2017-08-31 4 views


var obj = JSON.parse(
    '{"single": [{"id": 1,"question": "this is a question1?","option": ["option1","option2","option3","option4"]},{"id": 2,"question": "this is a question2?","option": ["option1","option2","option3","option4"]},{"id": 3,"question": "this is a question3?","option": ["option1","option2","option3","option4"]},{"id": 4,"question": "this is a question4?","option": ["optionu1","optionu2","optionu3","optionu4"]}],"multiple": [{"id": 1,"question": "this is a multiple question1?","option": ["optionm1","option2lj","option3","option4"]},{"id": 2,"question": "this is a multiple question2?","option": ["optionm1","option2j","option3","option4"]},{"id": 3,"question": "this is a multiple question3?","option": ["optionm1","option2gg","option3","option4"]},{"id": 4,"question": "this is a multiple question4?","option": ["optionm1","option2h","option3","option4"]}],"integer": [{"id": 1,"question": "this is a int question1?"},{"id": 2,"question": "this is a int question2?"},{"id": 3,"question": "this is a int question3?"},{"id": 4,"question": "this is a int question4?"}]}' 
var s = [0, 0]; //only single correct; 
var t = []; //only multiple choice 
var u = []; //only numeric type 
$(document).ready(function() { 
function my(check, sub, err) { 
    console.log(check + " " + sub + " " + err); 
    var f = 0; 
    if (document.getElementById("test" + check - 3).checked) { 
    f = 1; 
    s[0] = 1; 
    } else if (document.getElementById("test" + check - 2).checked) { 
    f = 1; 
    s[0] = 2; 
    } else if (document.getElementById("test" + check - 1).checked) { 
    f = 1; 
    s[0] = 3; 
    } else if (document.getElementById("test" + check).checked) { 
    f = 1; 
    s[0] = 4; 
    } else { 
    $("#error" + err).show(); 
    document.getElementById("submit" + sub).disabled = true; 
     .text("Your answer has been successfully submitted."); 

function read() { 
    var pages = obj.single; 
    var x = 4; //for tests and creating new ID's 
    var sub = 1; //for submission 
    var err = 1; //for errors 
    pages.forEach(function(page) { 
    var test = 
     "<div class='row'>" + 
     "<div class='col s12 m12'>" + 
     "<div class='card teal accent-1 hoverable' id='car'>" + 
     "<div class='card-content center-align'>" + 
     "<span class='card-title'>" + 
     "Question " + 
     page.id + 
     "</span>" + 
     "<form action='#'>" + 
     "<p>" + 
     page.question + 
     "</p>" + 
     "<p><input name='group1' type='radio' id='test" + 
     (x - 3) + 
     "'/>" + 
     "<label for='test" + 
     (x - 3) + 
     "'>" + 
     page.option[0] + 
     "</label></p>" + 
     "<p><input name='group1' type='radio' id='test" + 
     (x - 2) + 
     "'/>" + 
     "<label for='test" + 
     (x - 2) + 
     "'>" + 
     page.option[1] + 
     "</label></p>" + 
     "<p><input name='group1' type='radio' id='test" + 
     (x - 1) + 
     "'/>" + 
     "<label for='test" + 
     (x - 1) + 
     "'>" + 
     page.option[2] + 
     "</label></p>" + 
     "<p><input name='group1' type='radio' id='test" + 
     x + 
     "'/>" + 
     "<label for='test" + 
     x + 
     "'>" + 
     page.option[3] + 
     "</label></p>" + 
     "</form>" + 
     "<h6 id='error" + 
     err + 
     "'>Please select an option</h6>" + 
     "</div>" + 
     "<div class='card-action center'>" + 
     "<button class='btn' onclick='my(" + 
     x + 
     "," + 
     sub + 
     "," + 
     err + 
     ")' id='submit" + 
     sub + 
     "'>Submit</button>" + 
     "</div>" + 
     "</div>" + 
     "</div>" + 
    x += 4; 
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> 
<div class="container"></div>

また、私は私のコードでmaterialize.cssを使用しています。 私の問題は、送信機能を何も働かないでクリックした後です。それは関数に入りますが、ユーザがラジオボタンをチェックしていないかどうかをチェックしません(私はjqueryメソッドが動作することを認めません)。 If私は関数を$(document).ready()メソッドに置きます。私の関数は動作しませんが、そこに置かれた単一のjQueryイベントは動作します。私は本当に困っています。 ありがとうございます。


? – Barmar


これはあまりにも複雑に見えます。動的要素にイベントをバインドする方法を参照してください。https://stackoverflow.com/questions/203198/event-binding-on-dynamically-created-elements – Barmar


