2017-06-09 11 views


Can't have multiple template bindings on one element. Use only one attribute named 'template' or prefixed with * (" 

     <ion-row *ngFor="let image of images; let i = index;" [ERROR ->]*ngIf="{{i % 3 === 0}}"> 
      <ion-col col-4 (click)="openPhoto(image)" *ngIf="{{i < images.le"): ng:///AppModule/[email protected]:62 
TypeError: Cannot read property 'toUpperCase' of undefined (" 

     <ion-row *ngFor="let image of images; let i = index;" [ERROR ->]*ngIf="{{i % 3 === 0}}"> 
      <ion-col col-4 (click)="openPhoto(image)" *ngIf="{{i < images.le"): ng:///AppModule/[email protected]:62 
Can't bind to '*ngIf' since it isn't a known property of 'ion-row'. 
1. If 'ion-row' is an Angular component and it has '*ngIf' input, then verify that it is part of this module. 
2. If 'ion-row' is a Web Component then add 'CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA' to the '@NgModule.schemas' of this component to suppress this message. 
3. To allow any property add 'NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA' to the '@NgModule.schemas' of this component. (" 

     <ion-row *ngFor="let image of images; let i = index;" [ERROR ->]*ngIf="{{i % 3 === 0}}"> 
      <ion-col col-4 (click)="openPhoto(image)" *ngIf="{{i < images.le"): ng:///AppModule/[email protected]:62 
Parser Error: Unexpected token {, expected identifier, keyword, or string at column 2 in [{{i % 3 === 0}}] in ng:///AppModule/[email protected]:62 ("ow *ngFor="let image of images; let i = index;" *ngIf="{{i % 3 === 0}}"> 
      <ion-col col-4 [ERROR ->](click)="openPhoto(image)" *ngIf="{{i < images.length}}"> 
       <img [src]="images[i].url" "): ng:///AppModule/[email protected]:27 
Parser Error: Missing expected : at column 14 in [{{i % 3 === 0}}] in ng:///AppModule/[email protected]:62 ("ow *ngFor="let image of images; let i = index;" *ngIf="{{i % 3 === 0}}"> 
      <ion-col col-4 [ERROR ->](click)="openPhoto(image)" *ngIf="{{i < images.length}}"> 
       <img [src]="images[i].url" "): ng:///AppModule/[email protected]:27 
Parser Error: Unexpected token } at column 14 in [{{i % 3 === 0}}] in ng:///AppModule/[email protected]:62 ("ow *ngFor="let image of images; let i = index;" *ngIf="{{i % 3 === 0}}"> 


    <ion-row *ngFor="let image of images; let i = index;" *ngIf="{{i % 3 === 0}}"> 
     <ion-col col-4 (click)="openPhoto(image)" *ngIf="{{i < images.length}}"> 
      <img [src]="images[i].url" /> 
     <ion-col col-4 (click)="openPhoto(image)" *ngIf="{{i+1 < images.length}}"> 
      <img [src]="images[i+1].url" /> 
     <ion-col col-4 (click)="openPhoto(image)" *ngIf="{{i+2 < images.length}}"> 
      <img [src]="images[i+2].url" /> 






*「テンプレート」という名前または接頭辞のみ1 属性を使用して、この上の解決策を探した後、私はこの出くわしたSO答え: https://stackoverflow.com/a/40860957/1739882


    <div *ngFor="let image of images; let i = index;"> 
     <ion-row *ngIf="i % 3 === 0"> 
      <ion-col col-4 (click)="openPhoto(image)" *ngIf="i < images.length"> 
       <img [src]="images[i].url" /> 
      <ion-col col-4 (click)="openPhoto(image)" *ngIf="i+1 < images.length"> 
       <img [src]="images[i+1].url" /> 
      <ion-col col-4 (click)="openPhoto(image)" *ngIf="i+2 < images.length"> 
       <img [src]="images[i+2].url" /> 