2017-06-02 5 views


import java.util.List; 
import java.util.Random; 

import shared.Planet; 
import shared.PlanetWars; 

public class MyNewBot { 

public static void doTurn(PlanetWars pw) { 
    // (1) If we currently have a fleet in flight, then do nothing until 
    // it arrives. 
    if (pw.myFleets().size() >= 10) { 

    // (2) Pick one of my planets based on the number of ships 

    Planet source = null; 
    int largestForce = 0; 
    for (Planet p : pw.myPlanets()){ 
     int force = pw.numShips(); 
     if(force > largestForce){ 
      largestForce = force; 
      source = p; 

    // (3) Pick a target planet at random. 
    Planet dest = null; 
    int highestGrowthRate = 0; 
    int shortestDistance = 9999; 
    for (Planet p = pw.notMyPlanets()){ 
     int growthRate = pw.growthRate(); 
     if(growthRate > highestGrowthRate){ 
      highestGrowthRate = growthRate; 
      dest = p; 
     }else if (growthRate == highestGrowthRate){ 
      int distance = pw.distance(source,p); 
      if (distance < shortestDistance){ 
       shortestDistance = distance; 
       dest = p; 

    // (4) Send half the ships from source to destination. 
    if (source != null && dest != null) { 
     int numShips = source.numShips()/2; 
     pw.issueOrder(source, dest, numShips); 

// Ignore the main method unless you know what you're doing. 
// Refer to the doTurn function to code your bot. 
public static void main(String[] args) { 
    String line = ""; 
    String message = ""; 
    int c; 
    try { 
     while ((c = System.in.read()) >= 0) { 
      switch (c) { 
      case '\n': 
       if (line.equals("go")) { 
        PlanetWars pw = new PlanetWars(message); 
        message = ""; 
       } else { 
        message += line + "\n"; 
       line = ""; 
       line += (char) c; 
    } catch (Exception e) { 
     // Owned. 



package shared; 
public class Planet implements Cloneable { 

private int planetID; 
private int owner; 
private int numShips; 
private int growthRate; 
private double x, y; 

public Planet(int planetID, int owner, int numShips, int growthRate, 
     double x, double y) { 
    this.planetID = planetID; 
    this.owner = owner; 
    this.numShips = numShips; 
    this.growthRate = growthRate; 
    this.x = x; 
    this.y = y; 

public int planetID() { 
    return planetID; 

public int owner() { 
    return owner; 

public int numShips() { 
    return numShips; 

public int growthRate() { 
    return growthRate; 

public double x() { 
    return x; 

public double y() { 
    return y; 

public void owner(int newOwner) { 
    this.owner = newOwner; 

public void numShips(int newNumShips) { 
    this.numShips = newNumShips; 

public void addShips(int amount) { 
    numShips += amount; 

public void removeShips(int amount) { 
    numShips -= amount; 

private Planet(Planet _p) { 
    planetID = _p.planetID; 
    owner = _p.owner; 
    numShips = _p.numShips; 
    growthRate = _p.growthRate; 
    x = _p.x; 
    y = _p.y; 

public Object clone() { 
    return new Planet(this); 

package shared; 

import java.util.ArrayList; 
import java.util.List; 
import java.util.Set; 
import java.util.TreeSet; 

public class PlanetWars { 
// Constructs a PlanetWars object instance, given a string containing a 
// description of a game state. 
public PlanetWars(String gameStateString) { 
    planets = new ArrayList<Planet>(); 
    fleets = new ArrayList<Fleet>(); 

// Returns the number of planets. Planets are numbered starting with 0. 
public int numPlanets() { 
    return planets.size(); 

// Returns the planet with the given planet_id. There are NumPlanets() 
// planets. They are numbered starting at 0. 
public Planet getPlanet(int planetID) { 
    return planets.get(planetID); 

// Returns the number of fleets. 
public int numFleets() { 
    return fleets.size(); 

// Returns the fleet with the given fleet_id. Fleets are numbered starting 
// with 0. There are NumFleets() fleets. fleet_id's are not consistent from 
// one turn to the next. 
public Fleet getFleet(int fleetID) { 
    return fleets.get(fleetID); 

// Returns a list of all the planets. 
public List<Planet> planets() { 
    return planets; 

// Return a list of all the planets owned by the current player. By 
// convention, the current player is always player number 1. 
public List<Planet> myPlanets() { 
    List<Planet> r = new ArrayList<Planet>(); 
    for (Planet p : planets) { 
     if (p.owner() == 1) { 
    return r; 

