2016-08-08 20 views

moodle Webサービスから受け取ったXMLレスポンスを逆シリアル化しようとしています。XMLをC#(ドットネット)オブジェクトにパースする



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> 
       <KEY name="id"> 
       <KEY name="shortname"> 
       <KEY name="fullname"> 
       <KEY name="enrolledusercount"> 
       <KEY name="idnumber"> 
       <KEY name="visible"> 
       <KEY name="summary"> 
        <VALUE>&lt;p&gt;CS-101&lt;br /&gt;&lt;/p&gt;</VALUE> 
       <KEY name="summaryformat"> 
       <KEY name="format"> 
       <KEY name="showgrades"> 
       <KEY name="lang"> 
       <KEY name="enablecompletion"> 


class Course 
    public int id { get; set; } 
    public string shortname { get; set; } //short name of course 
    public string fullname { get; set; } //long name of course 
    public int enrolledusercount { get; set; } //Number of enrolled users in this course 
    public string idnumber { get; set; } //id number of course 
    public int visible { get; set; } //1 means visible, 0 means hidden course 
    public string summary { get; set; } 
    public int summaryformat { get; set; } //summary format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN) 
    public string format { get; set; } //course format: weeks, topics, social, site 
    public int showgrades { get; set; } //true if grades are shown, otherwise false 
    public string lang { get; set; } //forced course language 
    public int enablecompletion { get; set; } //true if completion is enabled, otherwise false 



XMLの代わりにJSON形式のデータを返すのに役立ちますか? parser moodlewsrestformat = jsonをwebserviceリクエストに追加すると、代わりにJSON形式で返されます。 – davosmith


実際に私はJSONも返すことは知っていましたが、何とか忘れてしまい、デフォルトのXMLフォーマットを超えて考えることができませんでした。 JSONの方がはるかに簡単です。ありがとう。 – Danish






ありがとう、私はあまりにも思ったが、私は反射を使用するにはあまりにも怠惰だった:-) – Danish


私が知る限り、この構造のデフォルトのデシリアライザはありません。 @Nigrimmistによると、スイッチケースを使う必要はありません。


public T ConvertFromXml<T>(string yourXml, params object[] activationData) 
    where T : new() //if your type has default constructor 
    var resultType = typeof(T); 
    //if your type has not default constructor 
    var result = (T)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(T), activationData); 
    //if it has default constructor 
    var result = new T(); 

    //create an instance of xml reader 
    var xmlDocument = new XmlDocument(); 

    //expecting that your xml response will always have the same structure 
    if (xmlDocument.SelectSingleNode("RESPONSE/SINGLE") != null) 
     foreach(XmlNode node in xmlDocument.SelectNodes("RESPONSE/SINGLE/KEY")) 
      var prop = resultType.GetProperty(node.Attributes["name"].Value); 
      if (prop != null) 
       var value = prop.SelectSingleNode("Value").Value; 
       //if value does not exist - check if null value can be assigned 
       if (value == null && (!prop.PropertyType.IsValueType || (Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(prop.PropertyType) != null))) 
        prop.SetValue(result, value); //explicitly setting the required value 
       else if (value != null) 
        //we receiving the string, so for number parameters we should parse it 
        if (IsNumberType(prop.PropertyType)) 
         prop.SetValue(result, double.Parse(value)); 
         prop.SetValue(result, value); //will throw an exception if property type is not a string 

        //need some additional work for DateTime, TimeSpan, arrays and other 

       //remove next line if you do not need a validation for property presence 
       throw new ArgumentException("Could not find the required property " + node.Attributes["name"].Value); 
     throw new ArgumentException("Xml has invalid structure"); 

    return result; 

private bool IsNumberType(Type t) 
    var numberTypes = new[] { 
     typeof(byte), typeof(short), typeof(int), typeof(long), 
     typeof(float), typeof(double), typeof(decimal), 
     typeof(byte?), typeof(short?), typeof(int?), typeof(long?), 
     typeof(float?), typeof(double?), typeof(decimal?) 

    return numberTypes.Contains(t); 


var xml = /*your method to get string representing a xml*/; 
return ConvertFromXml<Course>(xml); 



xml linqを使用してください。以下のコードを参照してください。私はidだけを解析しましたが、他のプロパティを追加することができます。

using System; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Linq; 
using System.Text; 
using System.Xml; 
using System.Xml.Linq; 

namespace ConsoleApplication1 
    class Program 
     const string FILENAME = @"c:\temp\test.xml"; 
     static void Main(string[] args) 
      Course course = new Course(); 
    public class Course 
     public static List<Course> courses = new List<Course>(); 

     public int id { get; set; } 
     public string shortname { get; set; } //short name of course 
     public string fullname { get; set; } //long name of course 
     public int enrolledusercount { get; set; } //Number of enrolled users in this course 
     public string idnumber { get; set; } //id number of course 
     public int visible { get; set; } //1 means visible, 0 means hidden course 
     public string summary { get; set; } 
     public int summaryformat { get; set; } //summary format (1 = HTML, 0 = MOODLE, 2 = PLAIN or 4 = MARKDOWN) 
     public string format { get; set; } //course format: weeks, topics, social, site 
     public int showgrades { get; set; } //true if grades are shown, otherwise false 
     public string lang { get; set; } //forced course language 
     public int enablecompletion { get; set; } //true if completion is enabled, otherwise false 

     public void ReadXML(string filename) 
      XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(filename); 
      courses = doc.Descendants("SINGLE").Select(x => ReadKeys(x)).ToList(); 
     public Course ReadKeys(XElement single) 
      Course newCourse = new Course(); 
      foreach(XElement key in single.Descendants("KEY")) 
        case "id" : 
         newCourse.id = (int)key.Element("VALUE"); 
      return newCourse; 