ha.server_id = 3
ha.initial_hosts =,
# Neo4j configuration
# The name of the database to mount
# Paths of directories in the installation.
# This setting constrains all `LOAD CSV` import files to be under the `import` directory. Remove or uncomment it to
# allow files to be loaded from anywhere in filesystem; this introduces possible security problems. See the `LOAD CSV`
# section of the manual for details.
# Whether requests to Neo4j are authenticated.
# To disable authentication, uncomment this line
# Enable this to be able to upgrade a store from an older version.
# The amount of memory to use for mapping the store files, in bytes (or
# kilobytes with the 'k' suffix, megabytes with 'm' and gigabytes with 'g').
# If Neo4j is running on a dedicated server, then it is generally recommended
# to leave about 2-4 gigabytes for the operating system, give the JVM enough
# heap to hold all your transaction state and query context, and then leave the
# rest for the page cache.
# The default page cache memory assumes the machine is dedicated to running
# Neo4j, and is heuristically set to 50% of RAM minus the max Java heap size.
# Enable online backups to be taken from this database.
# To allow remote backups, uncomment this line:
# Network connector configuration
# Bolt connector
# To have Bolt accept non-local connections, uncomment this line
# dbms.connector.bolt.address=
# HTTP Connector
# To have HTTP accept non-local connections, uncomment this line
# HTTPS Connector
# Number of Neo4j worker threads.
# HA configuration
# Uncomment and specify these lines for running Neo4j in High Availability mode.
# See the High availability setup tutorial for more details on these settings
# Database mode
# Allowed values:
# HA - High Availability
# SINGLE - Single mode, default.
# To run in High Availability mode uncomment this line:
# ha.server_id is the number of each instance in the HA cluster. It should be
# an integer (e.g. 1), and should be unique for each cluster instance.
# ha.initial_hosts is a comma-separated list (without spaces) of the host:port
# where the of all instances will be listening. Typically
# this will be the same for all cluster instances.
# IP and port for this instance to listen on, for communicating cluster status
# information iwth other instances (also see ha.initial_hosts). The IP
# must be the configured IP address for one of the local interfaces.
# IP and port for this instance to listen on, for communicating transaction
# data with other instances (also see ha.initial_hosts). The IP
# must be the configured IP address for one of the local interfaces.
# Amount of slaves the master will try to push a transaction to upon commit
# (default is 1). The master will optimistically continue and not fail the
# transaction even if it fails to reach the push factor. Setting this to 0 will
# increase write performance when writing through master but could potentially
# lead to branched data (or loss of transaction) if the master goes down.
# Strategy the master will use when pushing data to slaves (if the push factor
# is greater than 0). There are three options available "fixed_ascending" (default),
# "fixed_descending" or "round_robin". Fixed strategies will start by pushing to
# slaves ordered by server id (accordingly with qualifier) and are useful when
# planning for a stable fail-over based on ids.
# Policy for how to handle branched data.
# How often heartbeat messages should be sent. Defaults to ha.default_timeout.
# Timeout for heartbeats between cluster members. Should be at least twice that of ha.heartbeat_interval.
# If you are using a load-balancer that doesn't support HTTP Auth, you may need to turn off authentication for the
# HA HTTP status endpoint by uncommenting the following line.
# Whether this instance should only participate as slave in cluster. If set to
# true, it will never be elected as master.