// Return a list of all neutral planets. 
public List<Planet> neutralPlanets() { 
    List<Planet> r = new ArrayList<Planet>(); 
    for (Planet p : planets) { 
     if (p.owner() == 0) { 
    return r; 

// Return a list of all the planets owned by rival players. This excludes 
// planets owned by the current player, as well as neutral planets. 
public List<Planet> enemyPlanets() { 
    List<Planet> r = new ArrayList<Planet>(); 
    for (Planet p : planets) { 
     if (p.owner() >= 2) { 
    return r; 

// Return a list of all the planets that are not owned by the current 
// player. This includes all enemy planets and neutral planets. 
public List<Planet> notMyPlanets() { 
    List<Planet> r = new ArrayList<Planet>(); 
    for (Planet p : planets) { 
     if (p.owner() != 1) { 
    return r; 

// Return a list of all the fleets. 
public List<Fleet> fleets() { 
    List<Fleet> r = new ArrayList<Fleet>(); 
    for (Fleet f : fleets) { 
    return r; 

// Return a list of all the fleets owned by the current player. 
public List<Fleet> myFleets() { 
    List<Fleet> r = new ArrayList<Fleet>(); 
    for (Fleet f : fleets) { 
     if (f.owner() == 1) { 
    return r; 

// Return a list of all the fleets owned by enemy players. 
public List<Fleet> enemyFleets() { 
    List<Fleet> r = new ArrayList<Fleet>(); 
    for (Fleet f : fleets) { 
     if (f.owner() != 1) { 
    return r; 

// Returns the distance between two planets, rounded up to the next highest 
// integer. This is the number of discrete time steps it takes to get 
// between the two planets. 
public int distance(int sourcePlanet, int destinationPlanet) { 
    Planet source = planets.get(sourcePlanet); 
    Planet destination = planets.get(destinationPlanet); 
    double dx = source.x() - destination.x(); 
    double dy = source.y() - destination.y(); 
    return (int) Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy)); 

// Returns the distance between two planets, rounded up to the next highest 
// integer. This is the number of discrete time steps it takes to get 
// between the two planets. 
public int distance(Planet source, Planet destination) { 
    double dx = source.x() - destination.x(); 
    double dy = source.y() - destination.y(); 
    return (int) Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy)); 

// Sends an order to the game engine. An order is composed of a source 
// planet number, a destination planet number, and a number of ships. A 
// few things to keep in mind: 
// * you can issue many orders per turn if you like. 
// * the planets are numbered starting at zero, not one. 
// * you must own the source planet. If you break this rule, the game 
// engine kicks your bot out of the game instantly. 
// * you can't move more ships than are currently on the source planet. 
// * the ships will take a few turns to reach their destination. Travel 
// is not instant. See the Distance() function for more info. 
public void issueOrder(int sourcePlanet, int destinationPlanet, int 
numShips) { 
    System.out.println("" + sourcePlanet + " " + destinationPlanet + " " 
      + numShips); 

// Sends an order to the game engine. An order is composed of a source 
// planet number, a destination planet number, and a number of ships. A 
// few things to keep in mind: 
// * you can issue many orders per turn if you like. 
// * the planets are numbered starting at zero, not one. 
// * you must own the source planet. If you break this rule, the game 
// engine kicks your bot out of the game instantly. 
// * you can't move more ships than are currently on the source planet. 
// * the ships will take a few turns to reach their destination. Travel 
// is not instant. See the Distance() function for more info. 
public void issueOrder(Planet source, Planet dest, int numShips) { 
    System.out.println("" + source.planetID() + " " + dest.planetID() + " " 
      + numShips); 

// Sends the game engine a message to let it know that we're done sending 
// orders. This signifies the end of our turn. 
public void finishTurn() { 

// Returns true if the named player owns at least one planet or fleet. 
// Otherwise, the player is deemed to be dead and false is returned. 
public boolean isAlive(int playerID) { 
    for (Planet p : planets) { 
     if (p.owner() == playerID) { 
      return true; 
    for (Fleet f : fleets) { 
     if (f.owner() == playerID) { 
      return true; 
    return false; 

// If the game is not yet over (ie: at least two players have planets or 
// fleets remaining), returns -1. If the game is over (ie: only one player 
// is left) then that player's number is returned. If there are no 
// remaining players, then the game is a draw and 0 is returned. 
public int winner() { 
    Set<Integer> remainingPlayers = new TreeSet<Integer>(); 
    for (Planet p : planets) { 
    for (Fleet f : fleets) { 
    switch (remainingPlayers.size()) { 
    case 0: 
     return 0; 
    case 1: 
     return ((Integer) remainingPlayers.toArray()[0]).intValue(); 
     return -1; 

