2016-07-08 3 views

は私が$("myDiv1")$("myDiv2")のような2つのjQueryの要素を持っており、それがSetText()と呼ばれるために私がprotoを定義し,, SetText実装で ? あなたはthisを使用し、


あなたの懸念に加えて、私はこれは私が「ものではありませんのコースWaldirJ.PereiraJunior @ –


'' $( "#のmyDiv1")のようなあなたは、id'選択 'は'# 'を使うべきだと思います私は話しています。これは間違いなく私の問題ではありません –




  • あなたのプラグインのコード内では、それはあなたのプラグインが、それはDOM要素を指し、イベントハンドラと、このような内
  • で呼び出されたオブジェクトのjQueryを指します


// Our "nifty" plugin. 
// Note this is an ES5 and earlier example, no ES2015+ features used. 
(function($) { 
    // Convenient access to Array#slice 
    var slice = Array.prototype.slice; 
    // Our event namespace 
    var eventNS = ".nifty"; 
    // Our data name for options 
    var optionsName = "options.nifty"; 
    // Some default options 
    var niftyDefaults = { 
    color: "green", 
    text: "default text" 
    // Our methods 
    var methods = { 
    init: nifty$init, 
    destroy: nifty$destroy, 
    options: nifty$options, 
    settext: nifty$settext 
    // Main plugin function 
    $.fn.nifty = function(options) { 
    // Note that here, `this` is the jQuery object our plugin was called on. 
    var method, args; 
    // Determine the method to call and arguments to it 
    if (typeof options === "string") { 
     // Method call 
     method = options; 
     args = slice.call(arguments, 1); // 1 = skip the method name 
    } else { 
     // Init 
     method = "init"; 
     args = slice.call(arguments, 0); // 0 = copy all 
    // Call the method, return the result 
    return methods[method].apply(this, args); 
    // Because of the way we call them, `this` in all of our methods below 
    // is the jQuery object we were called on 
    // Init 
    function nifty$init(options) { 
    // Initialize each element individually 
    this.each(function() { 
     // Note that here, `this` is the DOM element for this iteration of 
     // the `each` loop. Save the options; each element gets its own copy. 
     $(this).data(optionsName, $.extend({}, niftyDefaults, options)); 
     // If we had other per-element init, we'd do it here. 
    // Let's have our "nifty" set up an event handler when initialized. 
    // We do it here because we don't need a separate handler for each 
    // individual element. 
    this.on("click.nifty", function() { 
     // Resond by setting the color according to this specific 
     // element's options. 
     var $this = $(this); 
     $this.css("color", $this.data(optionsName).color); 
    // The main init of a plugin should almost always return `this` 
    // for chaining 
    return this; 

    // Plugins should always have a "destroy" method that undoes what they do 
    // in init. It should handle it gracefully if init hasn't been called on 
    // the elements. 
    function nifty$destroy() { 
    // Remove our event handler 
    this.off("click" + eventNS); 

    // Remove the event data 
    return this.each(function() { 
    // Our "options" method 
    function nifty$options(newOptions) { 
    // For each element in the matched set, update the options. 
    // Note how we're returning the return value from `this.each`, which is 
    // `this`. A method should always return `this` unless it has a good 
    // reason for doing something else. 
    return this.each(function() { 
     var $this = $(this); 
     var opts = $this.data(optionsName); 
     checkForInit("options", opts); 
     $this.data(optionsName, $.extend({}, opts, newOptions)); 

    // Our "settext" method 
    function nifty$settext() { 
    // Set the text on each matched element individually, according to its 
    // options. 
    return this.each(function() { 
     var $this = $(this); 
     var opts = $this.data(optionsName); 
     checkForInit("settext", opts); 

    // Worker function, throws exception if a method is called on an 
    // un-initialized element. 
    function checkForInit(method, opts) { 
    if (typeof opts === "undefined") { 
     throw new Error(method + " cannot be called until `nifty` has been initialized on the element"); 

// Using it -- init 
$(".foo").nifty({color: "blue"}); 
$(".bar").nifty({text: "bar text"}); 

// Calling methods - give different texts to each of the foos, override 
// the color we use on the last one 
    .nifty("options", {text: "I'm the first foo"}) 
    .nifty("options", {text: "I'm the last foo", color: "orange"}); 
// Call "settext" on all the foos and bars 
$(".foo, .bar").nifty("settext"); 

// Destroy "nifty" on bar 

// Prove that we did and that methods complain 
try { 
    $(".bar").nifty("options", {color: "blue"}); 
    console.log("Shouldn't get here"); 
} catch (e) { 
    console.log("Correctly got error: " + e.message); 
<div>Click each of the three divs below.</div> 
<div style="padding: 8px; border: 1px solid #ddd"> 
    <div class="foo">foo1</div> 
    <div class="foo">foo2</div> 
    <div class="bar">bar</div> 
<div>Note that clicking the 'bar' element doesn't change its color, because we destroyed the nifty plugin on it after using nifty to set its text</div> 
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script>


実例がありますか?これは私がこれまで行ってきたことで、これは常に最後に定義されたオブジェクトを指しています。 –


@JosephKhella:これを追加しました。 :-) –


Crowder、私はあなたのコードを編集して、必要なものと一致させました。私のソースコードで何が間違っているのかまだ分かりませんが、あなたの例では動作しますが、 thx man :) 'http:// jsfiddle.net/Q8KVC/1497 /' –

