2017-10-13 4 views

APIとDecodableについて学習しています。実際には、各イベントの名前を、それらのAPIを使用してTicketmasterに表示したいと考えました。 、Imは私に提示し、このエラーを取得するあらゆる試みを持つ:TicketMasters API(Swift 4.0/Decodable)からデータをプルする

Error serializing JSON: typeMismatch(Swift.Array<Any>, Swift.DecodingError.Context(codingPath: [], debugDescription: "Expected to decode Array<Any> but found a dictionary instead.", underlyingError: nil)) 


struct Event: Decodable { 
let name: String? } 


//API String Request 
    let jsonUrlString = "https://app.ticketmaster.com/discovery/v2/events.json?countryCode=US&apikey=zqqqmkCdkfslHeaCvqXbxQZFGNXHoAT2" 
    guard let url = URL(string: jsonUrlString) else { return } 

    //Method to pull information from Ticketmasters API 
    URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url) { (data, response, err) in 
     guard let data = data else { return } 
     let dataAsString = String(data: data, encoding: .utf8) 

     do { 
      let events = try JSONDecoder().decode([Event].self, from: data) 
     } catch let jsonErr { 
      print("Error serializing JSON:", jsonErr) 



enter image description here




typealias TicketMaster = OtherTicketMaster 

struct OtherTicketMaster: Codable { 
    let links: OtherOtherLinks 
    let embedded: Embedded 
    let page: Page 

struct OtherOtherLinks: Codable { 
    let last: OtherAttraction 
    let first: OtherAttraction 
    let next: OtherAttraction 
    let otherSelf: OtherAttraction 

struct OtherAttraction: Codable { 
    let href: String 

struct Embedded: Codable { 
    let events: [Event] 

struct Event: Codable { 
    let info: String? 
    let classifications: [Classification] 
    let links: OtherLinks 
    let embedded: OtherEmbedded 
    let accessibility: Accessibility? 
    let id: String 
    let dates: Dates 
    let images: [Image] 
    let priceRanges: [PriceRange] 
    let sales: Sales 
    let name: String 
    let locale: String 
    let pleaseNote: String? 
    let promoter: Promoter 
    let products: [Products]? 
    let promoters: [Promoter] 
    let test: Bool 
    let seatmap: Seatmap 
    let type: String 
    let url: String 

struct Classification: Codable { 
    let primary: Bool 
    let subGenre: Genre 
    let genre: Genre 
    let segment: Genre 
    let subType: Genre 
    let type: Genre 

struct Genre: Codable { 
    let id: String 
    let name: String 

struct OtherLinks: Codable { 
    let otherSelf: OtherAttraction 
    let attractions: [OtherAttraction] 
    let venues: [OtherAttraction] 

struct OtherEmbedded: Codable { 
    let attractions: [Attraction] 
    let venues: [Venue] 

struct Attraction: Codable { 
    let images: [Image] 
    let classifications: [Classification] 
    let links: Links 
    let id: String 
    let name: String 
    let type: String 
    let locale: String 
    let test: Bool 
    let upcomingEvents: UpcomingEvents 
    let url: String 

struct Links: Codable { 
    let otherSelf: OtherAttraction 

struct UpcomingEvents: Codable { 
    let ticketmaster: Int? 
    let total: Int 
    let tmr: Int? 

struct Venue: Codable { 
    let generalInfo: GeneralInfo? 
    let postalCode: String 
    let boxOfficeInfo: BoxOfficeInfo? 
    let accessibleSeatingDetail: String? 
    let links: Links 
    let address: Address 
    let country: Country 
    let city: City 
    let dmas: [Dma] 
    let location: Location 
    let images: [Image]? 
    let id: String 
    let locale: String 
    let name: String 
    let markets: [Market] 
    let parkingDetail: String 
    let timezone: String 
    let state: State 
    let social: Social? 
    let test: Bool 
    let upcomingEvents: UpcomingEvents 
    let type: String 
    let url: String 

struct GeneralInfo: Codable { 
    let childRule: String? 
    let generalRule: String 

struct BoxOfficeInfo: Codable { 
    let openHoursDetail: String 
    let acceptedPaymentDetail: String 
    let phoneNumberDetail: String? 
    let willCallDetail: String 

struct Address: Codable { 
    let line1: String 

struct Country: Codable { 
    let countryCode: String 
    let name: String 

struct City: Codable { 
    let name: String 

struct Dma: Codable { 
    let id: Int 

struct Location: Codable { 
    let latitude: String 
    let longitude: String 

struct Market: Codable { 
    let id: String 

struct State: Codable { 
    let name: String 
    let stateCode: String 

struct Social: Codable { 
    let twitter: Twitter 

struct Twitter: Codable { 
    let handle: String 

struct Accessibility: Codable { 
    let info: String 

struct Dates: Codable { 
    let start: Start 
    let spanMultipleDays: Bool 
    let status: Status 
    let timezone: String 

struct Start: Codable { 
    let localDate: String 
    let dateTBD: Bool 
    let dateTBA: Bool 
    let dateTime: String 
    let noSpecificTime: Bool 
    let localTime: String 
    let timeTBA: Bool 

struct Status: Codable { 
    let code: String 

struct Image: Codable { 
    let fallback: Bool 
    let ratio: String? 
    let attribution: String? 
    let height: Int 
    let url: String 
    let width: Int 

struct PriceRange: Codable { 
    let max: Double 
    let currency: String 
    let min: Double 
    let type: String 

struct Sales: Codable { 
    let presales: [Presales]? 
    let otherPublic: Public 

struct Presales: Codable { 
    let endDateTime: String 
    let startDateTime: String 
    let description: String? 
    let name: String 
    let url: String? 

