2016-09-21 6 views

私はMovieというクラスを作成しようとしています。私はインスタンス変数を宣言しました。 OMDB APIを呼び出すときに、変数を代入して保存したいと思います。しかし、それは動作していないようです。 json_Dataを印刷しても、何も印刷されません。誰でも正しい方向に向けることができます。私は辞書にデータを保存できることを知っています。しかし、どのようにクラスに格納されます。私はまだPythonを学んでいるnewbiewです。Python:Jsonデータをクラスインスタンスに変換する

class Movie(object): 
    """ Class provides a structure to store Movie information """ 

    def __init__(self, imdb_id, title = None, release_year = None, rating = None, run_time = None, genre = None, director = None, actors = None, plot = None, awards = None, poster_image = None, imdb_votes = None, youtube_trailer = None): 
     self.imdb_id = imdb_id 
     self.title = title 
     self.release_year = release_year 
     self.rating = rating 
     self.run_time = run_time 
     self.genre = genre 
     self.director = director 
     self.actors = actors 
     self.plot = plot 
     self.awards = awards 
     self.poster_image = poster_image 
     self.imdb_votes = imdb_votes 
     self.youtube_trailer = youtube_trailer 

    def get_api_data(self): 
      Method retreves and parses information for each movie based on imdb_id 
      #URL for OMDBI 
     url = "http://www.omdbapi.com/?i="+self.imdb_id+"&plot=full&r=json&v=1" 
      response = urllib.urlopen(url) 

     except URLERROR as e: 
      if hasattr(e, 'reason'): 
       print ("Unable to reach a server.") 
       print 'Reason: ', e.reason 
      elif hasattr(e, 'code'): 
       print "Server is unable to fulfill the request." 
       print 'Error Code: ', e.code 
       json_data = json.loads(response.read()) 
       self.imdb_id = json_data["imdbID"].encode("utf8","ignore") 
       self.title = json_data["Title"].encode("utf8","ignore") 
       self.release_year = int(json_data["Released"].split("")[-1]) 
       self.rating = json_data["imdbRating"].encode("utf8", "ignore") 
       self.run_time = json_data["Runtime"].encode("utf8", "ignore") 
       self.genre = json_data["Rated"].encode("utf8", "ignore") 
       self.director = json_data["Director"].encode("utf8", "ignore") 
       self.actors = json_data["Actors"].encode("utf8", "ignore") 
       self.plot = json_data["Plot"].encode("utf8", "ignore") 
       self.awards = json_data["Awards"].encode("utf8", "ignore") 
       self.poster_image = json_data["Poster"].encode("utf8", "ignore") 
       self.imdb_votes = json_data["imdbVotes"].encode("utf8", "ignore") 



最後のelse:はexcept句の中にあるので、try:が成功するとコードは決してそのブロックに到達しません。 –


class Movie(object): 
""" Class provides a structure to store Movie information """ 

def __init__(self, imdb_id, title = None, release_year = None, rating = None, run_time = None, genre = None, director = None, actors = None, plot = None, awards = None, poster_image = None, imdb_votes = None, youtube_trailer = None): 
    self.imdb_id = imdb_id 
    self.title = title 
    self.release_year = release_year 
    self.rating = rating 
    self.run_time = run_time 
    self.genre = genre 
    self.director = director 
    self.actors = actors 
    self.plot = plot 
    self.awards = awards 
    self.poster_image = poster_image 
    self.imdb_votes = imdb_votes 
    self.youtube_trailer = youtube_trailer 

def get_api_data(self): 
     Method retreves and parses information for each movie based on imdb_id 
     #URL for OMDBI 
    url = "http://www.omdbapi.com/?i="+self.imdb_id+"&plot=full&r=json&v=1" 
     response = urllib.urlopen(url) 

    except URLERROR as e: 
     if hasattr(e, 'reason'): 
      print ("Unable to reach a server.") 
      print 'Reason: ', e.reason 
     elif hasattr(e, 'code'): 
      print "Server is unable to fulfill the request." 
      print 'Error Code: ', e.code 

    # if urllib.urlopen() succeeds, the code jumps to here 
    json_data = json.loads(response.read()) 
    self.imdb_id = json_data["imdbID"].encode("utf8","ignore") 
    self.title = json_data["Title"].encode("utf8","ignore") 
    self.release_year = int(json_data["Released"].split("")[-1]) 
    self.rating = json_data["imdbRating"].encode("utf8", "ignore") 
    self.run_time = json_data["Runtime"].encode("utf8", "ignore") 
    self.genre = json_data["Rated"].encode("utf8", "ignore") 
    self.director = json_data["Director"].encode("utf8", "ignore") 
    self.actors = json_data["Actors"].encode("utf8", "ignore") 
    self.plot = json_data["Plot"].encode("utf8", "ignore") 
    self.awards = json_data["Awards"].encode("utf8", "ignore") 
    self.poster_image = json_data["Poster"].encode("utf8", "ignore") 
    self.imdb_votes = json_data["imdbVotes"].encode("utf8", "ignore") 