2016-09-26 20 views


tell application "Finder" 
    set srcPath to POSIX path of ((parent of (path to me) as text) & "M Templates") 
    set dstPath to POSIX path of (((path to movies folder) as text) & "M Templates") 

    duplicate entire contents of srcPath to dstPath 
end tell 



~/Movies/M Templatesが既に存在すると仮定すると、あなたはそれに追加のファイルをコピーするだけではなく、それを完全に置き換えたい:(あなたがFinderは自動的に既存のアイテムを上書きする場合duplicate...with replacingを使用してください。)

set src to path to me 
set dst to path to movies folder 

tell application "Finder" 
    duplicate items of folder "M Templates" of parent of src ¬ 
     to folder "M Templates" of dst with replacing 
end tell 

または、交換、オーバーM Templatesフォルダをコピーするには、以前の1:

set src to path to me 
set dst to path to movies folder 

tell application "Finder" 
    duplicate folder "M Templates" of parent of src to dst with replacing 
end tell 