struct Public: Codable { 
    let startDateTime: String 
    let endDateTime: String 
    let startTBD: Bool 

struct Promoter: Codable { 
    let id: String 
    let description: String 
    let name: String 

struct Products: Codable { 
    let name: String 
    let id: String 
    let type: String 
    let url: String 

struct Seatmap: Codable { 
    let staticUrl: String 

struct Page: Codable { 
    let size: Int 
    let number: Int 
    let totalElements: Int 
    let totalPages: Int 

// Serialization extensions 

extension OtherTicketMaster { 
    static func from(json: String, using encoding: String.Encoding = .utf8) -> OtherTicketMaster? { 
     guard let data = json.data(using: encoding) else { return nil } 
     return OtherTicketMaster.from(data: data) 

    static func from(data: Data) -> OtherTicketMaster? { 
     let decoder = JSONDecoder() 
     return try? decoder.decode(OtherTicketMaster.self, from: data) 

    var jsonData: Data? { 
     let encoder = JSONEncoder() 
     return try? encoder.encode(self) 

    var jsonString: String? { 
     guard let data = self.jsonData else { return nil } 
     return String(data: data, encoding: .utf8) 

extension Accessibility { 
    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey { 
     case info 

extension Address { 
    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey { 
     case line1 

extension Attraction { 
    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey { 
     case images 
     case classifications 
     case links = "_links" 
     case id 
     case name 
     case type 
     case locale 
     case test 
     case upcomingEvents 
     case url 

extension BoxOfficeInfo { 
    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey { 
     case openHoursDetail 
     case acceptedPaymentDetail 
     case phoneNumberDetail 
     case willCallDetail 

extension City { 
    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey { 
     case name 

extension Classification { 
    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey { 
     case primary 
     case subGenre 
     case genre 
     case segment 
     case subType 
     case type 

extension Country { 
    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey { 
     case countryCode 
     case name 

extension Dates { 
    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey { 
     case start 
     case spanMultipleDays 
     case status 
     case timezone 

extension Dma { 
    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey { 
     case id 

extension Embedded { 
    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey { 
     case events 

extension Event { 
    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey { 
     case info 
     case classifications 
     case links = "_links" 
     case embedded = "_embedded" 
     case accessibility 
     case id 
     case dates 
     case images 
     case priceRanges 
     case sales 
     case name 
     case locale 
     case pleaseNote 
     case promoter 
     case products 
     case promoters 
     case test 
     case seatmap 
     case type 
     case url 

extension GeneralInfo { 
    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey { 
     case childRule 
     case generalRule 

extension Genre { 
    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey { 
     case id 
     case name 

extension Image { 
    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey { 
     case fallback 
     case ratio 
     case attribution 
     case height 
     case url 
     case width 

extension Links { 
    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey { 
     case otherSelf = "self" 

extension Location { 
    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey { 
     case latitude 
     case longitude 

extension Market { 
    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey { 
     case id 

extension OtherAttraction { 
    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey { 
     case href 

extension OtherEmbedded { 
    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey { 
     case attractions 
     case venues 

extension OtherLinks { 
    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey { 
     case otherSelf = "self" 
     case attractions 
     case venues 

extension OtherOtherLinks { 
    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey { 
     case last 
     case first 
     case next 
     case otherSelf = "self" 

extension OtherTicketMaster { 
    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey { 
     case links = "_links" 
     case embedded = "_embedded" 
     case page 

extension Page { 
    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey { 
     case size 
     case number 
     case totalElements 
     case totalPages 

extension Presales { 
    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey { 
     case endDateTime 
     case startDateTime 
     case description 
     case name 
     case url 

extension PriceRange { 
    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey { 
     case max 
     case currency 
     case min 
     case type 

extension Products { 
    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey { 
     case name 
     case id 
     case type 
     case url 

extension Promoter { 
    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey { 
     case id 
     case description 
     case name 

extension Public { 
    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey { 
     case startDateTime 
     case endDateTime 
     case startTBD 

extension Sales { 
    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey { 
     case presales 
     case otherPublic = "public" 

extension Seatmap { 
    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey { 
     case staticUrl 

extension Social { 
    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey { 
     case twitter 

extension Start { 
    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey { 
     case localDate 
     case dateTBD 
     case dateTBA 
     case dateTime 
     case noSpecificTime 
     case localTime 
     case timeTBA 

extension State { 
    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey { 
     case name 
     case stateCode 

extension Status { 
    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey { 
     case code 

extension Twitter { 
    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey { 
     case handle 

extension UpcomingEvents { 
    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey { 
     case ticketmaster 
     case total = "_total" 
     case tmr 

extension Venue { 
    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey { 
     case generalInfo 
     case postalCode 
     case boxOfficeInfo 
     case accessibleSeatingDetail 
     case links = "_links" 
     case address 
     case country 
     case city 
     case dmas 
     case location 
     case images 
     case id 
     case locale 
     case name 
     case markets 
     case parkingDetail 
     case timezone 
     case state 
     case social 
     case test 
     case upcomingEvents 
     case type 
     case url 

// Helpers 

class JSONNull: Codable { 
    public init() { 

    public required init(from decoder: Decoder) throws { 
     let container = try decoder.singleValueContainer() 
     if !container.decodeNil() { 
      throw DecodingError.typeMismatch(JSONNull.self, DecodingError.Context(codingPath: decoder.codingPath, debugDescription: "Wrong type for JSONNull")) 

    public func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws { 
     var container = encoder.singleValueContainer() 
     try container.encodeNil() 


let ticketMaster = TicketMaster.from(json: dataAsString)! 
let eventNames = ticketMaster.embedded.events.map { $0.name } 

NICE ANSWER!人生節約ユーティリティ。 – Jeff
