2016-05-12 7 views


modelinginfo = soup.find("div", {"id":"genInfo"}) # this is my raw data 
rows=modelinginfo.findChildren(['p']) # this is the data displayed below 
for row in rows: 
    cells = row.findChildren('p') 
    for cell in cells: 
     value = cell.string 
     print("The value in this cell is %s" % value) 

[<p><b>Assessment Type: </b>Capacity curve</p>, 
<p><b>Name: </b>Borzi et al (2008) - Capacity-Xdir 4Storeys InfilledFrame NonSismicallyDesigned</p>, 
<p><b>Category: </b>Structure specific - Building</p>, 
<p><b>Taxonomy: </b>CR/LFINF+DNO/HEX:4 (GEM)</p>, 
<p><b>Reference: </b>The influence of infill panels on vulnerability curves for RC buildings (Borzi B., Crowley H., Pinho R., 2008) - Proceedings of the 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Beijing, China</p>, 
<p><b>Web Link: </b><a href="http://www.iitk.ac.in/nicee/wcee/article/14_09-01-0111.PDF" style="color:blue" target="_blank"> http://www.iitk.ac.in/nicee/wcee/article/14_09-01-0111.PDF</a></p>, 
<p><b>Methodology: </b>Analytical</p>, 
<p><b>General Comments: </b>Sample Data: A 4-storey building designed according to the 1992 Italian design code (DM, 1992), considering gravity loads only, and the Decreto Ministeriale 1996 (DM, 1996) when considering seismic action (the seismically designed building has been designed assuming a lateral force equal to 10% of the seismic weight, c=10%, and with a triangular distribution shape). 

The Y axis in the capacity curve represent the collapse multiplier: Base shear resistance over seismic weight.</p>, 
<p><b>Geographical Applicability: </b> Italy</p>] 

あなたはサイトへのリンクを追加できますか? –


多分、条件文を使って文字列全体を取り出して、不要なものを分割して削除することができます。 –


このサイトはパスワードで保護されているため、リンクが役立たないでしょう。 Dot_Pyあなたはそれを行う方法を説明できますか?私はPythonに慣れているので、どのように理解するのは少し難しいですか? – Corncobpipe




for cell in cells: 
    for element in cell.children: 
     if element.name != 'b': 
      print("The value in this cell is %s" % element) 


for cell in cells: 
    if cell.b: 
     # remove "b" tag 
    print("The value in this cell is %s" % cell) 

1)チャームのように働いた!ありがとう! – Corncobpipe


問題のより簡単な解決策https://stackoverflow.com/a/4995283/4854931 – Alex78191
