2017-11-16 11 views

ADYEN経由で(テスト)支払いを行うためにJSON APIを使用しようとしています。 。Adyen ERROR:[ステータス] => 403 [エラーコード] => 010 [メッセージ] =>セキュリティ[0125] [エラータイプ] =>セキュリティ

* Create Payment through the API (HTTP Post) 
* Please note: using our API requires a web service user. Set up your Webservice 
* user: Adyen Test CA >> Settings >> Users >> [email protected] >> Generate Password >> Submit 
* @author Created by Adyen - Payments Made Easy 

    * A payment can be submitted by sending a PaymentRequest 
    * to the authorise action of the web service, the request should 
    * contain the following variables: 
    * - merchantAccount: The merchant account the payment was processed with. 
    * - amount: The amount of the payment 
    *  - currency: the currency of the payment 
    *  - amount: the amount of the payment 
    * - reference: Your reference 
    * - shopperIP: The IP address of the shopper (optional/recommended) 
    * - shopperEmail: The e-mail address of the shopper 
    * - shopperReference: The shopper reference, i.e. the shopper ID 
    * - fraudOffset: Numeric value that will be added to the fraud score (optional) 
    * - card 
    *  - expiryMonth: The expiration date's month written as a 2-digit string, padded with 0 if required (e.g. 03 or 12). 
    *  - expiryYear: The expiration date's year written as in full. e.g. 2016. 
    *  - holderName: The card holder's name, aas embossed on the card. 
    *  - number: The card number. 
    *  - cvc: The card validation code. This is the the CVC2 code (for MasterCard), CVV2 (for Visa) or CID (for American Express). 
    * - billingAddress: we advice you to submit billingAddress data if available for risk checks; 
    * - street: The street name 
    * - postalCode: The postal/zip code. 
    * - city: The city 
    * - houseNumberOrName: 
    * - stateOrProvince: The house number 
    * - country: The country 

$request =array(
    "merchantAccount" => "[YourMerchantAccount]", 
    "amount" => array(
    "currency" => "EUR", 
    "value" => "199" 
    "reference" => "TEST-PAYMENT-" . date("Y-m-d-H:i:s"), 
    "shopperIP" => "", 
    "shopperReference" => "YourReference", 
    "billingAddress" => array(
    "street" => "Simon Carmiggeltstraat", 
     "postalCode" => "1011DJ", 
     "city" => "Amsterdam", 
     "houseNumberOrName" => "6-60", 
     "stateOrProvince" => "NH", 
     "country" => "NL" 
    "card" => array(
     "expiryMonth" => "08", 
     "expiryYear" => "2018", 
     "holderName" => "Test Card Holder", 
     "number" => "4111111111111111", 
     "cvc" => "737" 

$ch = curl_init(); 
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "https://pal-test.adyen.com/pal/servlet/Payment/v25/authorise"); 
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, false); 
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, "YourWSUser:YourWSUserPassword"); 
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST,count(json_encode($request))); 
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,json_encode($request)); 
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); 
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER,array("Content-type: application/json")); 

$result = curl_exec($ch); 

if($result === false) 
    echo "Error: " . curl_error($ch); 
    * If the payment passes validation a risk analysis will be done and, depending on the 
    * outcome, an authorisation will be attempted. You receive a 
    * payment response with the following fields: 
    * - pspReference: The reference we assigned to the payment; 
    * - resultCode: The result of the payment. One of Authorised, Refused or Error; 
    * - authCode: An authorisation code if the payment was successful, or blank otherwise; 
    * - refusalReason: If the payment was refused, the refusal reason. 



は、誰もが、私は「 私はこの問題を解決する方法の前に、この問題に直面している: - > Adyen - > adyen-PHP-サンプル・コードここで

コード(私はGitHubのからこの例を持っています? githubののほぼすべての例で使用しましたが、文書化されているわずか数の誤差があり、残りは....何..



有効なアカウントをお持ちですか?あなたの資格は正しいですか? –


はい、実際にはテストアカウントです。そして信任状は正しいです。私が知る限り、私はws @ company ----ユーザーとそのパスワード(生成されたパスワード)を入れなければなりません しかし、まだ問題は表示されます – DuliNini



ありがとうごユーザーに未処理のカードの詳細を処理する権限がありません。生のカード情報には完全なPCI準拠が必要です(SAQ D)。これがあなたの場合は、[email protected]にアクセスして、そのアカウントで許可を有効にするようリクエストしてください。

そうでない場合は、AdyenのCSEソリューションを使用できます。 Docs herePHP example here
