は何を「したい」達成することができる同様の質問にはmy answerにおける技術や数学を適用する方法を説明します。
from graphics import *
from random import randint
from math import sin, cos, radians
image_height = 1000
image_height = 1000
def main():
win = GraphWin("Window", image_height, image_height)
win.setBackground(color_rgb(255, 255, 255))
for _ in range(8):
figure = drawahexagon(80)
figure = rotatePolygon(figure, randint(0, 90))
win.getMouse() # causes graphics.GraphicsError: getMouse in closed window
except GraphicsError: # ignore error
def rotatePolygon(polygon, degrees):
""" Rotate polygon the given angle about its center. """
theta = radians(degrees) # Convert angle to radians
cosang, sinang = cos(theta), sin(theta)
points = polygon.getPoints()
# find center point of Polygon to use as pivot
n = len(points)
cx = sum(p.getX() for p in points)/n
cy = sum(p.getY() for p in points)/n
new_points = []
for p in points:
x, y = p.getX(), p.getY()
tx, ty = x-cx, y-cy
new_x = (tx*cosang + ty*sinang) + cx
new_y = (-tx*sinang + ty*cosang) + cy
new_points.append(Point(new_x, new_y))
rotated_ploygon = polygon.clone() # clone to get current attributes
rotated_ploygon.points = new_points
return rotated_ploygon
def drawahexagon(length):
x = randint(0, image_height-length)
y = randint(0, image_height-length)
poly = Polygon(Point(x+getRandom(0), y+getRandom(0)),
Point(x+length+getRandom(1), y+getRandom(1)),
Point(x+(length*1.5)+getRandom(0), y+(length/2)+getRandom(1)),
Point(x+length+getRandom(1), y+length+getRandom(1)),
Point(x+getRandom(0), y+length+getRandom(1)),
Point(x-(length/2)+getRandom(1), y+(length/2)+getRandom(0)))
poly.setFill(color_rgb(255, 0, 0))
return poly
def getRandom(base):
if base == 0:
foo = randint(0, 5)
foo = randint(3, 10)
return foo
def drawarotatedhexagon(length, degrees):
x = randint(0, image_height-length)
y = randint(0, image_height-length)
points = [Point(x+getRandom(0), y+getRandom(0)),
Point(x+length+getRandom(1), y+getRandom(1)),
Point(x+(length*1.5)+getRandom(0), y+(length/2)+getRandom(1)),
Point(x+length+getRandom(1), y+length+getRandom(1)),
Point(x+getRandom(0), y+length+getRandom(1)),
Point(x-(length/2)+getRandom(1), y+(length/2)+getRandom(0))]
theta = radians(degrees) # Convert angle to radians
cosang, sinang = cos(theta), sin(theta)
n = len(points)
cx = sum(pt.getX() for pt in points)/n
cy = sum(pt.getY() for pt in points)/n
for pt in points:
tx, ty = pt.getX()-cx, pt.getY()-cy
nx = (tx*cosang + ty*sinang) + cx
ny = (-tx*sinang + ty*cosang) + cy
pt.x, pt.y = nx, ny
poly = Polygon(*points)
poly.setFill(color_rgb(255, 0, 0))
return poly
はここであることない実装です。それは何ですか?あなたはそれをどこで手に入れましたか?ちょうどあなたが何かを回転させたいと言っているだけでは十分な情報ではありません、回転の量の他に、スピンが起こるポイントを定義しなければなりません。 – martineau
[** _2つの頂点がある場合、中心点を中心に線を回転する_ **](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14842090/rotate-line-around-center-point-given-two-vertices)が役立ちます。 – martineau