にリストを変換し、私はint型のレベルと文字列であるタプルはint *文字列のリストを持っているが名前F#ツリー
let src = [
(0, "root");
(1, "a");
(2, "a1");
(2, "a2");
(1, "b");
(2, "b1");
(3, "b11");
(2, "b2");
let expectingTree =
Branch("b1", [Leaf("b11")]);
であるが、以下にそれを変換する必要がありますどのように私はそれをやったのですが、それを達成するためのよりよい方法を誰かにアドバイスすることができます。 私はF#を初めて使いました。同じことをするためのC#コードはいくらか短くなりますので、間違っていると思います。
type Node =
| Branch of (string * Node list)
| Leaf of string
let src = [
(0, "root");
(1, "a");
(2, "a1");
(2, "a2");
(1, "b");
(2, "b1");
(3, "b11");
(2, "b2");
let rec setParents (level:int) (parents:list<int>) (lst:list<int*int*string>) : list<int*int*string> =
//skip n items and return the rest
let rec skip n xs =
match (n, xs) with
| n, _ when n <= 0 -> xs
| _, [] -> []
| n, _::xs -> skip (n-1) xs
//get parent id for given level
let parentId (level) =
let n = List.length parents - (level + 1)
skip n parents |> List.head
//create new parent list and append new id to begin
let newParents level id =
let n = List.length parents - (level + 1)
id :: skip n parents
match lst with
| (id, l, n) :: tail ->
if l = level then (id, parentId(l), n) :: setParents l (newParents l id) tail
elif l <= level + 1 then setParents l parents lst
else [] //items should be in order, e.g. there shouldnt be item with level 5 after item with level 3
| _ -> []
let rec getTree (root:int) (lst: list<int*int*string>) =
let getChildren parent =
List.filter (fun (_, p, _) -> p = parent) lst
let rec getTreeNode (id:int) (name:string) =
let children = getChildren id
match List.length children with
| 0 -> Leaf(name)
| _ -> Branch(name,
|> List.map (fun (_id, _, _name) -> getTreeNode _id _name))
match getChildren root with
| (id, _, n) :: _ -> getTreeNode id n
| _ -> Leaf("")
let rec printTree (ident:string) (tree:Node) =
match tree with
| Leaf(name) ->
printfn "%s%s" ident name
| Branch(name, children) ->
printfn "%s%s" ident name
List.iter (fun (node) -> printTree (" " + ident) node) children
let tree =
|> List.mapi (fun i (l, n) -> (i+1, l, n)) //set unique id to each item
|> setParents 0 [0] //set parentId to each item
|> getTree 0
printTree "" tree
Console.ReadKey() |> ignore
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