2016-06-23 5 views

私の問題は、エンティティタスクとエンティティUser(Author)の間に双方向のoneToMany関係があることです。これは、スプリング・レストとバネ・データjpaを使用したスプリング・ブート・プロジェクトで実現されています。私がPOSTリクエストでユーザを作成するとうまく動作します。 Author(User)インスタンスなしのTaskを作成した場合も同じです。私はそれを問題なく作り出すことができます。その後、PUTを実行して、ユーザーインスタンスを使用してタスクの作成者を更新しようとします。 Webservice ist 200の答えです。私はまた、タスクテーブルの著者列のユーザーIDを持つデータベースにエントリを持っています。しかし、すべてのユーザーやタスクを取得するGET-Requestを実行すると、何ももう機能しません。郵便配達員はBad Arrayのようなものだけを表示します。そしてなぜ私は考えていない。データベース内のタスクを削除すると、すべて正常に動作します。誰かアイデアを持っている理由は何ですか?ここで クラス:Spring RESTでOneToMany関係を更新する

public class User { 
private Long id; 

private boolean confirmed; 

@Column(name = "EMAIL",nullable = false) 
private String email; 

@Column(name = "USERNAME",nullable = false) 
private String userName; 

@Column(name="PASSWORD",nullable = false) 
private String password; 

private Long creationTime; 

@OneToMany(cascade=CascadeType.ALL, mappedBy="author",fetch=FetchType.EAGER) 
private Set<Task>assignedTasks; 

@OneToMany(cascade=CascadeType.ALL, mappedBy="assignee",fetch=FetchType.EAGER) 
private Set<Task>createdTasks; 

public User() { 

public Long getId() { 
    return id; 

public void setId(Long id) { 
    this.id = id; 

public String getEmail() { 
    return email; 

public void setEmail(String email) { 
    this.email = email; 

public String getUserName() { 
    return userName; 

public void setUserName(String userName) { 
    this.userName = userName; 

public String getPassword() { 
    return password; 

public void setPassword(String password) { 
    this.password = password; 

public Long getCreationTime() { 
    return creationTime; 

public void setCreationTime(Long creationTime) { 
    this.creationTime = creationTime; 

public boolean isConfirmed() { 
    return confirmed; 

public void setConfirmed(boolean confirmed) { 
    this.confirmed = confirmed; 

public Set<Task> getAssignedTasks() { 
    return assignedTasks; 

public void setAssignedTasks(Set<Task> assignedTasks) { 
    this.assignedTasks = assignedTasks; 

public void addAssignedTasks(Task task){ 

void addAssignedTasks(Task task, boolean set){ 
    if(task != null){ 

public Set<Task> getCreatedTasks() { 
    return createdTasks; 

public void setCreatedTasks(Set<Task> createdTasks) { 
    this.createdTasks = createdTasks; 

public void addCreatedTask(Task task){ 

void addCreatedTask(Task task, boolean set){ 
    if(task != null){ 

public void removeCreatedTask(Task task) { 




public class Task { 

private Long id; 

private List<String> possibleTaskTypes = TaskType.getTaskTypesAsString(); 

private List<String>possibleTaskContainer = TaskContainer.getTaskContainerAsString(); 

private String taskContainer; 

private String taskType; 

private String headLine; 

private String taskText; 

private List<String> possibleworkFlowStati = WorkFlowStatus.getWorkFlowsStatiAsString(); 

private String status; 

private User author; 

private User assignee; 

private List<String>comments; 

private Sprint sprint; 

private Long creationTime; 

public Long getId() { 
    return id; 

public void setId(Long id) { 
    this.id = id; 

public String getHeadLine() { 
    return headLine; 

public void setHeadLine(String headLine) { 
    this.headLine = headLine; 

public String getTaskText() { 
    return taskText; 

public void setTaskText(String taskText) { 
    this.taskText = taskText; 

public User getAuthor() { 
    return author; 

public void setAuthor(User author) { 
    setAuthor(author, true); 

void setAuthor(User author, boolean add){ 
    this.author = author; 
    if(author !=null&&add){ 
     author.addCreatedTask(this, false); 

public User getAssignee() { 
    return assignee; 

public void setAssignee(User assignee) { 

void setAssignee(User assignee, boolean add){ 
    this.assignee = assignee; 
    if(assignee != null && add){ 

public List<String> getComments() { 
    return comments; 

public void setComments(List<String> comments) { 
    this.comments = comments; 

public Sprint getSprint() { 
    return sprint; 

public void setSprint(Sprint sprint) { 
    this.sprint = sprint; 

public Long getCreationTime() { 
    return creationTime; 

public void setCreationTime(Long creationTime) { 
    this.creationTime = creationTime; 

