2012-03-16 7 views







ここアルゴリズム(ジャワけれども)があります.com/javadetails/java-0426.html。 – aioobe


すばらしいGoogle検索で私に次のようなことができました:http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/15934/How-to-convert-a-numeric-value-or-currency-to-Engl C# – jzworkman


C#、Java?これはClassic ASPの質問ですが、これらの提案は全く話題にはなりません。 – Lankymart



これは、多くの月前にMS KBの記事から取り除かれました。これは、そのトリックは、その文法にいくつかの微調整を使用することができます。

response.Write ConvertCurrencyToEnglish("213123") 

Function ConvertCurrencyToEnglish (ByVal MyNumber) 
    Dim Temp 
    Dim Dollars, Cents 
    Dim DecimalPlace, Count 

    ReDim Place(9) 

    Place(2) = " Thousand " 
    Place(3) = " Million " 
    Place(4) = " Billion " 
    Place(5) = " Trillion " 

    'Convert MyNumber to a string, trimming extra spaces. 
    MyNumber = Trim(CStr(MyNumber)) 

    'Find decimal place. 
    DecimalPlace = InStr(MyNumber, ".") 

    'If we find decimal place... 
    If DecimalPlace > 0 Then 
     'Convert cents 
     Temp = Left(Mid(MyNumber, DecimalPlace + 1) & "00", 2) 
     Cents = ConvertTens(Temp) 
     'Strip off cents from remainder to convert. 
     MyNumber = Trim(Left(MyNumber, DecimalPlace - 1)) 
    End If 

    Count = 1 

    Do While MyNumber <> "" 
     'Convert last 3 digits of MyNumber to English dollars. 
     Temp = ConvertHundreds(Right(MyNumber, 3)) 
     If Temp <> "" Then Dollars = Temp & Place(Count) & Dollars 
     If Len(MyNumber) > 3 Then 
     'Remove last 3 converted digits from MyNumber. 
     MyNumber = Left(MyNumber, Len(MyNumber) - 3) 
     MyNumber = "" 
     End If 
     Count = Count + 1 

    'Clean up dollars. 
    Select Case Dollars 
     Case "" 
     Dollars = "No Dollars" 
     Case "One" 
     Dollars = "One Dollar" 
     Case Else 
     Dollars = Dollars & " Dollars" 
    End Select 

    'Clean up cents. 
    Select Case Cents 
     Case "" 
     Cents = " And No Cents" 
     Case "One" 
     Cents = " And One Cent" 
     Case Else 
     Cents = " And " & Cents & " Cents" 
    End Select 

    'ConvertCurrencyToEnglish = Dollars & Cents 
    ConvertCurrencyToEnglish = Dollars & Cents 
End Function 

Private Function ConvertHundreds (ByVal MyNumber) 
    Dim Result 

    'Exit if there is nothing to convert. 
    If CInt(MyNumber) = 0 Then Exit Function 

    'Append leading zeros to number. 
    MyNumber = Right("000" & MyNumber, 3) 

    'Do we have a hundreds place digit to convert? 
    If Left(MyNumber, 1) <> "0" Then 
     Result = ConvertDigit(Left(MyNumber, 1)) & " Hundred " 
    End If 

    'Do we have a tens place digit to convert? 
    If Mid(MyNumber, 2, 1) <> "0" Then 
     Result = Result & ConvertTens(Mid(MyNumber, 2)) 
     'If not, then convert the ones place digit. 
     Result = Result & ConvertDigit(Mid(MyNumber, 3)) 
    End If 

    ConvertHundreds = Trim(Result) 
End Function 

Private Function ConvertTens (ByVal MyTens) 
    Dim Result 

    'Is value between 10 and 19? 
    If CInt(Left(MyTens, 1)) = 1 Then 
     Select Case CInt(MyTens) 
     Case 10: Result = "Ten" 
     Case 11: Result = "Eleven" 
     Case 12: Result = "Twelve" 
     Case 13: Result = "Thirteen" 
     Case 14: Result = "Fourteen" 
     Case 15: Result = "Fifteen" 
     Case 16: Result = "Sixteen" 
     Case 17: Result = "Seventeen" 
     Case 18: Result = "Eighteen" 
     Case 19: Result = "Nineteen" 
     Case Else 
     End Select 
     '... otherwise it's between 20 and 99. 
     Select Case CInt(Left(MyTens, 1)) 
     Case 2: Result = "Twenty " 
     Case 3: Result = "Thirty " 
     Case 4: Result = "Forty " 
     Case 5: Result = "Fifty " 
     Case 6: Result = "Sixty " 
     Case 7: Result = "Seventy " 
     Case 8: Result = "Eighty " 
     Case 9: Result = "Ninety " 
     Case Else 
     End Select 
     'Convert ones place digit. 
     Result = Result & ConvertDigit(Right(MyTens, 1)) 
    End If 

