2012-03-21 3 views

私は何時の間にしてFirefoxが私の質問を倍増させているのか自分自身で判断しようとしました。 Opera、IE、Chromeでコードをテストしたところ、うまくいきました。私は小さなコードの1つで投稿します。私は現在、選択されたページファイルの先頭に 'header.php'が含まれ、最後に 'footer.php'が含まれているシステムを使用しています。Firefoxは私のmysql_queryのすべてを複製しています


<?php $title = "Weapons Shop"; include("header.php"); ?> 


if (!$buy) { 
    print "Hello and welcome to the Weapons Shop, where you can buy anything from scrap metal weapons to high grade swords. <br><br><table> 
    <tr><td width=120><b><u>Name</td><td width=100><b><u>Effect</td><td width=50><b><u>Cost</td><td width=50><b><u>Platinum</td><td><b><u>Level needed</td><td><b><u>Options</td></tr>"; 

$wsel = mysql_query("select * from equipments where type='W' and status='S' and owner=0 order by cost asc"); 

while ($wep = mysql_fetch_array($wsel)) { 

    print "<tr><td>$wep[name]</td><td>+$wep[power] Defense</td><td>"; 
    $acost = $wep['cost']; 
    $arcost = "".number_format($acost, 0,'.',','); 
    print "$arcost</td><td>$wep[plat]</td><td>$wep[minlev]</td><td>- 
     <A href=weapons3.php?buy=$wep[id]>Buy</a></td></tr>"; 

    print "</table>"; 

if ($buy) { 

$arm = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("select * from equipments where id=$buy")); 

if (empty ($arm[id])) { 

    print "No such weapon. Go back to the <a href=weapons3.php>shop</a>."; 


if ($arm[status] != S) { 

    print "That's not a shop item. Go back to the <a href=weapons3.php>shop</a>."; 


if ($arm[minlev] > $stat[level]) { 

    print "Your level is too low for that! Go back to the <a href=weapons3.php>shop</a>."; 


if ($arm[cost] > $stat[credits]) { 

    print "You can't afford that! Go back to the <a href=weapons3.php>shop</a>."; 


    $newcost = ceil($arm[cost] * .75); 

mysql_query("insert into equipment (owner, name, power, cost, type) values($stat[id],'$arm[name]',$arm[power],$newcost),$arm[type]") 
    or die("Could not add weapon."); 

print "You paid <b>$arm[cost]</b> credits, but you now have a new <b>$arm[name] +$arm[power]</b> weapon."; 

mysql_query("update players set credits=credits-$arm[cost] where id=$stat[id]"); 
<?php include("footer.php"); ?> 





それも関与しているとして、私は私の「header.phpの」と「footer.php」とも「config.phpの」の下に持っています。 のconfig.php

$gamename="Rise of Kingdoms"; 


    session_start(); ?> 


if(isset($_SESSION['user'])) { 
     if (isset($_SESSION['pass'])) { 

$stat = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("select * from players where user='$user' and pass='$pass'")); 

if (empty ($stat['id'])) { 

    print "Invalid login."; 

    print "<META http-equiv=refresh content=4;URL=index.php>"; 

} } } 

$ctime = time(); 

mysql_query("update players set lpv=$ctime where id=$stat[id]"); 

$ip = $_SERVER; 

mysql_query("update players set ip='$ip' where id=$stat[id]"); 

mysql_query("update players set page='$title' where id=$stat[id]"); 

$remove_these = array("<", ">", "+","=" ,"-", "--"); 

function varscan($num) { 

    global $stat; 

    global $title; 

    $remove_these = array("<", ">", "+","=" ,"-", "*"); 

for($b = 0; $b <= 5; $b++) { 

     if (preg_match("/[$remove_these[$b]]/i", "$num")) { 

      $fulltime = date("F j, Y, g:i a"); 

      print "!Alert! You have been caught trying to cheat, an admin will view what you have just 
       typed in and if it is a valid cheat or close to one you will be banned for an amount 
       of time depending on how many times you have tried... If you accidentally ran into this, 
       just mail id 1 by <a href=mail.php?view=write&to=1&re=Hacking:Accident>Clicking Here</a>. Thank you!"; 

     mysql_query("insert into adminlog (log, reason) values('Hacking Attempt<br>User: <b>$stat[user]</b><br>Id: <b>$stat[id]</b><br> 
       IP: <b>$stat[ip]</b><br>Time: <b>$fulltime</b><br>Page: <b>$title<br>Script: <b>$num</b>','hacking')"); 