public String getTaskType() { 
    return taskType; 

public void setTaskType(String taskType) { 
    this.taskType = taskType; 

public List<String> getPossibleTaskTypes() { 
    return possibleTaskTypes; 

public void setPossibleTaskTypes(List<String> possibleTaskTypes) { 
    this.possibleTaskTypes = possibleTaskTypes; 

public List<String> getPossibleworkFlowStati() { 
    return possibleworkFlowStati; 

public void setPossibleworkFlowStati(List<String> possibleworkFlowStati) { 
    this.possibleworkFlowStati = possibleworkFlowStati; 

public String getStatus() { 
    return status; 

public void setStatus(String status) { 
    this.status = status; 

public List<String> getPossibleTaskContainer() { 
    return possibleTaskContainer; 

public void setPossibleTaskContainer(List<String> possibleTaskContainer) { 
    this.possibleTaskContainer = possibleTaskContainer; 

public String getTaskContainer() { 
    return taskContainer; 

public void setTaskContainer(String taskContainer) { 
    this.taskContainer = taskContainer; 



@Api(value = "tasks", description = "V1 - Tasks API") 
public class TaskController { 

private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TaskController.class); 
private TaskRepository taskRepository; 
private UserRepository userRepository; 

public TaskController(TaskRepository taskRepository, UserRepository userRepository){ 
    this.taskRepository = taskRepository; 
    this.userRepository = userRepository; 


protected void verifyTaskById(Long id) throws ResourceNotFoundException{ 
    Task task = taskRepository.findOne(id); 
    if(task == null){ 
     throw new ResourceNotFoundException("Task with ID:"+id+" not found."); 
* <b>POST</b> v1/tasks/ 
* @param task 
* @return 
@RequestMapping(value="tasks", method=RequestMethod.POST) 
@ApiOperation(value = "Creates a new Task", notes="The newly created Task Id will be sent in the location response header", 
response = Void.class) 
@ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code=201, message="Task Created Successfully", response=Void.class), @ApiResponse(code=500, message="Error creating Task", response=ErrorDetail.class) }) 
public ResponseEntity<?> createTask(@Valid @RequestBody Task task){ 
    task.setCreationTime(new Date().getTime()); 

    task = taskRepository.save(task); 
    HttpHeaders responseHeaders = new HttpHeaders(); 

    URI newTaskUri = ServletUriComponentsBuilder.fromCurrentRequest().path("/{id}").buildAndExpand(task.getId()).toUri(); 

    return new ResponseEntity<>(null, responseHeaders, HttpStatus.CREATED); 

* <b>GET</b> v1/tasks/ 
* @return 
@RequestMapping(value = "tasks", method = RequestMethod.GET) 
@ApiOperation(value = "Retrieves all the tasks", response=Task.class, responseContainer="List") 
public ResponseEntity<Page<Task>> listAllTasks(Pageable pageable){ 
    logger.info("Receiving get-Tasks Request.."); 
    Page<Task> allTasks = taskRepository.findAll(pageable); 
    return new ResponseEntity<>(allTasks,HttpStatus.OK); 

* <b>GET</b> v1/tasks/{id} 
* @param id 
* @return 
@RequestMapping(value = "tasks/{id}", method = RequestMethod.GET) 
@ApiOperation(value = "Retrieves given Task", response=Task.class) 
@ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code=200, message="", response=Task.class), @ApiResponse(code=404, message="Unable to find Task", response=ErrorDetail.class) }) 
public ResponseEntity<?> getSingleTask(@PathVariable(value="id") Long id){ 
    logger.info("Receiving get Task-Request for ID: "+ id); 
    Task task = taskRepository.findOne(id); 
    return new ResponseEntity<>(task,HttpStatus.OK); 

* <b>PUT</b> v1/tasks/{id} 
* @param task 
* @param id 
* @return 
@RequestMapping(value = "tasks/{id}", method = RequestMethod.PUT) 
@ApiOperation(value = "Updates given Task", response=Void.class) 
@ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code=200, message="", response=Void.class), 
     @ApiResponse(code=404, message="Unable to find Task", response=ErrorDetail.class) }) 
public ResponseEntity<?> updateTask(@RequestBody Task task, @PathVariable(value="id") Long id) { 
    logger.info("Receiving put Task Request for "+id); 
    if(!isIdInBodyCorrect(task, id)){ 

    if(task.getAuthor() != null)userRepository.save(task.getAuthor()); 
    Task t = taskRepository.save(task); 

    return new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.OK); 

