var special = ['$', '%', '@'];
var mystring = ' using it to replace VLOOKUP entirely.$ But there are still a few lookups that you are not sure how to perform. Most importantly, you would like to be able to look up a value based on multiple criteria within separate columns.';
var exists = false;
$.each(special, function(index, item) {
if (mystring.indexOf(item) >= 0) {
exists = true;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
正規表現は、あなたがここで必要なものを正確にです: '=/[$%@] /テスト(のMyString)' – georg
ザッツ完璧な...おかげでたくさん存在します。コメントの代わりに答えとして入力してください –