<script type="text/javascript">
function highlight(word) {
var node = document.body;
for (node = node.firstChild; node; node = node.nextSibling) {
var n = node;
var match_pos = 0;
match_pos = n.nodeValue.indexOf(word);
var before = n.nodeValue.substr(0, match_pos);// split into a part before the match
var middle = n.nodeValue.substr(match_pos, word.length); // the matched word to preserve case
var after = document.createTextNode(n.nodeValue.substr(match_pos + word.length));// and the part after the match
var highlight_span = document.createElement("span");// create a span in the middle
highlight_span.style.backgroundColor = "yellow";
highlight_span.appendChild(document.createTextNode(middle));// insert word as textNode in new span
n.nodeValue = before; // Turn node data into before
n.parentNode.insertBefore(after, n.nextSibling); // insert after
n.parentNode.insertBefore(highlight_span, n.nextSibling); // insert new span
highlight_span.id = "highlight_span" + highlights.length;
node = node.nextSibling; // Advance to next node or we get stuck in a loop because we created a span (child)
@Html.Action("GetHtmlPage", "Upload", new { path = Model.documentPath })
var str = Model.sentence["sentence"].AsString;
、あなたが把握しようとする問題は何ですか? –
基本的には何もない、文がハイライト表示されていない –
NodeListを繰り返し処理しようとしたことは一度もありません –