Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: 'Attempt to insert non-property list object (
) for key pushArray'
class PushNotificationController: UIViewController {
let arrayKey : String = "pushArray"
var defualtUrl : String = ""
var defualtMessage : String = ""
var defualtTitle : String = ""
var defualtCoupon : String = ""
var storedUrl : String = ""
var storedMessage : String = ""
var storedTitle : String = ""
var storedCoupon : String = ""
var urlVar : String = ""
var messageVar : String = ""
var titleVar : String = ""
var couponVar : String = ""
var myNote : MyNotificaiton?
let loginInformation = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults()
let noteificationDefaults = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults()
var recivedNotification = [MyNotificaiton]()
@IBOutlet weak var titleLable: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var messageLable: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var urlLable: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var couponLable: UILabel!
override func viewDidLoad() {
//add observer for load request in webview when receive remote notification.
NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(self, selector:#selector(PushNotificationController.PushReceiver(_:)), name: "PushReceived", object: nil)
var isThereAMessage : Bool = false
//create an array
//Fill it with the userdefulat data
//Check to see if there is any writen data
//othere wise just move along
if noteificationDefaults.objectForKey(arrayKey) != nil
recivedNotification = loadPushArray()
print("Loading push Array")
//Get the Url from the push notification
if loginInformation.objectForKey("URL") != nil
storedUrl = loginInformation.objectForKey("URL") as! String
if storedUrl.isEmpty
{urlLable.text = "Url is Empty"
urlLable.text = storedUrl
urlVar = storedUrl
{urlLable.text = "Url is Empty"}
//Display the Push notification
//Set the message variable
if loginInformation.objectForKey("Message") != nil
storedMessage = loginInformation.objectForKey("Message") as! String
if storedMessage.isEmpty
{messageLable.text = "Message is Empty"
messageLable.text = storedMessage
messageVar = storedMessage
isThereAMessage = true
}else{messageLable.text = "Message is Empty"}
//Set the Title variable
if loginInformation.objectForKey("Title") != nil
storedTitle = loginInformation.objectForKey("Title") as! String
if storedTitle.isEmpty
{titleLable.text = "Title is Empty"}
titleLable.text = storedTitle
titleVar = storedTitle
}else{titleLable.text = "Title is Empty"}
//Set the Title variable
if loginInformation.objectForKey("Coupon") != nil
storedCoupon = loginInformation.objectForKey("Coupon") as! String
if storedCoupon.isEmpty
{couponLable.text = "Coupon is Empty"
couponLable.text = storedCoupon
couponVar = storedCoupon
{couponLable.text = "Title is Empty"}
//Saved the recived data to the push notifcation items
print("Check to see if I recived a message : ")
//Test to see if there was a push notificaiton sent
//if there was then create a new object with the data recived
myNote = MyNotificaiton(pUrl: urlVar,pMessage: messageVar,pTitle: titleVar,pCoupon: couponVar)
recivedNotification.insert(myNote!, atIndex: 0)
recivedNotification.insert(recivedNotification[0], atIndex: 1)
print("Added item to Recived Note Array")
print("Printing the Array")
print("Printed the Array")
//Save the array now
func clearLoginInfo()
//set everything back to empty so it can recive new notification
loginInformation.setObject(defualtUrl, forKey: "URL")
loginInformation.setObject(defualtMessage, forKey: "Message")
loginInformation.setObject(defualtTitle, forKey: "Title")
loginInformation.setObject(defualtCoupon, forKey: "Coupon")
//Save the Modified Arrays
func savePushArray(myArray : [MyNotificaiton])
noteificationDefaults.setObject(myArray, forKey: arrayKey)
//Load the array
func loadPushArray() -> [MyNotificaiton]
let array : [MyNotificaiton] = noteificationDefaults.objectForKey(arrayKey) as! [MyNotificaiton]
return array
//When post notification then below method is called.
func PushReceiver(notifi: NSNotification)
print("Pushed Recieved")
//let dicNotifi: [NSObject : AnyObject] = notifi.userInfo!
//NSLog("notificiation Info %@ \n", dicNotifi)
//Printing of an object
//This is a tail of Cpt Jack Sparrow
func printPushObject(myObject : MyNotificaiton)
//Build the object
//MARK: MYNotification class
class MyNotificaiton
var url : String?
var message : String?
var title : String?
var coupon : String?
init(pUrl : String, pMessage : String, pTitle : String, pCoupon : String)
url = pUrl
message = pMessage
title = pTitle
coupon = pCoupon
//Save and load data from NSUserDefaults
init(coder aDecoder : NSCoder!)
self.url = aDecoder.decodeObjectForKey("thisUrl") as? String
self.message = aDecoder.decodeObjectForKey("thisMessage") as? String
self.title = aDecoder.decodeObjectForKey("thisTitle") as? String
self.coupon = aDecoder.decodeObjectForKey("thisCoupon") as? String
func initWithCoder(aDecoder : NSCoder) -> MyNotificaiton
self.url = aDecoder.decodeObjectForKey("thisUrl") as? String
self.message = aDecoder.decodeObjectForKey("thisMessage") as? String
self.title = aDecoder.decodeObjectForKey("thisTitle") as? String
self.coupon = aDecoder.decodeObjectForKey("thisCoupon") as? String
return self
func encodeWithCoder(aCoder : NSCoder!)
aCoder.encodeObject(url, forKey: "thisUrl")
aCoder.encodeObject(message, forKey: "thisMessage")
aCoder.encodeObject(title, forKey: "thisTitle")
aCoder.encodeObject(coupon, forKey: "thisCoupon")
https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=%22Attempt+to+insert+non-property+list+object%22 – Wain
質問をo nlyには、あなたが尋ねたい部分が含まれています。配列のプリントを含めて、大量のビューコントローラ全体をここに投げるよりも良いでしょう。 – Tj3n
@ Paulw11私はオブジェクトの配列をあなたが私に指摘した質問。私はすでにそこを見て、私が必要とする答えが見つからなかった – MNM