2017-01-18 10 views


一般的なJSONペイロードは、{"idontcareaboutthis": { // Data I actually want...のようになります。この比較的無駄な外殻を剥がす方法はありますか?私のすべてのRESTメソッドがMapの戻り値型を持っているのは奇妙なことです。


コンバーターを使用します。 1. http://square.github.io/retrofit/#restadapter-configuration 2. 'Retrofit.Builder.addConverterFactory(Converter.Factory factory)' 3.(Gsonを使用している場合)GsonConverterFactoryに似たファイルを作成します。カスタム論理を追加するjava。 – Sangharsh




    "idontcareaboutthis": { 
     "foo": 1, 
     "bar": 2 


final class ResponseJsonDeserializer<T> 
     implements JsonDeserializer<T> { 

    private final Gson backingGson; 

    private ResponseJsonDeserializer(final Gson backingGson) { 
     this.backingGson = backingGson; 

    static <T> JsonDeserializer<T> getResponseJsonDeserializer(final Gson backingGson) { 
     return new ResponseJsonDeserializer<>(backingGson); 

    public T deserialize(final JsonElement json, final Type type, final JsonDeserializationContext context) 
      throws JsonParseException { 
     final JsonObject root = json.getAsJsonObject(); 
     final Set<Entry<String, JsonElement>> entries = root.entrySet(); 
     final int propertyCount = entries.size(); 
     if (propertyCount != 1) { 
      throw new JsonParseException("Expected a single property root object, but got an object with " + propertyCount + " properties"); 
     final Entry<String, JsonElement> inner = entries.iterator().next(); 
     // Can't use context.deserialize here due to recursion 
     return backingGson.fromJson(inner.getValue(), type); 



private static final Gson registryBackingGson = new GsonBuilder() 
      // whatever necessary here 

    private static final Gson registryGson = new GsonBuilder() 
      .registerTypeAdapter(FooBarResponse.class, getResponseJsonDeserializer(registryBackingGson)) 
      // add another response classes here like the above, but do not register other types - they must be registered in registryBackingGson 


private static final Gson registryBackingGson = new GsonBuilder() 
      // whatever necessary here 

    private static final Gson registryGson = new GsonBuilder() 
      .registerTypeHierarchyAdapter(IResponse.class, getResponseJsonDeserializer(registryBackingGson)) 
      // no need to add another "response" classes here - they just must implement the marker interface 


final class FooBarResponse { 

    // The `final` modifier is a reasonable habit for incoming DTO classes, but primitive constants are inlined by the compiler. 
    // Suppressing the inlining can be done be a simple workaround to make javac think that it's not a real constant. 
    // However, it's a matter of your code style, and this is just an example. 
    private final int foo = constOf(0); 
    private final int bar = constOf(0); 

    int getFoo() { 
     return foo; 

    int getBar() { 
     return bar; 

    // We're cheating... 
    private static int constOf(final int i) { 
     return i; 



interface IResponse { 

final class FooBarResponse 
     implements IResponse { 


final FooBarResponse fooBar = registryGson.fromJson(JSON, FooBarResponse.class) 
out.println(fooBar.getFoo()); // 1 
out.println(fooBar.getBar()); // 2 


final Retrofit retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder() 
     // ... 

このように、あなたのレトロフィット・ベースのインタフェースメソッドがFooBarの/ etcクラスのインスタンスではなく、マップを返すことができます。