    ConvertTens = Result 
End Function 

Private Function ConvertDigit (ByVal MyDigit) 
    Select Case CInt(MyDigit) 
     Case 1: ConvertDigit = "One" 
     Case 2: ConvertDigit = "Two" 
     Case 3: ConvertDigit = "Three" 
     Case 4: ConvertDigit = "Four" 
     Case 5: ConvertDigit = "Five" 
     Case 6: ConvertDigit = "Six" 
     Case 7: ConvertDigit = "Seven" 
     Case 8: ConvertDigit = "Eight" 
     Case 9: ConvertDigit = "Nine" 
     Case Else: ConvertDigit = "" 
    End Select 
End Function 


Option Explicit 

' Numbers to words -- proof of concept, nerfed to serve up to a trillion ' 

Dim i, j, a, b, c, d, e, f, s 

a = array(_ 
    "zero", _ 
    "one", _ 
    "two", _ 
    "three", _ 
    "four", _ 
    "five", _ 
    "six", _ 
    "seven", _ 
    "eight", _ 
    "nine", _ 
    "ten", _ 
    "eleven", _ 
    "twelve", _ 
    "thirteen", _ 
    "fourteen", _ 
    "fifteen", _ 
    "sixteen", _ 
    "seventeen", _ 
    "eighteen", _ 
    "nineteen" _ 

b = array(_ 
    "twenty", _ 
    "thirty", _ 
    "forty", _ 
    "fifty", _ 
    "sixty", _ 
    "seventy", _ 
    "eighty", _ 
    "ninety" _ 

c = array(_ 
    "hundred", _ 
    "thousand", _ 
    "million", _ 
    "billion", _ 
    "trillion" _ 

' Returns the text for numbers; this can definitely be optimised further ' 
Function WhatAmI(i) 
    Dim s 

    If i >= 1000000000000 Then 
     If Len(i) = 15 Then s = WhatAmI(Left(i, 3)) & " " & c(4) 
     If Len(i) = 14 Then s = WhatAmI(Left(i, 2)) & " " & c(4) 
     If Len(i) = 13 Then s = WhatAmI(Left(i, 1)) & " " & c(4) 

     If Right(i, 12) <> "000000000000" Then 
      d = Mid(Right(i, 12), 1, 1) 
      e = Mid(Right(i, 12), 2, 1) 
      f = Mid(Right(i, 12), 3, 1) 

      If d <> 0 Then 
       s = s & ", " 
       s = s & WhatAmI(d & e & f) & " " & c(3) 
      ElseIf e <> 0 Then 
       s = s & " and " & WhatAmI(e & f) 
      ElseIf f <> 0 Then 
       s = s & " and " & WhatAmI(f) 
      End If 
     End If 

     If Right(i, 9) <> "000000000" Then 
      d = Mid(Right(i, 9), 1, 1) 
      e = Mid(Right(i, 9), 2, 1) 
      f = Mid(Right(i, 9), 3, 1) 

      If d <> 0 Then 
       s = s & ", " 
       s = s & WhatAmI(d & e & f) & " " & c(2) 
      ElseIf e <> 0 Then 
       s = s & " and " & WhatAmI(e & f) 
      ElseIf f <> 0 Then 
       s = s & " and " & WhatAmI(f) 
      End If 
     End If 

     If Right(i, 6) <> "000000" Then 
      d = Mid(Right(i, 6), 1, 1) 
      e = Mid(Right(i, 6), 2, 1) 
      f = Mid(Right(i, 6), 3, 1) 

      If d <> 0 Then 
       s = s & ", " 
       s = s & WhatAmI(d & e & f) & " " & c(1) 
      ElseIf e <> 0 Then 
       s = s & " and " & WhatAmI(e & f) 
      ElseIf f <> 0 Then 
       s = s & " and " & WhatAmI(f) 
      End If 
     End If 

     If Right(i, 3) <> "000" Then 
      d = Mid(Right(i, 3), 1, 1) 
      e = Mid(Right(i, 3), 2, 1) 
      f = Mid(Right(i, 3), 3, 1) 

