を追加した場合、私はダニがオブザーバーのみダニはオブザーバーだけなので、カメのコンテキストでダニを使用することはできません! NETLOGO
を取得します。 search go-homeとdendeはすべて私のコマンドで定義されています。
if energy < 20000 [ask adults [go-home den]]
to go
if ticks = day-length [set day day + 1 create-next-day]
ask adults [search eat]
if energy < 20000 [ask adults [go-home den]]
を所有していること、それは完璧に動作しますが、私はその行または同等のものを必要とします。 (それが表示される)
;;------------------- ADULTS COMMANDS--------------------------;;
;; Need to add a private variable (wolves own) for wolves [state] and then need to code 4 states 1. Den 2. Search 3. Eat 4. Return
;; need to code all 4 states
;; Need to correctly allocate energy and the state of decline
To den ;when wolf is full
set energy energy - .04
to search ;when wolf is hungry
set energy energy - .07
fd v-wolf
if random 600 = 1 ;; frequency of turn
[ ifelse random 2 = 0 ;; 50:50 chance of left or right
[ rt 15 ] ;; could add some variation to this with random-normal 45 5
[ lt 15 ]] ;; so that it samples from a dist with mean 45 SD 5
;; check if it can see a prey/food item
;; here i think we probably pick one of several possible prey
;; that are detectable randomly using the one-of command.
;; We should probably select the nearest one instead ** The turtles are getting
;; caught between two prey species and dying because they cant choose which one **
if any? prey in-radius smell [set heading towards one-of prey in-radius smell]
if energy < 0 [die]
To eat ;to kill prey and eat it
let kill one-of prey-here in-radius smell
;need to code in a variable for success too
if kill != nobody
[ask kill [ die ]
set energy energy + 10000]
to go-home ;to head home after they've eaten and den until they need to feed again
if energy > 30000 [set target-patch min-one-of (patches with [pcolor = white]) [distance myself]]
face target-patch
fd v-wolf
set energy energy - 1
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