require 'open-uri'
module RedditScrapper
def self.scrape
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open("https://www.reddit.com/"))
entries = doc.css('.entry')
entries.each do |entry|
title = entry.css('p.title > a').text
link = entry.css('p.title > a')[0]['href']
category = entry.css('p.tagline > a.subreddit')[0]['href']
Entry.create!(title: title, link: link, category: category)
class Entry < ApplicationRecord
validates :title, presence: true
validates :link, presence: true
validates :category, presence: true
scope :categorization, -> (category) { where category: category }
class EntriesController < ApplicationController
def index
@entries = Entry.all
@entries = @entries.categorization
def scrape
respond_to do |format|
format.html { redirect_to entries_url, notice: 'Entries were successfully scraped.' }
format.json { entriesArray.to_json }
ArgumentError in EntriesController#index
wrong number of arguments (given 0, expected 1)
LPT: if you're in a bad mood or something has annoyed you, be as kind as you can to the next 3 people you encounter. By not reacting to the bad mood, as well as helping others, you'll feel miles better.
LPT: if you're in a bad mood or something has annoyed you, be as kind as you can to the next 3 people you encounter. By not reacting to the bad mood, as well as helping others, you'll feel miles better.
LPT: if you're in a bad mood or something has annoyed you, be as kind as you can to the next 3 people you encounter. By not reacting to the bad mood, as well as helping others, you'll feel miles better.
LPT: if you're in a bad mood or something has annoyed you, be as kind as you can to the next 3 people you encounter. By not reacting to the bad mood, as well as helping others, you'll feel miles better.
LPT: if you're in a bad mood or something has annoyed you, be as kind as you can to the next 3 people you encounter. By not reacting to the bad mood, as well as helping others, you'll feel miles better.
LPT: if you're in a bad mood or something has annoyed you, be as kind as you can to the next 3 people you encounter. By not reacting to the bad mood, as well as helping others, you'll feel miles better.
LPT: if you're in a bad mood or something has annoyed you, be as kind as you can to the next 3 people you encounter. By not reacting to the bad mood, as well as helping others, you'll feel miles better.
LPT: if you're in a bad mood or something has annoyed you, be as kind as you can to the next 3 people you encounter. By not reacting to the bad mood, as well as helping others, you'll feel miles better.
LPT: if you're in a bad mood or something has annoyed you, be as kind as you can to the next 3 people you encounter. By not reacting to the bad mood, as well as helping others, you'll feel miles better.
LPT: if you're in a bad mood or something has annoyed you, be as kind as you can to the next 3 people you encounter. By not reacting to the bad mood, as well as helping others, you'll feel miles better.
LPT: if you're in a bad mood or something has annoyed you, be as kind as you can to the next 3 people you encounter. By not reacting to the bad mood, as well as helping others, you'll feel miles better.
LPT: if you're in a bad mood or something has annoyed you, be as kind as you can to the next 3 people you encounter. By not reacting to the bad mood, as well as helping others, you'll feel miles better.
LPT: if you're in a bad mood or something has annoyed you, be as kind as you can to the next 3 people you encounter. By not reacting to the bad mood, as well as helping others, you'll feel miles better.
LPT: if you're in a bad mood or something has annoyed you, be as kind as you can to the next 3 people you encounter. By not reacting to the bad mood, as well as helping others, you'll feel miles better.
LPT: if you're in a bad mood or something has annoyed you, be as kind as you can to the next 3 people you encounter. By not reacting to the bad mood, as well as helping others, you'll feel miles better.
LPT: if you're in a bad mood or something has annoyed you, be as kind as you can to the next 3 people you encounter. By not reacting to the bad mood, as well as helping others, you'll feel miles better.
LPT: if you're in a bad mood or something has annoyed you, be as kind as you can to the next 3 people you encounter. By not reacting to the bad mood, as well as helping others, you'll feel miles better.
LPT: if you're in a bad mood or something has annoyed you, be as kind as you can to the next 3 people you encounter. By not reacting to the bad mood, as well as helping others, you'll feel miles better.
LPT: if you're in a bad mood or something has annoyed you, be as kind as you can to the next 3 people you encounter. By not reacting to the bad mood, as well as helping others, you'll feel miles better.
LPT: if you're in a bad mood or something has annoyed you, be as kind as you can to the next 3 people you encounter. By not reacting to the bad mood, as well as helping others, you'll feel miles better.
LPT: if you're in a bad mood or something has annoyed you, be as kind as you can to the next 3 people you encounter. By not reacting to the bad mood, as well as helping others, you'll feel miles better.
LPT: if you're in a bad mood or something has annoyed you, be as kind as you can to the next 3 people you encounter. By not reacting to the bad mood, as well as helping others, you'll feel miles better.
LPT: if you're in a bad mood or something has annoyed you, be as kind as you can to the next 3 people you encounter. By not reacting to the bad mood, as well as helping others, you'll feel miles better.
LPT: if you're in a bad mood or something has annoyed you, be as kind as you can to the next 3 people you encounter. By not reacting to the bad mood, as well as helping others, you'll feel miles better.
LPT: if you're in a bad mood or something has annoyed you, be as kind as you can to the next 3 people you encounter. By not reacting to the bad mood, as well as helping others, you'll feel miles better.
LPT: if you're in a bad mood or something has annoyed you, be as kind as you can to the next 3 people you encounter. By not reacting to the bad mood, as well as helping others, you'll feel miles better.
は、それは一種の...ビットは出力が自分自身を繰り返し続けることを困惑作品...あなたの答えをありがとうございました...上記の記事でサンプルを掲載しています。..どんな理論? – user273072545345
また、すべてのクリック可能なカテゴリが列挙されている可能性があるのだろうかと疑問に思っていたので、クリックするとその項目だけが表示されるように並べ替えられます。 – user273072545345
興味深い...私はもう一度見ました...それはそれを複製するだけではないことが判明しました...文字通りデータベース内の別々のエントリです...私は2分ごとにスクレーパーを設定するので、それを繰り返し続けますよね?なぜなら、私が 'uniq'を試したときでも...それでも解決されませんでした...インデックスアクション '@lala = @ entries.uniq.group_by(&:category)' – user273072545345