2011-01-21 5 views





SELECT `title`, (MATCH (`title`) AGAINST ("Data Trends #55")) AS `rank_title` 
FROM `tblPublications` 
HAVING (`rank_title`) > 1 
    ORDER BY `rank_title` DESC 


title rank_title 
Data Trends #140: The Role of Data Collection and Evaluation in Supporting Systems Change. 3.2141819000244 
Data Trends #70: From Incarceration to Community. 2.7096807956696 
Data Trends #12: Under Court Order. 2.7096807956696 
Data Trends #78: Inclusion in Schools. 2.7096807956696 
Data Trends #43: Paraprofessionals in Educational Settings. 2.6802139282227 
Data Trends #35: Respite Care and Outcome. 2.6802139282227 
Data Trends #08: Developments in Systems of Care. 2.6802139282227 
Data Trends #07: Development of an Outcome Evaluation. 2.6802139282227 
Data Trends #03: Families as Researchers and Evaluators. 2.6802139282227 
Data Trends #02: Caregiver Enrichment and Stress. 2.6802139282227 
Data Trends #97: The Relationships Between Poverty and Psychopathology. 2.6802139282227 
Data Trends #111: Stigma and Mental Illness. 2.6802139282227 
Data Trends #115: Building on Caregiver Strengths. 2.6802139282227 
Data Trends #142: Defining the Wraparound Process. 2.6802139282227 
Data Trends #71: Family Interventions in Serious Mental Illness. 2.6513810157776 
Data Trends #63: Implementing IDEA '97 Disciplinary Provisions. 2.6513810157776 
Data Trends #57: Using the Parents as Partners Principle with SED Children. 2.6513810157776 
Data Trends #49: Cultural Competence: Caregiver Perspectives. 2.6513810157776 
Data Trends #47: Service Use & Intensive Family Preservation. 2.6513810157776 
Data Trends #44: Mood Disorders: Treatment Patterns in an HMO. 2.6513810157776 
Data Trends #38: Adolescent Drug Treatment and Outcome. 2.6513810157776 
Data Trends #34: Family-Centered Early Intervention. 2.6513810157776 
Data Trends #31: Juvenile Justice and Mental Health. 2.6513810157776 
Data Trends #25: Children's Mental Health in the Media. 2.6513810157776 
Data Trends #18: Attribution in Children's Mental Health. 2.6513810157776 
Data Trends #15: Mechanisms of Change in Multisystemic Therapy. 2.6513810157776 
Data Trends #10: Toxic Threats to Child Development. 2.6513810157776 
Data Trends #73: Having a Brother with Emotional and/or Behavioral Challenges. 2.6513810157776 
Data Trends #74: Research and Advocacy for Policy Change. 2.6513810157776 
Data Trends #79: Family Perspectives on Having a Child with a Disability. 2.6513810157776 
Data Trends #81: Explaining the Gap Between Mental Health Need and Service Use. 2.6513810157776 
Data Trends #91: The Implications of Incarceration for Families and Children. 2.6513810157776 
Data Trends #84: Working Relationships across Diverse Communities. 2.6513810157776 
Data Trends #86: Community Interventions and Effective Prevention. 2.6513810157776 
Data Trends #95: Maternal Employment when Children Have Disabilities. 2.6513810157776 
Data Trends #99: Clinicians and How They Use and View Outcome Measurement. 2.6513810157776 
Data Trends #108: Practice and Process in Wraparound Teamwork. 2.6513810157776 
Data Trends #122: Outcomes for Youth Following Psychiatric Emergencies. 2.6513810157776 
Data Trends #133: Evaluating treatment for homeless adolescents 2.6513810157776 
Data Trends #156: Assessing the Sustainability of Systems of Care. 2.6513810157776 
Data Trends #159: Out-of-Home Placements Within Systems of Care 2.6513810157776 
Data Trends #64: Impact of Poverty on Family Quality of Life. 2.6231617927551 
Data Trends #54: Mental Health Referral in Juvenile Justice. 2.6231617927551 
Data Trends #53: Clinical Profiles of Youth in a System of Care. 2.6231617927551 
Data Trends #45: Mood Disorders: Accuracy of Screening Instruments. 2.6231617927551 
Data Trends #39: Violence: Emotional & Behavioral Impact & Prevention. 2.6231617927551 
Data Trends #37: Racial Differences in Service Placement Patterns. 2.6231617927551 
Data Trends #28: Suicidal Ideation, Depression, and Help-Seeking Among Adolescents. 2.6231617927551 
Data Trends #26: Foster Care: Importance of Training and Support. 2.6231617927551 
Data Trends #24: Needs Assessment and Service Coordination in an Inner City Neighborhood. 2.6231617927551 
Data Trends #19: Custody Relinquishment: Impact of Research on Policy. 2.6231617927551 
Data Trends #17: Offering Technical Assistance to Native Families. 2.6231617927551 
Data Trends #13: Child Abuse and Neglect in Indian Country. 2.6231617927551 
Data Trends #05: Consumer Satisfaction with Mental Health Services. 2.6231617927551 
Data Trends #76: Community-Based Interventions for Affective Disorders. 2.6231617927551 
Data Trends #77: Adolescent Help-Seeking Behavior: Role of the Internet. 2.6231617927551 
Data Trends #80: Impact of Support on Adolescent Mental Health. 2.6231617927551 
Data Trends #85: Culture-Centered Practice in Services for Children. 2.6231617927551 
Data Trends #90: Exposure to Violence, Stress, Protective Factors, and Well-being. 2.6231617927551 
Data Trends #92: Depictions of Mental Illness in Children's Media. 2.6231617927551 
Data Trends #105: Collective socialization and child conduct problems. 2.6231617927551 
Data Trends #116: Domestic Violence and Children's Mental Health. 2.6231617927551 
Data Trends #121: Quality and Individualization in Wraparound Team Planning. 2.6231617927551 
Data Trends #124: The Stigmatization of Mental Illness in Children and Families. 2.6231617927551 
Data Trends #125: Neighborhood Residence and the Problems of School-Age Children. 2.6231617927551 
Data Trends #149: What Constitutes Youth Involvement in Systems of Care? 2.6231617927551 
Data Trends #151: Are Brothers and Sisters a Good Source of Support? 2.6231617927551 
Data Trends #150: Understanding ADHD: Examining Racial Differences. 2.6231617927551 
Data Trends #152: Family Participation in Action: Are Families Actually Involved? 2.6231617927551 
Data Trends #158: Children's Perspectives of Their Mental Health Services. 2.6231617927551 
Data Trends #160: Peer Stigmatization of Childhood Depression and ADHD 2.6231617927551 
Data Trends #68: Prevalence of Psychiatric Disorders in Youth in Juvenile Detention. 2.5955367088318 
Data Trends #59: Factors Associated with Response Inconsistency in Structured Diagnostic Interviews. 2.5955367088318 
Data Trends #55: Mental Health Screening Instruments for use in Juvenile Justice. 2.5955367088318 



語の既定の最小長はdescribed hereとして4です。変更に関する情報はhereと記載されています。

そのため、検索Data Trends #55はおそらくData Trendsと同等です。示した結果セットの最初の行を確認するには、単語Dataそれは最高ランクなぜ、おそらく説明してタイトル、第二の時間を持っています。


私は、データの傾向を検索したときでさえ#158は、所望の結果がダウンし、少なくとも2ページです。 –


Hmmm。 '# '文字は無視される可能性があります。私はその上の情報を探していましたが、デフォルトでドロップ/無視されている特定の文字があった場合には見つけることができませんでした。そうであれば、それは依然として効果的に3文字の単語になります。 –