* <b>DELETE</b> v1/tasks/{id} 
* @param id 
* @return 
@RequestMapping(value = "tasks/{id}", method = RequestMethod.DELETE) 
@ApiOperation(value = "Deletes given Task", response=Void.class) 
@ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code=200, message="", response=Void.class), 
     @ApiResponse(code=404, message="Unable to find Task", response=ErrorDetail.class) }) 
public ResponseEntity<?> deleteTask(@PathVariable (value="id") Long id) { 
    return new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.OK); 

protected boolean isIdInBodyCorrect(Task task, Long id){ 
    if(task.getId() != id){ 
     logger.warn("Id in Body wasn't defined or wrong. "); //TODO Exception werfen. 
     return false; 
     return true; 



@Api(value = "users", description = "V1 - Users API") 
public class UserController { 

private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(UserController.class); 

private UserRepository userRepository; 

public UserController(UserRepository userRepository){ 
    this.userRepository = userRepository; 
* Checks wether the user exists. If not it throws a {@link ResourceNotFoundException}. 
* @param id 
* @throws ResourceNotFoundException 
protected void verifyUserById(Long id) throws ResourceNotFoundException{ 
    User user = userRepository.findOne(id); 
     throw new ResourceNotFoundException("User with ID:"+id+" not found."); 
* <b>POST</b> v1/users/ 
* @param user 
* @return 
@RequestMapping(value="users", method=RequestMethod.POST) 
@ApiOperation(value = "Creates a new User", notes="The newly created user Id will be sent in the location response header", 
response = Void.class) 
@ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code=201, message="User Created Successfully", response=Void.class), @ApiResponse(code=500, message="Error creating User", response=ErrorDetail.class) }) 
public ResponseEntity<?> createUser(@Valid @RequestBody User user) { 
    user.setCreationTime(new Date().getTime()); 
    user = userRepository.save(user); 

    // Set the location header for the newly created resource 
    HttpHeaders responseHeaders = new HttpHeaders(); 
    URI newUserUri = ServletUriComponentsBuilder.fromCurrentRequest().path("/{id}").buildAndExpand(user.getId()).toUri(); 

    return new ResponseEntity<>(null, responseHeaders, HttpStatus.CREATED); 
* <b>GET</b> v1/users/ 
* @return 
@RequestMapping(value = "users", method = RequestMethod.GET) 
@ApiOperation(value = "Retrieves all the users", response=User.class, responseContainer="List") 
public ResponseEntity<Page<User>> listAllUsers(Pageable pageable){ 
    Page<User> allUsers = userRepository.findAll(pageable); 
    return new ResponseEntity<>(allUsers,HttpStatus.OK); 

* <b>GET</b> v1/users/{id} 
* @param id 
* @return 
@RequestMapping(value = "users/{id}", method = RequestMethod.GET) 
@ApiOperation(value = "Retrieves given User", response=User.class) 
@ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code=200, message="", response=User.class), @ApiResponse(code=404, message="Unable to find User", response=ErrorDetail.class) }) 
public ResponseEntity<?> getSingleUser(@PathVariable(value="id") Long id){ 
    User user = userRepository.findOne(id); 
    return new ResponseEntity<>(user,HttpStatus.OK); 
* <b>PUT</b> v1/users/{id} 
* @param user 
* @param id 
* @return 
@RequestMapping(value = "users/{id}", method = RequestMethod.PUT) 
@ApiOperation(value = "Updates given User", response=Void.class) 
@ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code=200, message="", response=Void.class), 
     @ApiResponse(code=404, message="Unable to find User", response=ErrorDetail.class) }) 
public ResponseEntity<?> updateUser(@RequestBody User user, @PathVariable (value="id") Long id) { 
    // Save the entity 
    User u = userRepository.findOne(id); 
    return new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.OK); 

* <b>DELETE</b> v1/users/{id} 
* @param id 
* @return 
@RequestMapping(value="users/{id}", method=RequestMethod.DELETE) 
@ApiOperation(value = "Deletes given User", response=Void.class) 
@ApiResponses(value = {@ApiResponse(code=200, message="", response=Void.class), 
     @ApiResponse(code=404, message="Unable to find User", response=ErrorDetail.class) }) 
public ResponseEntity<?> deleteUser(@PathVariable (value="id") Long id) { 
    return new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.OK); 

protected boolean isIdInBodyCorrect(User user, Long id){ 
    if(user.getId() != id){ 
     logger.warn("Id in Body wasn't defined or wrong. "); //TODO Exception werfen. 
     return false; 
     return true; 


私はあなたが得ている 'erroroneous'レスポンスを投稿すると思います。それは問題をよりよく識別するのに役立ちます –



双方向関係の場合、@ JsonIdentityInfoアノテーションを使用する必要があります。


@Table(name = "TABLENAME") 
@JsonIdentityInfo(generator = ObjectIdGenerators.PropertyGenerator.class, property = "id") 
public class ... { 