次のコードを使って方程式のボックスを作成します。 Tikzを使用してボックスを作成します。tikzpictureのput listing
\usepackage{amsmath,amssymb}% pour les maths
\newcommand{\mybox}[4][\textwidth-\pgfkeysvalueof{/pgf/inner xsep}-2mm]{%
\node[line width=.5mm, rounded corners, draw=#2, inner ysep=10pt, text width=#1, outer sep=0] (one) {\vspace*{15pt}\\\begin{varwidth}{\textwidth}#4\end{varwidth}};
\node[text=white,anchor=north east,align=center, minimum height=20pt] (two) at (one.north east) {#3 \hspace*{.5mm}};
(one.north west|-two.west) --
to[out=0,in=180] (two.south west) --
(two.south east) [rounded corners] --
(one.north east) --
(one.north west) [sharp corners] -- cycle;
\node[text=white,anchor=north east,align=center, minimum height=20pt, text height=2ex] (three) at (one.north east) {#3 \hspace*{.5mm}};
\mybox{green!70!black}{The Caption}{
\item Show that\\
$\displaystyle D_2f(x,y) = \frac{\partial {}}{\partial{y}} \biggl(\int_0^xg_1 (t,0) \ dt + \int_0^y g_2(x,s) \ ds \biggr)$
\item prove that\\
$\displaystyle \biggl(\forall x\in\mathbb{R} \biggr)\biggl(\forall y \in \mathbb{R} \biggr) x\neq y\, \text{ and } \, x+y \neq 2 \implies x^{2}-2x \neq y^2-2y$
しかし今、私は、私はエラーを得たのmbox内上場を入れるとボックス 内上場入れたい
fun1 <- function(data, data.frame, graph=TRUE, limit=20, ...) {
[omitted statements]
if (graph)
par(pch="*", ...)
[more omissions]
! Argument of \[email protected] has an extra }.