2016-10-06 18 views

Terraformを使用してRDSにSQLサーバーデータベースを作成します。私はテラフォームファイルを適用することによって、このエラーを取得するTerraformを使用してSQL Server RDSインスタンスを作成する

### RDS ### 

# Subnet Group 
resource "aws_db_subnet_group" "private" { 
    name = "db_arcgis-${var.env_name}-dbsubnet" 
    description = "Subnet Group for Arcgis ${var.env_tag}} DB" 
    subnet_ids = ["${aws_subnet.public1.id}", "${aws_subnet.public2.id}"] 

tags { 
    Env = "${var.env_tag}" 

# RDS DB parameter group 
# Must enabled triggers to allow Multi-AZ 
resource "aws_db_parameter_group" "allow_triggers" { 
    name = "arcgis-${var.env_name}-allow-triggers" 
    family = "sqlserver-se-12.0" 
    description = "Parameter Group for Arcgis ${var.env_tag} to allow triggers" 

    parameter { 
    name = "log_bin_trust_function_creators" 
    value = "1" 

    tags { 
    Env = "${var.env_tag}" 

# RDS 
resource "aws_db_instance" "main" { 
    allocated_storage = "${var.db_size}" 
    engine    = "${var.db_engine}" 
    engine_version  = "${var.db_version}" 
    instance_class  = "${var.db_instance}" 
    identifier    = "arcgis-${var.env_name}-db" 
    name     = "${var.db_name}" 
    username    = "${var.db_username}" 
    password    = "${var.db_password}" 
    db_subnet_group_name = "${aws_db_subnet_group.private.id}" 
    parameter_group_name = "${aws_db_parameter_group.allow_triggers.id}" 
    multi_az   = "${var.db_multiaz}" 
    vpc_security_group_ids = ["${aws_security_group.private_rds.id}"] 
    #availability_zone  = "${var.vpc_az1}" 
    publicly_accessible = "true" 
    backup_retention_period = "2" 

    apply_immediately = "true" 

    tags { 
    Env = "${var.env_tag}" 

Error applying plan: 

1 error(s) occurred: 

* aws_db_parameter_group.allow_triggers: Error modifying DB Parameter Group: InvalidParameterValue: Could not find parameter with name: log_bin_trust_function_creators 
    status code: 400, request id: d298ab14-8b94-11e6-a088-31e21873c378 




$ aws rds describe-db-parameters --db-parameter-group-name test-sqlserver-se-12-0 --query 'Parameters[*].ParameterName' 
    "access check cache bucket count", 
    "access check cache quota", 
    "ad hoc distributed queries", 
    "affinity i/o mask", 
    "affinity mask", 
    "agent xps", 
    "allow updates", 
    "backup compression default", 
    "blocked process threshold (s)", 
    "c2 audit mode", 
    "clr enabled", 
    "contained database authentication", 
    "cost threshold for parallelism", 
    "cross db ownership chaining", 
    "cursor threshold", 
    "database mail xps", 
    "default full-text language", 
    "default language", 
    "default trace enabled", 
    "disallow results from triggers", 
    "filestream access level", 
    "fill factor (%)", 
    "ft crawl bandwidth (max)", 
    "ft crawl bandwidth (min)", 
    "ft notify bandwidth (max)", 
    "ft notify bandwidth (min)", 
    "in-doubt xact resolution", 
    "index create memory (kb)", 
    "lightweight pooling", 
    "max degree of parallelism", 
    "max full-text crawl range", 
    "max server memory (mb)", 
    "max text repl size (b)", 
    "max worker threads", 
    "media retention", 
    "min memory per query (kb)", 
    "min server memory (mb)", 
    "nested triggers", 
    "network packet size (b)", 
    "ole automation procedures", 
    "open objects", 
    "optimize for ad hoc workloads", 
    "ph timeout (s)", 
    "priority boost", 
    "query governor cost limit", 
    "query wait (s)", 
    "recovery interval (min)", 
    "remote access", 
    "remote admin connections", 
    "remote login timeout (s)", 
    "remote proc trans", 
    "remote query timeout (s)", 
    "replication xps", 
    "scan for startup procs", 
    "server trigger recursion", 
    "set working set size", 
    "show advanced options", 
    "smo and dmo xps", 
    "transform noise words", 
    "two digit year cutoff", 
    "user connections", 
    "user options", 


$ aws rds describe-db-parameters --db-parameter-group-name default.mysql5.6 --query 'Parameters[*].ParameterName' 