<form method="get" action=<?php echo "'".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."'";?> >
<p>URL of Competitor:</p>
<textarea name="siteurl" rows="10" cols="50">
<?php //Check if the form has already been submitted and if this is the case, display the submitted content. If not, display 'http://'.
echo (isset($_GET['siteurl']))?htmlspecialchars($_GET['siteurl']):"http://";?>
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
<div id="nofloat"></div>
function parseUrl($url){
//Trim whitespace of the url to ensure proper checking.
$url = trim($url);
//Check if a protocol is specified at the beginning of the url. If it's not, prepend 'http://'.
if (!preg_match("~^(?:f|ht)tps?://~i", $url)) {
$url = "http://" . $url;
//Check if '/' is present at the end of the url. If not, append '/'.
if (substr($url, -1)!=="/"){
$url .= "/";
//Return the processed url.
return $url;
//If the form was submitted
//Put every new line as a new entry in the array
$urls = explode("\n",trim($_GET["siteurl"]));
//Iterate through urls
foreach ($urls as $url) {
//Parse the url to add 'http://' at the beginning or '/' at the end if not already there, to avoid errors with the get_meta_tags function
$url = parseUrl($url);
//Get the meta data for each url
$tags = get_meta_tags($url);
//Check to see if the description tag was present and adjust output accordingly
echo (isset($tags['description']))?"<tr><td>Description($url)</td> <td>".$tags['description']:"Description($url)</td><td>No Meta Description</td></tr>.";
私は助けが必要な部分は、テーブルをエコーしています:) – RuFFCuT
私は私の答えを編集しました。 – jbrtrnd