以下の機能が100%安全なコード噴射攻撃であることを確認したかったのです。具体的には、呼び出し側が実行可能なLuaコードを含むテーブルを取得したり、関数引数を介して関数に渡されたものをコンパイルするようにする関数の引数を誰でも見つけることができますか?これは安全ですか? (デシリアライゼーションを取る)
試み#1:(FAIL /危険な)すべての偉大なフィードバックのための
--[[ string2table(s : string)
De-serialise the string argument into a Lua table.
s should define a string serialised Lua constructor
However, no value of s can:
embed any code that can be executed at any stage by the caller
cause a runtime error during exec of the function
Requires Lua v5.3
string2table() is in the global env.
The caller has no acccess to load or pcall. i.e the caller is in a jail
s should represent a serialised Lua constructor as a string starting with "{".
s cannot not be pre-compiled or the function will return an error.
s must not encode any table key containing the text "function".
Return Value:
On success
table : s de-serialised into a lua table. Bascially pcall(load(s))
On fail
nil, errmsg
function string2table(s)
if type(s) ~= "string" then return nil, "call format: string2table(string)" end
if string.find(s, "{") ~= 1 then return nil, "string arg must begin with '{'" end -- just a hint, this affords no protection
s = "return"..string.gsub(s, "function", "fun\\99tion") -- NB \99 = "c"
-- The return & gsub above prevents embedding any code in s.
-- Specifically re the gsub:
-- when the text 'function' appears in a lua string it gets converted to 'function' ie no effect.
-- when the text 'function' appears outside of a lua string it gets converted to 'fun\99tion' causing the pcall to fail.
-- The cost of the gsub aprroach is that s can't define any table key with the text "function" in it.
-- However any "function" text embedded in a string will be unaffected.
local jail = {}
local f, err = load(s, "string2table:", "t", jail)
if err then return nil, err end -- it didnt compile, return the error
local ok, torErrmsg = pcall(f)
if not ok then return nil, torErrmsg end -- runtime error occured
return torErrmsg -- all ok, return the table
--[[ Example arguments:
"{s = \"function\"}" -- rv = true, {s = "function"}
"{f = (function() while true do end end)()}" -- value is a function call; rv = nil, [string "string2table:"]:1: ')' expected near '\'
"{[(function() while true do end return 123 end)()] = 456}" -- key is a function call; rv = nil, [string "string2table:"]:1: ')' expected near '\'
"{a = t.IdontExist}" -- runtime error; rv = nil, [string "string2table:"]:1: attempt to index a nil value (global 't')
初期フィードバックに基づく試行#2。試行#2では、文字列ライブラリのメタメソッドも無効になりました。 S = "{( 'A'):担当者(99):見つける(() '* ':担当者(99)..' B')}"
--[[ string2table(s : string)
De-serialise the string argument into a Lua table.
s should define a string serialised Lua constructor
However, no value of s can:
embed any code that can be executed at any stage by the caller
cause a runtime error during exec of the function
Requires Lua v5.3
string2table() is in the global env.
The caller has no acccess to load or pcall. i.e the caller is in a jail
Assumes the string library is present/visible.
s should represent a serialised Lua constructor as a string starting with "{".
s cannot not be pre-compiled or the function will return an error.
s must not encode any table key containing the text "function".
Inefficient (invokes Lua compiler).
Recommend JSON & JSON lib for frequent use over this function.
Return Value:
On success
table : s de-serialised into a lua table. Bascially pcall(load(s))
On fail
nil, errmsg
local s_load = load
local string_mt = getmetatable("")
function string2table(s)
if type(s) ~= "string" then return nil, "call format: string2table(string)" end
if string.find(s, "{") ~= 1 then return nil, "string arg must begin with '{'" end -- just a hint, this affords no protection
s = "return"..string.gsub(s, "function", "fun\\99tion") -- NB \99 = "c"
-- The return & gsub above prevents embedding most code from being embedded in s.
-- Specifically re the gsub:
-- when the text 'function' appears in a lua string it gets converted to 'function' ie no effect.
-- when the text 'function' appears outside of a lua string it gets converted to 'fun\99tion' causing the pcall to fail.
-- The cost of the gsub aprroach is that s can't define any table key with the text "function" in it.
-- However any "function" text embedded in a string will be unaffected.
-- gsub option: string.gsub(s, "%f[%w_]function%f[^%w_]", "fun\\99tion")
-- This variation above should safely allows keys with ..'function'.. in the key text to still load e.g. "{functional = true}"
-- [ed: I simply havent used this alt. gsub yet because im still learning Lua patterns and %f still confuses me]
local jail = {}
-- The string library's metatable represents a gaping hole in the jail. Temporarily close it.
-- This will ensure strings like this "{('a'):rep(99):find(('.*'):rep(99)..'b')}" are caught as an error.
string_mt.__index = nil -- disable string lib metatable
local f, err = s_load(s, "string2table:", "t", jail) -- "t" means only text chunks
if err then return nil, err end -- it didnt compile, return the error
local ok, torErrmsg = pcall(f)
string_mt.__index = string
if not ok then return nil, torErrmsg end -- runtime error occured
return torErrmsg -- all ok, return the table
--[[ quick test cases:
"{s = \"function\"}" -- rv = true, {s = "function"}
"{f = (function() while true do end end)()}" -- value is a function call; rv = nil, [string "luaDoStringLua:simple"]:1: ')' expected near '\'
"{[(function() while true do end return 123 end)()] = 456}" -- key is a function call; rv = nil, [string "luaDoStringLua:simple"]:1: ')' expected near '\'
"{a = t.IdontExist}" -- runtime error; rv = nil, [string "luaDoStringLua:simple"]:1: attempt to index a nil value (global 't')
"{('a'):rep(99):find(('.*'):rep(99)..'b')}" -- If string if exec'd it will hang the Lua interpreter.
単語 "function"を含む識別子を部分文字列として使用できるようにするには、次のように入力します。string.gsub(s、 "%f [%w_]関数%f [^%w_]"、 "fun \\ 99tion" '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' :: –
いくつかの入力文字列があなたのLua VMをハングするかもしれません: 'string2table(" {( 'a' .. 'b')} ")' –
また、IIRCの悪質なバイトコードもインタプリタに問題を引き起こす可能性があるため、ソースコードのみを読み込むようにしたいと考えています。 –