// Returns the number of ships that the current player has, either located 
// on planets or in flight. 
public int numShips(int playerID) { 
    int numShips = 0; 
    for (Planet p : planets) { 
     if (p.owner() == playerID) { 
      numShips += p.numShips(); 
    for (Fleet f : fleets) { 
     if (f.owner() == playerID) { 
      numShips += f.numShips(); 
    return numShips; 

// Returns the production of the given player. 
public int production(int playerID) { 
    int prod = 0; 
    for (Planet p : planets) { 
     if (p.owner() == playerID) { 
      prod += p.growthRate(); 
    return prod; 

// Parses a game state from a string. On success, returns 1. On failure, 
// returns 0. 
private int parseGameState(String s) { 
    int planetID = 0; 
    String[] lines = s.split("\n"); 
    for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; ++i) { 
     String line = lines[i]; 
     int commentBegin = line.indexOf('#'); 
     if (commentBegin >= 0) { 
      line = line.substring(0, commentBegin); 
     if (line.trim().length() == 0) { 
     String[] tokens = line.split(" "); 
     if (tokens.length == 0) { 
     if (tokens[0].equals("P")) { 
      if (tokens.length != 6) { 
       return 0; 
      double x = Double.parseDouble(tokens[1]); 
      double y = Double.parseDouble(tokens[2]); 
      int owner = Integer.parseInt(tokens[3]); 
      int numShips = Integer.parseInt(tokens[4]); 
      int growthRate = Integer.parseInt(tokens[5]); 
      Planet p = new Planet(planetID++, owner, numShips, growthRate, 
        x, y); 
     } else if (tokens[0].equals("F")) { 
      if (tokens.length != 7) { 
       return 0; 
      int owner = Integer.parseInt(tokens[1]); 
      int numShips = Integer.parseInt(tokens[2]); 
      int source = Integer.parseInt(tokens[3]); 
      int destination = Integer.parseInt(tokens[4]); 
      int totalTripLength = Integer.parseInt(tokens[5]); 
      int turnsRemaining = Integer.parseInt(tokens[6]); 
      Fleet f = new Fleet(owner, numShips, source, destination, 
        totalTripLength, turnsRemaining); 
     } else { 
      return 0; 
    return 1; 

// Store all the planets and fleets. OMG we wouldn't wanna lose all the 
// planets and fleets, would we!? 
private ArrayList<Planet> planets; 
private ArrayList<Fleet> fleets; 

package shared; 
public class Fleet implements Comparable<Fleet>, Cloneable { 

private int owner; 
private int numShips; 
private int sourcePlanet; 
private int destinationPlanet; 
private int totalTripLength; 
private int turnsRemaining; 

public Fleet(int owner, int numShips, int sourcePlanet, 
     int destinationPlanet, int totalTripLength, int turnsRemaining) { 
    this.owner = owner; 
    this.numShips = numShips; 
    this.sourcePlanet = sourcePlanet; 
    this.destinationPlanet = destinationPlanet; 
    this.totalTripLength = totalTripLength; 
    this.turnsRemaining = turnsRemaining; 

public Fleet(int owner, int numShips) { 
    this.owner = owner; 
    this.numShips = numShips; 
    this.sourcePlanet = -1; 
    this.destinationPlanet = -1; 
    this.totalTripLength = -1; 
    this.turnsRemaining = -1; 

public int owner() { 
    return owner; 

public int numShips() { 
    return numShips; 

public int sourcePlanet() { 
    return sourcePlanet; 

public int destinationPlanet() { 
    return destinationPlanet; 

public int totalTripLength() { 
    return totalTripLength; 

public int turnsRemaining() { 
    return turnsRemaining; 

public void removeShips(int amount) { 
    numShips -= amount; 

// Subtracts one turn remaining. Call this function to make the fleet get 
// one turn closer to its destination. 
public void TimeStep() { 
    if (turnsRemaining > 0) { 
    } else { 
     turnsRemaining = 0; 

public int compareTo(Fleet f) { 
    return this.numShips - f.numShips; 

private Fleet(Fleet _f) { 
    owner = _f.owner; 
    numShips = _f.numShips; 
    sourcePlanet = _f.sourcePlanet; 
    destinationPlanet = _f.destinationPlanet; 
    totalTripLength = _f.totalTripLength; 
    turnsRemaining = _f.turnsRemaining; 

public Object clone() { 
    return new Fleet(this); 

このようなエラーが発生するのはどの回線ですか? –



for (Planet p = pw.notMyPlanets()){for (Planet p : pw.notMyPlanets()){でなければなりません。