      $writeindoc = "Hacking Attempt<br>User: <b>$stat[user]</b><br>Id: <b>$stat[id]</b><br>IP: <b>$stat[ip]</b><br>Time: <b> 
       $fulltime</b><br>Page: <b>$title</b><br>Script: <b>$num</b><br>---------------------<br>"; 

      $filename = "logs/hackinglog.htm"; 

     if (is_writable($filename)) { 

       if (!$handle = fopen($filename, 'a')) { 

        print "Could not open log file"; 


       if (fwrite($handle, $writeindoc) === FALSE) { 

        print "Could not write to the log file"; 




        print "Error with a log file"; 



     return $num = str_replace($remove_these, "", "$num"); 

return $num = htmlspecialchars($num); 

return $num = strip_tags($num); 

<title>Rise of Kingdoms</title> 
<link rel=stylesheet href=style.css> 

<body leftmargin=0 rightmargin=0 onload="window.status='Rise of Kingdoms | Version 0.1'"> 


<table width=98% valign=top class=td cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0> 
<td align=right bgcolor=DDCC71 style="border-bottom: solid 747d58 1px;"> 
<a href=irc://irc.netgamers.org/riseofkingdoms><b>IRC:</b> irc.Netgamers.org 
#RiseofKingdoms</a> <b>Game Time:</b> </b> 
<? $date = date("h:i:s A T"); 
print "$date"; ?> 
<b>Rise of Kingdoms</b> | Version 1.0 
<tr><td><center><img src='banner.png'><br><b><a href=donate.php>Become a Donator to gain the 
upper hand over the rest</a></b><br><b><a href=vote.php>Please remember to Vote for Rise of Kingdoms</a></b></center> 
<td valign=top width=15%><table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 class=td width=100%> 
<tr><td style="border-bottom: solid 747d58 1px;" bgcolor=DDCC71 


print "<center><b><u>$stat[user]</b></u> ($stat[id])</center><br>"; 

print "<b>Level:</b> $stat[level]<br><br>"; 

$expn = (($stat['level'] * 62) + ($stat['level'] * 24)); 

$cexpn = "".number_format($expn, 0,'.',','); 
$curexp = "".number_format($stat['exp'], 0,'.',',');  
$pct = (($stat['exp']/$expn) * 100); 

$pct = round($pct,"0"); 

print "<b>Exp:</b> $curexp/$cexpn ($pct%)<br>"; 

print "<b>Health:</b> $stat[hp]/$stat[max_hp]<br>"; 

print "<b>Energy:</b> $stat[energy]/$stat[max_energy]<br>"; 

print "<b>Steps:</b> $stat[steps]/$stat[max_steps]<br><br>"; 

$credit = $stat['credits']; 
$credits= "".number_format($credit, 0,'.',','); 
print "<b>Credits:</b> $credits<br>"; 
$bank = $stat['bank']; 
$banks = "".number_format($bank, 0,'.',','); 

print "<b>Bank:</b> $banks<br>"; 

print "<b>Diamonds:</b> $stat[diamonds]<br>"; 

$plati = $stat['platinum']; 
$platin = "".number_format($plati, 0,'.',','); 
print "<b>Platinum:</b> $platin<br><br>"; 

print "<b>Referrals:</b> $stat[refs]<br>"; 

<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 class=td width=100%> 
<tr><td style="border-bottom: solid 747d58 1px;" bgcolor=DDCC71 align=center> 
     <td style="background-image: url(''); 
background-position: left bottom; background-repeat: no-repeat"> 

- <a href=stats.php>Overview</a><br> 
     - <a href=equip.php>Equipment</a><br> 


$numlog = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("select * from log where unread='F' and owner=$stat[id]")); 

print "- <a href=log.php>Log</a> [$numlog]<br><br>"; 

if ($stat['town'] == 1) { print "- <a href=city.php>Silverlake (Town)</a><br>"; } 

if ($stat['town'] == 2) { print "- <a href=seccity.php>Shylock (Town)</a><br>"; } 

if ($stat['town'] == 3) { print "- <a href=tricity.php>Falconview Peaks (Town)</a><br>"; } 

if ($stat['town'] == 4) { print "- <a href=forcity.php>Maplehedge Crossing (Town)</a><br>"; } 

$king = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("select * from kingdom where owner=$stat[id]")); 

if ($king) { 

    print "- <a href=kingdom.php>Your Kingdom</a><br>"; 
else { 
print ""; 

- <a href=battle.php>Battle Arena</a><br><br> 


if ($stat['tribe']) { 

    print "- <a href=tribes.php?view=my>My Tribe</a><br>"; 


$edneed = ($stat['max_hp'] - $stat['hp']); 

$itneed = ($edneed * 5); 

