private function InviteMyFriends(e:MouseEvent):void{
var dat:Object = new Object();
dat.message = "Let's invite friends for our Super Krish QuizGame Facebook App to get bonus points";
dat.title = 'Super Krish QuizGame Facebook App';
// filtering for non app users only
dat.filters = ['app_non_users'];
//You can use these two options for diasplaying friends invitation window 'iframe' 'popup'
Facebook.ui('apprequests', dat, onUICallback, 'popup');
private function onUICallback(dat):void{
var result:Object = dat;
if(result == null){
mtline.trace2_txt.text = "User closed the pop up window without inviting any friends";
var invitedUsers:Array = new Array();
invitedUsers = result.request_ids as Array;
mtline.trace2_txt.text ="You Have Invited " + invitedUsers.length+ " friends";
//Simple if else if you want user to invite certain amount of friends
if(invitedUsers.length > 1){
mtline.trace2_txt.text = "GREAT, USER IS GENERATING TRAFFIC";
mtline.trace2_txt.text = "No Good, User invited only one friend ";