私はプラグイン機能を実行するテンプレートを作成しようとしています。 これは私が作ろうとしているテンプレートです。 これはエラーです。
警告:C:\ www \ htdocs \ FCN-GIT \ wp-content \ themes \ Avada-Child-Theme \ single-wpt_test.phpのforeach()引数が無効です。ライン39
Fatal error: Call to undefined method WP::doAction() in C:\www\htdocs\FCN-GIT\wp-content\themes\Avada-Child-Theme\single-wpt_test.php on line 44
* Template Name: Test
* @package WordPress
* @subpackage Avada
* @since 2016
// Can be overriden in your theme as entry-content-wpt-test-fill-form.php
/* @var $answerIdName string */
/* @var $answerIndex integer */
/* @var $isShowContent boolean */
/* @var $formAttributes array */
/* @var $content string */
/* @var $subTitle string */
/* @var $shortDescription string */
/* @var $test WpTesting_Model_Test */
/* @var $questions WpTesting_Model_Question[] */
/* @var $isFinal boolean */
/* @var $isMultipleAnswers boolean */
/* @var $submitButtonCaption string */
/* @var $stepsCounter string */
/* @var $wp WpTesting_WordPressFacade */
/* @var $hiddens array */
<div class="wpt_test fill_form">
<?php if ($isShowContent): ?>
<div class="content">
<?php echo $content ?>
<?php endif ?>
<div class="content"><form
<?php foreach ($formAttributes as $key => $value):?>
<?php echo $key ?>="<?php echo htmlspecialchars(is_array($value) ? json_encode($value) : $value) ?>"
<?php endforeach ?>>
<?php if ($subTitle): ?><h2 class="subtitle"><?php echo $subTitle ?></h2><?php endif ?>
<?php if ($shortDescription): ?><div class="short-description"><?php echo $wp->autoParagraphise($shortDescription) ?></div><?php endif ?>
<?php $wp->doAction('wp_testing_template_fill_form_questions_before') ?>
<?php foreach($questions as $q => $question): /* @var $question WpTesting_Model_Question */ ?>
<?php $wp->doAction('wp_testing_template_fill_form_question_before', $question, $q) ?>
<div class="question">
<div class="title">
<span class="number"><?php echo $q+1 ?>.</span><span class="title"><?php echo $question->getTitle() ?>
<?php $wp->doAction('wp_testing_template_fill_form_label_end', array('required' => true)) ?></span>
<?php if (!$isMultipleAnswers): ?>
<input type="hidden" name="<?php echo $answerIdName ?>[<?php echo $answerIndex ?>]" value="" />
<?php endif ?>
<?php foreach($question->buildAnswers() as $a => $answer): /* @var $answer WpTesting_Model_Answer */ ?>
<?php $answerId = 'wpt-test-question-' . $question->getId() . '-answer-' . $answer->getId() ?>
<div class="answer">
<label for="<?php echo $answerId ?>">
<input type="<?php echo $isMultipleAnswers ? 'checkbox' : 'radio' ?>" id="<?php echo $answerId ?>"
data-errormessage="<?php echo $isMultipleAnswers
? __('Please select at least one answer.', 'wp-testing')
: __('Please choose only one answer.', 'wp-testing') ?>"
<?php if (0 == $a): ?>required="required" aria-required="true"<?php endif ?>
name="<?php echo $answerIdName ?>[<?php echo $answerIndex ?>]" value="<?php echo $answer->getId() ?>" />
<?php echo $answer->getTitleOnce() ?>
<?php if ($isMultipleAnswers) {$answerIndex++;} ?>
<?php endforeach ?>
<?php $wp->doAction('wp_testing_template_fill_form_question_after', $question, $q) ?>
<?php if (!$isMultipleAnswers) {$answerIndex++;} ?>
<?php endforeach ?>
<?php $wp->doAction('wp_testing_template_fill_form_questions_after') ?>
<?php if($isFinal): ?>
<input type="submit" class="button" value="<?php echo $submitButtonCaption ?>" />
<?php if($stepsCounter): ?><span class="steps-counter"><?php echo $stepsCounter ?></span><?php endif ?>
<?php else: ?>
<div class="wpt_warning">
<h4><?php echo __('Test is under construction', 'wp-testing') ?></h4>
<p><?php echo __('You can not get any results from it yet.', 'wp-testing') ?></p>
<?php endif ?>
<?php foreach($hiddens as $name => $value): ?><input type="hidden" name="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($name) ?>" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($value) ?>" /><?php endforeach ?>