$crneed = ($itneed * $stat['level']); 

print "- <a href=hospital.php>Hospital</a> [$crneed cr]<br>"; 


$mnumlog = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("select * from mail where unread='T' and owner=$stat[id]")); 

print "- <a href=mail.php>Mail</a> [$mnumlog]<br><br>"; 

- <a href=bank.php>The Bank</a><br><br> 

- <a href=forums.php?view=topics>Forums</a><br> 


if ($stat['tribe'] > 0) { 

    print "- <a href=tforums.php?view=topics>Tribe Forum</a><br>"; 


$psel = mysql_query("select * from players where page='Chat'"); 

$ctime = time(); 

while ($pl = mysql_fetch_array($psel)) { 

    $span = ($ctime - $pl['lpv']); 

    if ($span <= 180) { 

     $numoc = ('$numoc' + 1); 

$numoc = ('$numoc' + 0); 

print "- <a href=chat.php>The Pub</a> [$numoc]<br>"; 

- <a href=irc://irc.netgamers.org/riseofkingdoms>IRC Chat</a><br><br> 

- <a href=account.php>Account Options</a><br> 

- <a href=logout.php>Log Out</a><br> 

- <a href=help.php>Help</a><br> 


if ($stat['rank'] == 'Staff') { 

    print "<br>- <a href=news.php>Post News</a>"; 

    print "<br>- <a href=staff.php>Staff Options</a>"; 

if ($stat['rank'] == 'Staff') { 

    print "<br>- <a href=sforum.php?view=topics>Admin/Staff Forums</a>"; 


if ($stat['rank'] == 'Admin') { 
    $anumlog = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("select * from alog where unread='T'")); 
    print "<br>- <a href=adminlog.php?view=adminlog>Admin Log [$anumlog]</a>";  } 
if ($stat['rank'] == 'Admin') { 

    print "<br>- <a href=admin.php>Admin Options</a>"; 


if ($stat['rank'] == 'Admin') { 

    print "<br>- <a href=aforum.php?view=topics>Admin/Staff Forum</a>"; 


</td><td width=50% valign=top> 


$jchance = rand(1,10000); 

$jchance2 = rand(1,10000); 

if ($jchance == $jchance2) { 

    print "<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 class=td width=100%>"; 

    print "<tr><td style=\"border-bottom: solid 747d58 1px;\" align=center bgcolor=747d58><b>Juggernaut Vore</b></td></tr>"; 

    print "<tr><td>"; 

    $numj = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("select * from core where name='Juggernaut' and owner=$stat[id]")); 

    if ($numj <= 0) { 

     print "You found the <b>Juggernaut Vore</b>! The most powerful default Vore in the game.<br>"; 

     mysql_query("insert into core (owner,name,type,ref_id,power,defense) values($stat[id],'Juggernaut','Secret',3,10,10)"); 

    } else { 

     print "You found the <b>Juggernaut Vore</b>! It's jealousy of your other Juggernaut makes it leave in a huff."; 

    print "</td></tr></table><br>"; 

<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 class=td width=100%> 

<tr><td style="border-bottom: solid 747d58 1px;" bgcolor=DDCC71 align=center> 

     print "<b>$title</b>"; ?> 




</td><td width=15% valign=top> 

<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 class=td width=100%><tr> 
<td style="border-bottom: solid 747d58 1px;" bgcolor=DDCC71 align=center> 


print "<center><b><u></b></u></center>"; 

print "<b>Rats Tails:</b> $stat[ratt]<br>"; 

print "<b>Chicken Feathers:</b> $stat[chickf]<br>"; 

print "<b>Wolf Hairs:</b> $stat[wolfh]<br>"; 

print "<b>Hunters Arrows:</b> $stat[hunta]<br>"; 

print "<b>Witches Brooms:</b> $stat[witchb]<br>"; 

print "<b>Cobra Fangs:</b> $stat[cobraf]<br>"; 

print "<b>Dragon Scales:</b> $stat[drags]<br><br>"; 

if ($stat['mines'] > 0) { 

    print "<b>Burelia:</b> $stat[burelia]<br>"; 

print "<b>Alethite:</b> $stat[alethite]<br><br>"; 


if ($stat['flicence'] >= 1) { 
print "<b>Carp:</b> $stat[carp]<br>"; } 

if ($stat['flicence'] >= 2) { 
print "<b>Saratoga:</b> $stat[saratoga]<br>"; } 

if ($stat['flicence'] >= 3) { 
print "<b>Largemouth Bass:</b> $stat[bass]<br>"; } 

