2016-09-20 3 views



ご質問はわずか不明であるが、私はそれはあなたが前<span class="cursor">textNodehere text nodeのテキストを含む)を回収したいことを意味すると解釈していますか?その場合は


// here we find the '.cursor' element, and then 
// using prop('previousSibling') we recover the 
// previousSibling node of the first '.cursor' 
// in the collection: 
var node = $('.cursor').prop('previousSibling'), 

// here we recover the nodeValue (the text) of the 
// recovered previousSibling (textNode) node: 
    text = node.nodeValue; 

<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> 
<p><ins>this is sample text</ins> here text node <span class='cursor'></span><ins>last word</ins>

複数<span class="cursor">の要素を持っている場合は、むしろ、そのようなすべてのtextNode Sを回復したい場合は、を我々代わりに、使用することができます。

// here we again select all '.cursor' elements, and then 
// filter that collection, using filter(): 
var nodes = $('.cursor').filter(function() { 
    // we retain only those elements for which the 
    // following statement returns a truthy statement, 
    // if there is no previousSibling the evaluation 
    // results in null, and so is discarded: 
    return this.previousSibling; 
    // here we use map() to create an array-like 
    // structure: 
    }).map(function() { 

    // here we return the previousSibling node 
    // to the collection: 
    return this.previousSibling; 

    // here we create an array-like collection 
    // of the text of those found nodes, using map(): 
    text = nodes.map(function() { 

    // returning the nodeValue (the text) of the node: 
    return this.nodeValue; 

    // using get() to convert the array-like collection 
    // into an Array: 

<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> 
<p><ins>this is sample text</ins> here text node <span class='cursor'></span><ins>last word</ins> 
<p><span class='cursor'></span><ins>last word</ins> 
<p><ins>this is sample text</ins> here is another text node <span class='cursor'></span><ins>last word</ins> 


// here we use Array.from() to convert the Array-like collection 
// returned by document.querySelectorAll() into an Array: 
var cursors = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.cursor')), 

    // here we filter the Array of cursor element-nodes 
    // using Array.prototype.filter(): 
    nodes = cursors.filter(function(cursorNode) { 
    // cursorNode is a reference to the current 
    // node of the Array of nodes over which we're 
    // iterating. 

    // here we retain only those cursorNodes that 
    // have a previous sibling: 
    return cursorNode.previousSibling; 

    // using Array.prototype.map() to create an Array: 
    }).map(function(cursorNode) { 

    // returning the previous sibling of the 
    // current cursorNode to the newly-formed 
    // Array: 
    return cursorNode.previousSibling; 

    // here we iterate over the nodesArray, again 
    // using Array.prototype.map(): 
    text = nodes.map(function(node) { 
    // node is a reference to the current node 
    // of the array of nodes over which we're 
    // currently iterating. 

    // here we return the nodeValue of the current node: 
    return node.nodeValue; 

<p><ins>this is sample text</ins> here text node <span class='cursor'></span><ins>last word</ins> 
<p><span class='cursor'></span><ins>last word</ins> 
<p><ins>this is sample text</ins> here is another text node <span class='cursor'></span><ins>last word</ins> 


var previousTexts = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.cursor')) 
    .filter(function(cursorNode) { 
    return cursorNode.previousSibling; 
    }).map(function(cursorNode) { 
    return cursorNode.previousSibling.nodeValue; 

<p><ins>this is sample text</ins> here text node <span class='cursor'></span><ins>last word</ins> 
<p><span class='cursor'></span><ins>last word</ins> 
<p><ins>this is sample text</ins> here is another text node <span class='cursor'></span><ins>last word</ins> 


var previousTexts = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.cursor')) 
    .filter(cursorNode => cursorNode.previousSibling) 
    .map(cursorNode => cursorNode.previousSibling.nodeValue); 

<p><ins>this is sample text</ins> here text node <span class='cursor'></span><ins>last word</ins> 
<p><span class='cursor'></span><ins>last word</ins> 
<p><ins>this is sample text</ins> here is another text node <span class='cursor'></span><ins>last word</ins> 



SOそれに値するすべての注目を集めていない上の偉大な答えを見て、まだ悲しい..です: –


他の答えは、限られたケースでは理解して実装するのがはるかに簡単です。私はOPや将来の来場者が複数のinsta 'previousSibling'要素を取り出す必要がある要素の数は、この答えを見つけてそれに応じてアップフォートする可能性があります。私たちは長い試合をします、ウォルフさん! ;) –



<p><ins>this is sample text</ins> here text node <span class='cursor'></span><ins>last word</ins>


Internet Explorer 8以降のユーザーに[問題が発生する可能性があります](http://caniuse.com/#search=getelementsbyclassname)。奇妙にも十分な 'document.querySelectorAll( '。cursor')'は、[バージョン8以上で]少なくとも互換性があります。(http://caniuse.com/#search=queryselectorall)、確かに小さなユーザベースそれはおそらくほとんど重要ではないでしょう。 –
