は、私は手順を書いて、私は1つのTEMテーブルとカーソルを使用して動的にその一時テーブルに1列を追加しますが、ERROを与えている:MS SQL ServerのTempテーブルに列を動的に追加しますか? SQL Serverでは
(10 row(s) affected)
Msg 213, Level 16, State 1, Procedure USP_F_Roll_AllIndia_Report, Line 27
Column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition.
alter procedure USP_F_Roll_AllIndia_Report
(@segcode int,@rollplanyear int)
declare @cfcode varchar(10)
declare @cfname varchar(30)
declare @SQl nvarchar(max)
create table #TEP (productcode varchar(10) collate database_default,proddesc varchar(100))
declare db_cursor cursor for
select distinct canfm.CFCode, SUBSTRING (CANFM.CFName,4,5)as CFName from Tbl_F_CandF_M CANFM left outer join Tbl_F_Org_CandF_T CT on CANFM.CFCode = ct.CFCode where CANFM .status =1 and ct.Status =1 order by canfm.cfcode
open db_cursor
fetch next from db_cursor into @cfcode, @cfname
while @@FETCH_STATUS =0
set @SQL ='alter table #TEP add '[email protected]+' float'
exec sp_executesql @Sql
--exec (@Sql)
insert into #TEP
select pd.productcode,PM.productdesc,convert(varchar,sum(isnull(AmendedQty,isnull(Quantity,0))))as quantity from Tbl_F_Roll_PlanDetails_T pd left outer join Tbl_F_ProductMaster_M PM on
pd.ProductCode =pm.ProductCode left outer join Tbl_F_CandF_M CANDF on pd.CandFLocation =CANDF.CFCode where pd. RollPlanYear [email protected] and pd.CandFLocation [email protected] and pd.ProductCode in (
select ProductCode from Tbl_F_Segment_Product_t where SegCode [email protected]) group by pd.ProductCode,pm.ProductDesc
fetch next from db_cursor into @cfcode, @cfname
close db_cursor
deallocate db_cursor
select * from #TEP
OK私と正常に動作していますこのための良い解決策 –