2016-11-24 8 views

4つのARMAモデルのセットからのモデルリフィリングを使用して、ローリング予測を生成するために、以下の "for"ループがRにあるとします。次のコードは、様々な予測精度の措置を(:これらの対策の説明については、このリンクを参照)を計算Forループ内でのモデルの順序付け

h <- 1 
train <- window(USDlogreturns, end=1162) 
test <- window(USDlogreturns, start=1163) 
n <- length(test) - h + 1 
fit1 <- Arima(train, order=c(0,0,0), include.mean=TRUE, method="ML") 
fit2 <- Arima(train, order=c(0,0,1), include.mean=TRUE, method="ML") 
fit3 <- Arima(train, order=c(1,0,0), include.mean=TRUE, method="ML") 
fit4 <- Arima(train, order=c(1,0,1), include.mean=TRUE, method="ML") 
fc1 <- ts(numeric(n), start=1163+1, freq=1) 
fc2 <- ts(numeric(n), start=1163+1, freq=1) 
fc3 <- ts(numeric(n), start=1163+1, freq=1) 
fc4 <- ts(numeric(n), start=1163+1, freq=1) 
for(i in 1:n) 
x <- window(USDlogreturns, end=1162 + i) 
refit1 <- Arima(x, model=fit1, include.mean=TRUE, method="ML") 
refit2 <- Arima(x, model=fit2, include.mean=TRUE, method="ML") 
refit3 <- Arima(x, model=fit3, include.mean=TRUE, method="ML") 
refit4 <- Arima(x, model=fit4, include.mean=TRUE, method="ML") 
fc1[i] <- forecast(refit1, h=h)$mean[h] 
fc2[i] <- forecast(refit2, h=h)$mean[h] 
fc3[i] <- forecast(refit3, h=h)$mean[h] 
fc4[i] <- forecast(refit4, h=h)$mean[h] 
result.fc<-cbind(fc1, fc2, fc3, fc4) 


accuracy(fc1, test)[,1:5] 
accuracy(fc2, test)[,1:5] 
accuracy(fc3, test)[,1:5] 
accuracy(fc4, test)[,1:5] 







# empty vectors 

h <- 1 
train <- window(USDlogreturns, end=1162) 
test <- window(USDlogreturns, start=1163) 
n <- length(test) - h + 1 
fit1 <- Arima(train, order=c(0,0,0), include.mean=TRUE, method="ML") 
fit2 <- Arima(train, order=c(0,0,1), include.mean=TRUE, method="ML") 
fit3 <- Arima(train, order=c(1,0,0), include.mean=TRUE, method="ML") 
fit4 <- Arima(train, order=c(1,0,1), include.mean=TRUE, method="ML") 
fc1 <- ts(numeric(n), start=1163+1, freq=1) 
fc2 <- ts(numeric(n), start=1163+1, freq=1) 
fc3 <- ts(numeric(n), start=1163+1, freq=1) 
fc4 <- ts(numeric(n), start=1163+1, freq=1) 
for(i in 1:n) 
    x <- window(USDlogreturns, end=1162 + i) 
    refit1 <- Arima(x, model=fit1, include.mean=TRUE, method="ML") 
    refit2 <- Arima(x, model=fit2, include.mean=TRUE, method="ML") 
    refit3 <- Arima(x, model=fit3, include.mean=TRUE, method="ML") 
    refit4 <- Arima(x, model=fit4, include.mean=TRUE, method="ML") 
    fc1[i] <- forecast(refit1, h=h)$mean[h] 
    fc2[i] <- forecast(refit2, h=h)$mean[h] 
    fc3[i] <- forecast(refit3, h=h)$mean[h] 
    fc4[i] <- forecast(refit4, h=h)$mean[h] 

    acc_fc1=rbind(acc_fc1, accuracy(fc1, test)[,1:5]) 
    acc_fc2=rbind(acc_fc2, accuracy(fc2, test)[,1:5]) 
    acc_fc3=rbind(acc_fc3, accuracy(fc3, test)[,1:5]) 
    acc_fc4=rbind(acc_fc4, accuracy(fc4, test)[,1:5]) 
result.fc<-cbind(fc1, fc2, fc3, fc4) 

# 5 matrices with accuracy measures 
result.acc1<-cbind(acc_fc1[,1], acc_fc2[,1], acc_fc3[,1], acc_fc4[,1]) 
result.acc2<-cbind(acc_fc1[,2], acc_fc2[,2], acc_fc3[,2], acc_fc4[,2]) 
result.acc3<-cbind(acc_fc1[,3], acc_fc2[,3], acc_fc3[,3], acc_fc4[,3]) 
result.acc4<-cbind(acc_fc1[,4], acc_fc2[,4], acc_fc3[,4], acc_fc4[,4]) 
result.acc5<-cbind(acc_fc1[,5], acc_fc2[,5], acc_fc3[,5], acc_fc4[,5]) 

# if you want to know which model is the best 
t(apply(result.acc1, 1, order)) 
t(apply(result.acc2, 1, order)) 
t(apply(result.acc3, 1, order)) 
t(apply(result.acc4, 1, order)) 
t(apply(result.acc5, 1, order)) 

まさに私が得たいものです。ありがとうございました! – msmna93
