requiredContent='Tigers that breed with lions give birth to hybrids known as "tigons" and "ligers."// In 19th-century Sweden, 380 kids were strangled by their mothers or nurses every year, according to the Swedish Statistical Bureau.'
String[] factsArray = StringUtils.split(requiredContent, "//");
とそれを分割し、I 2の配列の長さを有していなければならない結果
[Tigers that breed with lions give birth to hybrids known as "tigons" and "ligers.", In 19th-century Sweden, 380 kids were strangled by their mothers or nurses every year, according to the Swedish Statistical Bureau.]
得factsArrayを得たが、それは長さ4の配列を示しました。それは文字列に含まれている "、"を持つ文字列を解析していました。これは起こるべきではない、これを修正する方法???