こんにちは私はよく見るように見えるコードを作っていますが、それを実行しようとすると、見た目の行に構文エラーが出てきました罰金(写真のように)。私はPythonにはかなり新しく、基本を学んだだけで誰かが解決策を見つけられることを願っています。ここでなぜpython 3.6でランダムな構文エラーが出るのですか?
name = input('what is your name')
print ('hello' + name)
print (',it is late december of 2025 and the nuke has been drooped over sheffield. you are our only hope') #this explanes the background story and askes the players name
print ('please help us. we need you,' + name)
job = input('please choose a class. medic, gunsman or scientist')
if job == medic
bandages = 5
drugs = 5
clean_siringes = 5
dirty siringes = 0 #this sets the players items to the right amount
health = 100
food = 100
water = 100 #this sets the players food, water, health and the citys peoples happiness
peoples_happiness = 100
print ('bandages' + bandages)
print ('drugs' + drugs)
print ('clean_siringes' + clean_siringes)
print ('dirty siringes' + dirty_siringes)
print ('health' + health
print ('food' + food)
print ('water' + water)
print ('peoples_happiness' + peoples_happiness)
':'がありません。 –
':'は '' medic'という単語をコロンで終わらせる必要があります。 – WhatsThePoint