2017-01-25 11 views


G:\folder1\file.xls    [email protected] 


Option Explicit 
Sub SO() 
    'clear the existing list here -- not implemented 
    Range("G17:G" & ActiveSheet.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Row).ClearContents 
    Range("V17:V" & ActiveSheet.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Row).ClearContents 
    Range("AD17:AD" & ActiveSheet.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Row).ClearContents 
    Dim pathsEmails As New Dictionary 
    Dim app As New Excel.Application 

    Dim fso As New FileSystemObject 
    Dim weekFolder As Folder 
    'replace 1 with either the name or the index of the worksheet which holds the week folder path 
    'replace B4 with the address of the cell which holds the week folder path 
    Set weekFolder = fso.GetFolder(Worksheets(1).Range("I8").Value) 

    Dim supplierFolder As Folder, fle As file 
    For Each supplierFolder In weekFolder.SubFolders 
     For Each fle In supplierFolder.files 

      'test whether this is an Excel file 
      If fle.Type Like "*Excel*" Then 

       'open the workbook, read and save the email, and close the workbook 
       Dim book As Workbook 
       On Error Resume Next 
       Set book = app.Workbooks.Open(fle.path, , True) 
       pathsEmails(fle.path) = book.Worksheets(1).Range("C15").Value 
       book.Close False 

      End If 



    'copy the paths and emails to the worksheet 
    '(as above) replace 1 with either the name or the index of the worksheet which holds the week folder path 
    'paths are pasted in starting at cell B6, downwards 
    'emails are pasted in starting at cell C6, downwards 
    Worksheets(1).Range("G17").Resize(UBound(pathsEmails.Keys) + 1, 1).Value = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(pathsEmails.Keys) 
    Worksheets(1).Range("V17").Resize(UBound(pathsEmails.Items) + 1, 1).Value = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(pathsEmails.Items) 

    'Clear empty cells 
    On Error Resume Next 
    Range("V17:V" & ActiveSheet.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Row).SpecialCells(xlBlanks).EntireRow.Delete 

End Sub 

file.xls      [email protected] 


replace(pathsEmails(fle.path), "G:\folder1\" , "") 




[email protected]/[email protected] 


[email protected]/[email protected] 



をあなたの結果は、2列(GとV)でoutputedているように見えます、私は正しい?ファイルの完全なパスが不要で、ファイルの名前が同じでない場合は、ファイル名を辞書の 'pathsEmails(fle.name)= book.Worksheets(1).Rangeのキーとして使用できます( "C15")。値。または、 "\" – R3uK


の前にすべてを削除する列をループします。@ R3uKはい列Vに電子メールが含まれ、列Gにブックファイルのパスが含まれます。 – user7415328


OK!あなたは時々同じファイルの名前を持っていますか?また、あなたが投稿したコード以外のファイルの完全なパスを使用する必要がありますか? – R3uK




Option Explicit 
Sub SO() 
    'clear the existing list here -- not implemented 
    Dim wS As Worksheet 
    Dim LastRow As Long 
    Dim i as Long 

    Set wS = ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet 
    With wS 
     LastRow = .Range("G" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row 

     .Range("G17:G" & LastRow).ClearContents 
     .Range("V17:V" & LastRow).ClearContents 
     .Range("AD17:AD" & LastRow).ClearContents 
    End With 

    Dim pathsEmails As New Dictionary 
    Dim app As New Excel.Application 
    Dim fso As New FileSystemObject 
    Dim weekFolder As Folder 
    Dim supplierFolder As Folder 
    Dim fle As File 
    'replace 1 with either the name or the index of the worksheet which holds the week folder path 
    'replace B4 with the address of the cell which holds the week folder path 
    Set weekFolder = fso.GetFolder(wS.Range("I8").Value) 
    For Each supplierFolder In weekFolder.SubFolders 
     For Each fle In supplierFolder.Files 
      'test whether this is an Excel file 
      If fle.Type Like "*Excel*" Then 
       'open the workbook, read and save the email, and close the workbook 
       Dim book As Workbook 
       On Error Resume Next 
       Set book = app.Workbooks.Open(fle.Path, , True) 
       pathsEmails(fle.Name) = book.Worksheets(1).Range("C15").Value 
       book.Close False 
      End If 
     Next fle 
    Next supplierFolder 

    'copy the paths and emails to the worksheet 
    '(as above) replace 1 with either the name or the index of the worksheet which holds the week folder path 
    'paths are pasted in starting at cell B6, downwards 
    'emails are pasted in starting at cell C6, downwards 
    With wS 
     .Range("G17").Resize(UBound(pathsEmails.Keys) + 1, 1).Value = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(pathsEmails.Keys) 
     .Range("V17").Resize(UBound(pathsEmails.Items) + 1, 1).Value = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(pathsEmails.Items) 
     'Clear empty cells 
     On Error Resume Next 
     LastRow = .Range("G" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row 
     For i = 17 To LastRow 
      .Range("V" & i)=Replace(.Range("V" & i),"/",",") 
     Next i 
     .Range("V17:V" & LastRow).SpecialCells(xlBlanks).EntireRow.Delete 
    End With 
End Sub 

これは素晴らしい作品です。もう1つ、時々私はC15のセルに複数の電子メールがあります。更新された質問を参照してください。 – user7415328


@ user7415328:メールを出力した範囲でループして 'Cell = Replace(Cell、"/"、"、 ")';)のようなものを使用する必要があります – R3uK


これは試してみましたが、私にはうまくいかないようです。あなたが提供したコードをこの文脈の中に入れる方法を教えてください。申し訳ありませんが、私はvbaの新品です。 – user7415328


mid(fle.path,11,len(fle.path) - 11)のようなものを使用しないのはなぜですか?

(ない場合は、試してみてください:pathsEmails(Replace(fle.Path,weekFolder.Path,vbNullString)) = book.Worksheets(1).Range("C15").Value)キーとしてファイルの名前を使用して


フォルダでループするので、偶然に同じ長さの名前が付けられていない限り、これは機能しません。 – R3uK
