dict[1] = [[2,3], 2] #the first one is the children list, the second one is the level in the family tree
newDict = {}
subtree = findSub(dict, 2, 0, newDict)
#my newDict is an empty dictionary, newDict= {}
#level stores the person's level in the tree
def findSub(dict, parent, level, newDict):
level += 1
children = dict[parent][0]
if (len(children) == 0):
info = [dict[parent][0], level]
newDict[parent] = info
for child in children:
findSub(dict, child, level, newDict)
return newDict
ような何かをするだろうあなたは、おそらくこの使用する:http://sedimental.org/をremap.html –