.containerメソッドを追加しました。もう一度確認してください。 –



オペレータの優先順位の問題があります。加算と減算は左結合であるため、"test" + check - 3が最初に"test" + checkになり、それから3が減算されます。しかし、"test4" - 3は意味がありません。文字列から数値を引くことはできません。デフォルトを上書きするには括弧が必要です("test" + (check -3))ので、最初に減算してから結果を連結します。 `あなたのHTMLに.container`さ

var obj = JSON.parse(
    '{"single": [{"id": 1,"question": "this is a question1?","option": ["option1","option2","option3","option4"]},{"id": 2,"question": "this is a question2?","option": ["option1","option2","option3","option4"]},{"id": 3,"question": "this is a question3?","option": ["option1","option2","option3","option4"]},{"id": 4,"question": "this is a question4?","option": ["optionu1","optionu2","optionu3","optionu4"]}],"multiple": [{"id": 1,"question": "this is a multiple question1?","option": ["optionm1","option2lj","option3","option4"]},{"id": 2,"question": "this is a multiple question2?","option": ["optionm1","option2j","option3","option4"]},{"id": 3,"question": "this is a multiple question3?","option": ["optionm1","option2gg","option3","option4"]},{"id": 4,"question": "this is a multiple question4?","option": ["optionm1","option2h","option3","option4"]}],"integer": [{"id": 1,"question": "this is a int question1?"},{"id": 2,"question": "this is a int question2?"},{"id": 3,"question": "this is a int question3?"},{"id": 4,"question": "this is a int question4?"}]}' 
var s = [0, 0]; //only single correct; 
var t = []; //only multiple choice 
var u = []; //only numeric type 
$(document).ready(function() { 
function my(check, sub, err) { 
    console.log(check + " " + sub + " " + err); 
    var f = 0; 
    if (document.getElementById("test" + (check - 3)).checked) { 
    f = 1; 
    s[0] = 1; 
    } else if (document.getElementById("test" + (check - 2)).checked) { 
    f = 1; 
    s[0] = 2; 
    } else if (document.getElementById("test" + (check - 1)).checked) { 
    f = 1; 
    s[0] = 3; 
    } else if (document.getElementById("test" + check).checked) { 
    f = 1; 
    s[0] = 4; 
    } else { 
    $("#error" + err).show(); 
    document.getElementById("submit" + sub).disabled = true; 
     .text("Your answer has been successfully submitted."); 

function read() { 
    var pages = obj.single; 
    var x = 4; //for tests and creating new ID's 
    var sub = 1; //for submission 
    var err = 1; //for errors 
    pages.forEach(function(page) { 
    var test = 
     "<div class='row'>" + 
     "<div class='col s12 m12'>" + 
     "<div class='card teal accent-1 hoverable' id='car'>" + 
     "<div class='card-content center-align'>" + 
     "<span class='card-title'>" + 
     "Question " + 
     page.id + 
     "</span>" + 
     "<form action='#'>" + 
     "<p>" + 
     page.question + 
     "</p>" + 
     "<p><input name='group1' type='radio' id='test" + 
     (x - 3) + 
     "'/>" + 
     "<label for='test" + 
     (x - 3) + 
     "'>" + 
     page.option[0] + 
     "</label></p>" + 
     "<p><input name='group1' type='radio' id='test" + 
     (x - 2) + 
     "'/>" + 
     "<label for='test" + 
     (x - 2) + 
     "'>" + 
     page.option[1] + 
     "</label></p>" + 
     "<p><input name='group1' type='radio' id='test" + 
     (x - 1) + 
     "'/>" + 
     "<label for='test" + 
     (x - 1) + 
     "'>" + 
     page.option[2] + 
     "</label></p>" + 
     "<p><input name='group1' type='radio' id='test" + 
     x + 
     "'/>" + 
     "<label for='test" + 
     x + 
     "'>" + 
     page.option[3] + 
     "</label></p>" + 
     "</form>" + 
     "<h6 id='error" + 
     err + 
     "'>Please select an option</h6>" + 
     "</div>" + 
     "<div class='card-action center'>" + 
     "<button class='btn' onclick='my(" + 
     x + 
     "," + 
     sub + 
     "," + 
     err + 
     ")' id='submit" + 
     sub + 
     "'>Submit</button>" + 
     "</div>" + 
     "</div>" + 
     "</div>" + 
    x += 4; 
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> 
<div class="container"></div>


それは完全に働いた。私は問題がダイナミックに作成された要素のイベントバインディングの領域にあったと思ったが、あなたは完全に私の一日を節約する:) –


私はまだあなたが間違った方法について行っていると思う。そのインラインJavascriptのすべてではなく、クラスとイベントの委譲を使用します。 – Barmar


あなたは私に方法を教えてください。私はまだ混乱しています。 –
