2017-07-03 5 views

私は約100語を含む段落を持っています。私は最大の単語数を1行につき10に制限したいと思います。 CSSでwidthプロパティを使用しましたが、フォントサイズが小さくなると制限を超えます。 1行あたりの単語数を制限するにはどうすればよいですか?どんな助けもありがとう。html段落の1行あたりの単語数を制限するにはどうすればよいですか?

<p>The key takeaway for understanding the shift towards VR & AR is their collective push towards enabling people to engage more naturally with computers — by simply looking, gesturing, conversing, and being — as opposed to dealing with interfering and unnatural interfaces like mice, keyboards, and flat screens. Less interference means more immersion. And more immersion means more humanity, empathy, and potential for transformation in our experience — both relating to computers, and to each-other.</p> 



The key takeaway for understanding the shift towards VR & 
AR is their collective push towards enabling people to engage 
more naturally with computers — by simply looking, gesturing, conversing, and being — as 
opposed to dealing with interfering and unnatural interfaces like mice, 
keyboards, and flat screens. Less interference means more immersion. And 
more immersion means more humanity, empathy, and potential for transformation 
in our experience — both relating to computers, and to each-other. 

10単語ごとに「\ n」を追加しようとしましたか? – dloeda


なぜ文字列を部分文字列に変換してから、\ nを追加してドローダが言ったのでしょうか? – EnriqueDev


助けてくれてありがとう – Dark



、文字列は、ループ内では、空白でsplitあります再び空白でまとめる。 10番目の単語ごとに新しい行が付けられます。


var str = 'The key takeaway for understanding the shift towards VR & AR is their collective push towards enabling people to engage more naturally with computers — by simply looking, gesturing, conversing, and being — as opposed to dealing with interfering and unnatural interfaces like mice, keyboards, and flat screens. Less interference means more immersion. And more immersion means more humanity, empathy, and potential for transformation in our experience — both relating to computers, and to each-other.', 
    parts = str.split(' '), 
    outStr = ''; 

//Combine each word 
for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { 
    outStr += ' ' + parts[i]; 
    //every tenth word, add a new-line. Change this to '<br/>' if you want html. 
    if ((i + 1) % 10 === 0) { 
    outStr += "\n"; 



const refineParagraph = ((text, limit, delimiter) => { 
    return text.split(' ').reduce((a, b, i) => (i % limit) ? a + ' ' + b : a + ' ' + b + delimiter); 


let paragraph = 'The key takeaway for understanding the shift towards VR & AR is their collective push towards enabling people to engage more naturally with computers — by simply looking, gesturing, conversing, and being — as opposed to dealing with interfering and unnatural interfaces like mice, keyboards, and flat screens. Less interference means more immersion. And more immersion means more humanity, empathy, and potential for transformation in our experience — both relating to computers, and to each-other.' 

let refined = refineParagraph(paragraph, 10, '\n'); 



あなたが新しい行(例を追加するためにすべての単語を通じて言葉やループの配列に入力文字列をsplitでき<br>。 )10単語ごとに。


var elem = document.getElementById("myText"); 
var words = elem.innerHTML.split(' '); 
var wrappedText = ''; 

words.forEach(function(word, i){ 
    if(i > 0 && (i+1) % 10 == 0) 
    wrappedText += word + '<br>'; 
    wrappedText += word + ' '; 

elem.innerHTML = wrappedText;
<div id="myText">The key takeaway for understanding the shift towards VR & AR is their collective push towards enabling people to engage more naturally with computers — by simply looking, gesturing, conversing, and being — as opposed to dealing with interfering and unnatural interfaces like mice, keyboards, and flat screens. Less interference means more immersion. And more immersion means more humanity, empathy, and potential for transformation in our experience — both relating to computers, and to each-other. 


var elem = document.getElementById("myText"); 
var words = elem.innerHTML.split(' '); 
var wrappedText = ''; 

words.forEach(function(word, i){ 
    if(i > 0 && (i+1) % 10 == 0) 
    wrappedText += word + '\n'; 
    wrappedText += word + ' '; 

elem.innerHTML = wrappedText;
<pre id="myText">The key takeaway for understanding the shift towards VR & AR is their collective push towards enabling people to engage more naturally with computers — by simply looking, gesturing, conversing, and being — as opposed to dealing with interfering and unnatural interfaces like mice, keyboards, and flat screens. Less interference means more immersion. And more immersion means more humanity, empathy, and potential for transformation in our experience — both relating to computers, and to each-other. 



'を使わずに改行することは可能ですか? – Dark


@BharathShettyはい、複数のスパン/ div /に分けることができます。そして、もしあなたがそれが可能ならば、それだけではcssによってn個の世界にマッチすることはできません。あなたはオーバーフローすることができますが、それは単語に一致しません。 – user5014677


はい、 'pre' htmlタグを使い、' \ n'を使って改行したい場合は、私の答えを更新しました。 – Alessandro



しかし、あなただけの10 word occurrenceで破断したい場合は、正規表現を使用することができます。

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded',() => { 

    var p = document.querySelector('#test'); 

    p.innerHTML = p.textContent.replace(
    /((?:\S+\s+){10}\S+)/g, '$1<br />' 

<p id="test">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Ab, ad aliquid assumenda consequatur eligendi ex harum in iure libero molestiae natus repellendus sunt veniam. Ipsa nemo omnis perspiciatis quae sint!Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Ab, ad aliquid assumenda consequatur eligendi ex harum in iure libero molestiae natus repellendus sunt veniam. Ipsa nemo omnis perspiciatis quae sint!Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Ab, ad aliquid assumenda consequatur eligendi ex harum in iure libero molestiae natus repellendus sunt veniam. Ipsa nemo omnis perspiciatis quae sint!Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Ab, ad aliquid assumenda consequatur eligendi ex harum in iure libero molestiae natus repellendus sunt veniam. Ipsa nemo omnis perspiciatis quae sint!Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Ab, ad aliquid assumenda consequatur eligendi ex harum in iure libero molestiae natus repellendus sunt veniam. Ipsa nemo omnis perspiciatis quae sint!Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Ab, ad aliquid assumenda consequatur eligendi ex harum in iure libero molestiae natus repellendus sunt veniam. Ipsa nemo omnis perspiciatis quae sint!</p>


これは11単語ごとに壊れます。 – Alessandro


それはちょうど簡単な編集を必要とします... – Hitmands


はい、それは少しメモだった...大丈夫;) – Alessandro



var getString = document.getElementById("string").innerHTML; 
var output = document.getElementsByClassName("output")[0]; 
var totalWord = getString.split(" "); 
for(var i = 0; i < totalWord.length;i++){ 
    if(i % 10 == 0 && i > 0){ 
    output.innerHTML = output.innerHTML + totalWord[i] + "<br>"; 
    output.innerHTML = output.innerHTML + totalWord[i] + " "; 


<p id="string">The key takeaway for understanding the shift towards VR & AR is their collective push towards enabling people to engage more naturally with computers — by simply looking, gesturing, conversing, and being — as opposed to dealing with interfering and unnatural interfaces like mice, keyboards, and flat screens. Less interference means more immersion. And more immersion means more humanity, empathy, and potential for transformation in our experience — both relating to computers, and to each-other. 

<div class="output"></div> 

