# Definition to convert a date into the day of the year (did not want to use datetime module)
def doy(month,day,mn,mz):
monthlist = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12]
s = 0
for m in monthlist:
#s = 0
if m < int(month):
for l in mn:
if m in l:
s += int(mz[j])
j += 1
elif m == int(month):
s += int(day)
return s
# Lists of month for the definition above
month29 = [2]
month30 = [4,6,9,11]
month31 = [1,3,5,7,8,10,12]
md = [month29,month30,month31]
mm = ["29","30","31"]
# Weather as string-Input
Bsp="Wetter;leicht bewoelkt;sonnig/klare Nacht;sonnig/klare Nacht;mittel bewoelkt;stark bewoelkt;mittel bewoelkt;mittel bewoelkt;mittel bewoelkt;stark bewoelkt;mittel bewoelkt;mittel bewoelkt;stark bewoelkt leichter schneefall;stark bewoelkt leichter schneefall;stark bewoelkt leichter schneefall;stark bewoelkt leichter schneefall;stark bewoelkt leichter schneefall;stark bewoelkt leichter schneefall"
# Date Input
final_datum = ["31.03","31.03","31.03","31.03","1.04","1.04","1.04","1.04","2.04","2.04","2.04","2.04","3.04","3.04","3.04","3.04","4.04"]
# Read the csv-file with radiation values
fobj_rsunh_SEEG = open("H:\\radiation\\int_SEEG2.csv", "r")
# Of every 4 identical dates, I just need the two in the middle (31.3,||31.3,31.3||,31,3,...)
final_datum2 = []
for r in range(1,3):
fd = final_datum[r::4]
for h in range(4):
for e in final_datum2:
# Split the Bsp-string and do the same as with the dates (just get the second and third info of every four entries"
iswr = iswr.split(";")
iswr = iswr[1:]
iswr2 = []
for rr in range(1,3):
isw = iswr[r::4]
for hh in range(4):
for ee in iswr2:
# Define a list for the iteration below
sbosf = ["stark bewoelkt","stark bewoelkt leichter schneefall","stark bewoelkt mittlerer schneefall","stark bewoelkt viel schneefal","mittel bewoelkt leichter schneefall","mittel_bewoelkt mittlerer schneefall","mittel_bewoelkt viel schneefall","leicht bewoelkt leichter schneefall","leicht bewoelkt mittlerer schneefall","leicht bewoelkt viel schneefall"]
iswr_ht_list = []
k = 0 # k is a index of the iteration
# depending on the entry of the iswr3-list, I get a different factor called "df"
for i in iswr3:
if i == "sonnig/klare Nacht":
df = 1
elif i == "leicht bewoelkt":
df = 0.75
elif i == "mittel bewoelkt":
df = 0.5
elif i in sbosf:
df = 0.25
print "Weather = ",i
print "df = ",df
print "k = ",k
# the list of the date and the iswr3 have overlapping infos, that means iswr3[0] happens during final_datum3[0] -> therefore the index k
f = final_datum3[k]
f = f.split(".")
# split date to day and month and use the definition in the beginning of the cript to calculate the day of the year
day_f = f[0]
month_f = f[1]
day_of_year = doy(int(month_f),int(day_f),md,mm)
print "Day = ",day_f
print "Month = ",month_f
print "Day of the year = ",day_of_year
# empty lists of half-day values for later on
ht1_list = []
ht2_list = []
# read every line of csv file, split each line and define columns as variables: first column is the day of the year, second is time and third is radiation (rd)
for line in fobj_rsunh_SEEG:
line = line.split(",")
dy = line[0]
tm = line[1]
tmh = tm.split(".")
tmhh = tmh[0]
rd = line[2]
# if the day of the year in the csv-line (first column) is equal to the day of the year of my input list(iswr3), then append the radiation info of that line into list 1 or 2 depending of the half of the day (before or after 13 o`clock)
if int(dy) == day_of_year:
if int(tmhh) < 13:
elif int(tmhh) > 12:
# after the radiation info of one day(final_datum3) in the csv file was split into two lists (day-half 1 and day-half 2), those lists get modified with the factor "df"
iswr_ht1 = sum(ht1_list)*df
iswr_ht2 = sum(ht2_list)*df
print "Day Half 1: ", iswr_ht1
print "Day Half 2: ", iswr_ht2
# Add the two halfs together to get the radiation of the whole day
iswr_gt = iswr_ht1 + iswr_ht2
print "Integral of Day ",day_f,"amounts to ",iswr_gt
# append that info to the final result list
# now add 1 to the index to do the same for the next final_datum3 and iswr3 value
k += 1
print "----------------------------------------------------------------"
# print final result list
print "List of Halfday-Values: ",iswr_ht_list
Weather = sonnig/klare Nacht
df = 1
k = 0
Day = 31
Month = 03
Day of the year = 91
Day Half 1: 10480.3028
Day Half 2: 2699.23143
Integral of Day 31 amounts to 13179.53423
Weather = sonnig/klare Nacht
df = 1
k = 1
Day = 31
Month = 03
Day of the year = 91
Day Half 1: 0
Day Half 2: 0
Integral of Day 31 amounts to 0
List of Halfday-Values: [['31', 10480.3028, 2699.23143], ['31', 0, 0], ['1', 0.0, 0.0], ['1', 0.0, 0.0], ['2', 0.0, 0.0], ['2', 0.0, 0.0], ['3', 0.0, 0.0], ['3', 0.0, 0.0]]
これを[mcve]にカットします。その過程であなた自身の質問に答えることができます。 – jonrsharpe
問題がどこにあるのか分かっていれば、最小限のコードしか得られないかもしれませんが、間違いがどこにあるのかを完全に検証できる例を与えるために、私はそれを打ち消すことはできません... Im sry –
**あなたの仕事**は、どこに問題があるかを把握するために、これはアウトソースされたデバッグではありません。基礎を学ぶ:https://ericlippert.com/2014/03/05/how-to-debug-small-programs/。あなたがこのコードについて他の誰よりも多くを知っているにもかかわらず、それを分解できないなら、なぜ他の誰かが自由時間を過ごすことを期待していますか? – jonrsharpe