our member variables 
     mAnswer = answer.toLowerCase(); 
     lettersHit = ""; 
     lettersMissed = ""; 

    //This method checks to see if the letter was a hit or a miss 
    public boolean checkLetter(char letter){ 
     letter = validateGuess(letter); 
     boolean isHit = mAnswer.indexOf(letter) != -1; 
     //If correct 
     if (isHit) { 
      //Add the letter to the lettersHit pool 
      lettersHit += letter; 
      System.out.println("Hit! Score: " + score); 

     }else { 
      //Add the letter to the lettersMissed pool 
      lettersMissed += letter; 
      System.out.println("Missed! Score: " + score); 
     return isHit; 

    private void keepScore(boolean isHit) { 
     if(isHit) { 
      for (int i = 0; i < lettersHit.length(); i++) { 
       score += MAX_SCORE_POINTS; 
     } else { 
      for (int i = 0; i < lettersMissed.length(); i++) { 
       score -= MAX_SCORE_POINTS; 

    This method handles an empty string input. For example, 
    if the user were to press enter on input a 0 length String 
    will cause the program to crash. 
    public boolean checkLetter(String letters) { 
     if (letters.length() == 0) { 
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("No letter entered"); 
     return checkLetter(letters.charAt(0)); 

    //This method validates the user guess 
    private char validateGuess(char letter) { 
     //If the character is not a letter 
     if (!Character.isLetter(letter)) { 
      //Ask user for a valid letter 
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("A letter is required!"); 
     //If entry was valid, convert character to lowercase 
     letter = Character.toLowerCase(letter); 

     //Check if the letter has been guessed already 
     if (lettersHit.indexOf(letter) != -1 || lettersMissed.indexOf(letter) != -1) { 
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("The letter " + letter + " has already been guessed"); 
     return letter; 

    //This method keeps track of the user's game progress 
    public String getCurrentProgress() { 
     String progress = ""; 
     //For each character in the array of strings of mAnswer 
     for (char letter : mAnswer.toCharArray()) { 
      char display = '-'; 
      if (lettersHit.indexOf(letter) != -1){ 
       display = letter; 
      progress += display; 
     return progress; 

    //Get the current remaining tries 
    public int getRemainingTries() { 
     return TOTAL_TRIES - lettersMissed.length(); 

    //Get the current answer 
    public String getAnswer() { 
     return mAnswer; 

    //This method checks if the game is won. 
    public boolean isWon() { 
     return getCurrentProgress().indexOf('-') == -1; 

    public int getScore(){ 
     return score; 


package Prompter; 
import Game.Game; 
import java.util.Scanner; 

/* This class is responsible for displaying instructions and information to the user 
* regarding the game. 
public class Prompter { 
    //The game object 
    private Game mGame; 
    private boolean isHit; 
    private boolean acceptable; 

    //Default constructor 
    public Prompter(Game game) { 
     //Get the instance of our game 
     mGame = game; 
     isHit = false; 
     acceptable = false; 

    //This method prompts the user for a guess 
    public boolean promptForGuess() { 
     //Create an instance of scanner 
     Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in); 

     //Loop for input 
     do { 
      System.out.println("Please enter a letter: "); 
      String guess = scanner.nextLine(); 

      try { 
       isHit = mGame.checkLetter(guess); 
       acceptable = true; 
      }catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { 
       System.out.printf("%s. Please try again!%n", iae.getMessage()); 
     } while (!acceptable); 
     return isHit; 

    //This method displays the progress 
    public void displayProgress() { 
     System.out.printf("You have %d tries to guess the answer" + 
       " before you are taken to the gallows. Try to solve: %s%n", mGame.getRemainingTries(), 

    //This method displays the outcome of the game 
    public void displayOutcome() { 
     if(mGame.isWon()) { 
      System.out.printf("Congratulations! you won with %d tries remaining.%n" + 
        "Your total score: %d%n", mGame.getRemainingTries(), mGame.getScore()); 
     }else { 
      System.out.printf("Bummer! The answer was: %s", mGame.getAnswer()); 

あなたはすでに最良の方法を使用しています:String.indexOf()。あなたの**実際の**質問は何ですか?デバッガを使ってコードを1行ずつ実行し、変数の値を調べ、コード内のバグを見つけましたか? –


あなたの 'keepScore'メソッドは間違っています:スコアにすでに見つかっている別の文字の数を10 *追加/削除します。 – Nathan


私はポイントの量を追跡するために文字列の長さを使用しているので、長さは毎回増えて10で乗算されます。文字列の文字のインデックスを取得したいので、答えがNizeetそして私はそれが次のようになると思います:--- ee-したがって、私のポイントは20になります。次の推測、n:n - ee-今私のポイントは30です。これはここでは起こりません。 0、それは常に確かに最初の推測を正しくまたは間違って0として計算されます。 –




private void keepScore(boolean isHit) { 
    if(isHit) { 
     for (int i = 0; i < lettersHit.length(); i++) { 
      score += MAX_SCORE_POINTS; 
    } else { 
     for (int i = 0; i < lettersMissed.length(); i++) { 
      score -= MAX_SCORE_POINTS; 



word to guess: anaconda 

letter: a 
lettersHit = "a", score += (lettersHit.length * 10) = 10 
letter: c 
lettersHit = "ac", score += (lettersHit.length * 10) = 30 

あなただけので、出現数、スコアを取得するためにStringUtils.countMatches(mAnswer, letter);を使用することができます。


さて、これが私の最後のコメントです。 aがヒットすると、1の長さが返されます。しかし、アナコンダには2つのaがあるため、スコアは20になります。どのようにしてそれを行うのですか? –


@ErickRamirez単語の出現回数を取得するには、 'StringUtils.countMatches(mAnswer、letter);'を使用します。次に、その番号を使用する必要があります(0の場合はポイントを推測し、それ以外の場合は10 * numberOfOccurencesを追加します) – Nathan