if ($stat['flicence'] >= 4) { 
print "<b>Lobster:</b> $stat[lobs]<br>"; } 

$test = (($stat['level'] * 135) * ($stat['level'] * 2)); 
print "$test"; 

if ($stat['refaward'] == 'Y') { 
if ($stat['level'] >= 5) { 
    print " "; 
    mysql_query("update players set diamonds=diamonds+10 where id=$stat[referred]"); 
    mysql_query("update players set refaward='N' where id=$stat[id]"); 
    mysql_query("update players set refwin=refwin+1 where id=$stat[referred]"); 
    mysql_query("insert into log (owner, log) values($stat[referred],'<b>$stat[user] ($stat[id])</b> has reached level 5. 
     Your 10 Diamonds have been recieved.')"); } 
else { 
    print " "; } } 

</td></tr></table><br><table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 class=td width=100%><tr> 
<td style="border-bottom: solid 747d58 1px;" bgcolor=DDCC71 align=center> 

<b>Online Players</b> 


$psel = mysql_query("select * from players order by id asc"); 

$ctime = time(); 

while ($pl = mysql_fetch_array($psel)) { 

$span = ($ctime - $pl['lpv']); 

if ($span <= 500) { 

    if ($pl['rank'] == 'Admin') { 

     print "<img src=images/admin.gif>"; 

    if ($pl['rank'] == 'Staff') { 

     print "<img src=Tiny_S.gif>"; 

    print "<a href=view.php?view=$pl[id]>$pl[user] ($pl[id])</a>";     
    if ($pl['sub'] > 0) { 

     print "<img src=http://www.renhelp.net/images/tutorials/star.gif>"; 
    print "<br>";  


    print "</td></tr> 
<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 class=td width=100%> 
     <td style='border-bottom: solid 747d58 1px;' bgcolor=DDCC71 align=center> 

     <b>Game Stats</b> 
    $nump = @mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("select * from players")); 

    $numo = ('$numo' + 1); 
    $numw = @mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("select * from equipment where type='W'")); 

    $numa = @mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("select * from equipment where type='A'")); 

    print "<b>$nump</b> total players.<br>"; 

    print "<b>$numo</b> players online.<br>"; 

    print "<b>$numw</b> weapons.<br>"; 

    print "<b>$numa</b> armor.<br>";    

<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 class=td width=100%><tr> 
<td style="border-bottom: solid 747d58 1px;" bgcolor=DDCC71 align=center> 

<b>Vote for Rise of Kingdoms</b></td></tr> 


print "Please vote using these links to help promote and support this game. For each vote you will receive <b>1 Diamond</b>. 
The more you vote, the more people see the game, and therefore the more people join and make the game more enjoyable! 

if ($stat['vote'] == 'N') { 

print "<a href=vote.php?vote=1>Top 100 Arena</a><br>"; } 

if ($stat['vote2'] == 'N') { 

print "<a href=vote.php?vote=2>Top 50 Onrpg</a><br>"; } 

if ($stat['vote3'] == 'N') { 

print "<a href=vote.php?vote=3>Top Game Sites</a><br>"; } 

if ($stat['vote4'] == 'N') { 

print "<a href=vote.php?vote=4>GTOP 100</a><br>"; } 

if ($stat['vote5'] == 'N') { 

print "<a href=vote.php?vote=5>Game Sites 100</a><br>"; } 

if ($stat['vote6'] == 'N') { 

print "<a href=vote.php?vote=6>Ultimate Top 200 Game Sites</a><br>"; } 

if ($stat['vote7'] == 'N') { 

print "<a href=vote.php?vote=7>PHP Games Network</a>"; } 




最初にまず... HTMLをエコーし​​ないでください。 –


これは純粋なサーバー側のコードですが、Firefoxはこれと何か関係がありません。しかし、あなたのフロントエンドは誤ってこのコードを2回発射したり、いくつかのパラメータを誤って置いたりする可能性があります。私の提案はいくつかのログを追加することで、このコードが何のパラメータで実行されたかをチェックし、バックエンドやフロントエンドに問題があるかどうかを分析することができます。 – marvin


'header.php'と 'footer.php'の内容は何ですか? – user1027167


それはちょうどそれが無数のウェブだと、そのブラウザは、Firefoxことが起こる場合は特に、ブラウザによって発行されたすべての HTTPリクエストを監視するためにそんなに時間がかかる理由は、私は疑問に思う私は数え切れないほどの時間


最も有名な - FirebugのはあなたにそれがNetタブですので、あなたは余分なものを参照し、必要な対策を取ることができます(ほとんどの場合、それはfavicon.icoをの要求に応じてSQLクエリを実行するからコードを防止することになるで作られたすべての要求を表示することができますファイル)。