      If d <> 0 Then 
       s = s & ", " 
       s = s & WhatAmI(d & e & f) 
      ElseIf e <> 0 Then 
       s = s & " and " & WhatAmI(e & f) 
      ElseIf f <> 0 Then 
       s = s & " and " & WhatAmI(f) 
      End If 
     End If 
    ElseIf i >= 1000000000 Then 
     If Len(i) = 12 Then s = WhatAmI(Left(i, 3)) & " " & c(3) 
     If Len(i) = 11 Then s = WhatAmI(Left(i, 2)) & " " & c(3) 
     If Len(i) = 10 Then s = WhatAmI(Left(i, 1)) & " " & c(3) 

     If Right(i, 9) <> "000000000" Then 
      d = Mid(Right(i, 9), 1, 1) 
      e = Mid(Right(i, 9), 2, 1) 
      f = Mid(Right(i, 9), 3, 1) 

      If d <> 0 Then 
       s = s & ", " 
       s = s & WhatAmI(d & e & f) & " " & c(2) 
      ElseIf e <> 0 Then 
       s = s & " and " & WhatAmI(e & f) 
      ElseIf f <> 0 Then 
       s = s & " and " & WhatAmI(f) 
      End If 
     End If 

     If Right(i, 6) <> "000000" Then 
      d = Mid(Right(i, 6), 1, 1) 
      e = Mid(Right(i, 6), 2, 1) 
      f = Mid(Right(i, 6), 3, 1) 

      If d <> 0 Then 
       s = s & ", " 
       s = s & WhatAmI(d & e & f) & " " & c(1) 
      ElseIf e <> 0 Then 
       s = s & " and " & WhatAmI(e & f) 
      ElseIf f <> 0 Then 
       s = s & " and " & WhatAmI(f) 
      End If 
     End If 

     If Right(i, 3) <> "000" Then 
      d = Mid(Right(i, 3), 1, 1) 
      e = Mid(Right(i, 3), 2, 1) 
      f = Mid(Right(i, 3), 3, 1) 

      If d <> 0 Then 
       s = s & ", " 
       s = s & WhatAmI(d & e & f) 
      ElseIf e <> 0 Then 
       s = s & " and " & WhatAmI(e & f) 
      ElseIf f <> 0 Then 
       s = s & " and " & WhatAmI(f) 
      End If 
     End If 
    ElseIf i >= 1000000 Then 
     If Len(i) = 9 Then s = WhatAmI(Left(i, 3)) & " " & c(2) 
     If Len(i) = 8 Then s = WhatAmI(Left(i, 2)) & " " & c(2) 
     If Len(i) = 7 Then s = WhatAmI(Left(i, 1)) & " " & c(2) 

     If Right(i, 6) <> "000000" Then 
      d = Mid(Right(i, 6), 1, 1) 
      e = Mid(Right(i, 6), 2, 1) 
      f = Mid(Right(i, 6), 3, 1) 

      If d <> 0 Then 
       s = s & ", " 
       s = s & WhatAmI(d & e & f) & " " & c(1) 
      ElseIf e <> 0 Then 
       s = s & " and " & WhatAmI(e & f) 
      ElseIf f <> 0 Then 
       s = s & " and " & WhatAmI(f) 
      End If 
     End If 

     If Right(i, 3) <> "000" Then 
      d = Mid(Right(i, 3), 1, 1) 
      e = Mid(Right(i, 3), 2, 1) 
      f = Mid(Right(i, 3), 3, 1) 

      If d <> 0 Then 
       s = s & ", " 
       s = s & WhatAmI(d & e & f) 
      ElseIf e <> 0 Then 
       s = s & " and " & WhatAmI(e & f) 
      ElseIf f <> 0 Then 
       s = s & " and " & WhatAmI(f) 
      End If 
     End If 
    ElseIf i >= 1000 Then 
     If Len(i) = 6 Then s = WhatAmI(Left(i, 3)) & " " & c(1) 
     If Len(i) = 5 Then s = WhatAmI(Left(i, 2)) & " " & c(1) 
     If Len(i) = 4 Then s = WhatAmI(Left(i, 1)) & " " & c(1) 

     If Right(i, 3) <> "000" Then 
      d = Mid(Right(i, 3), 1, 1) 
      e = Mid(Right(i, 3), 2, 1) 
      f = Mid(Right(i, 3), 3, 1) 

      If d <> 0 Then 
       s = s & ", " 
       s = s & WhatAmI(d & e & f) 
      ElseIf e <> 0 Then 
       s = s & " and " & WhatAmI(e & f) 
      ElseIf f <> 0 Then 
       s = s & " and " & WhatAmI(f) 
      End If 
     End If 
    ElseIf i >= 100 Then 
     s = a(Left(i, 1)) & " " & c(0) 
     If Right(i, 2) <> "00" Then s = s & " and " & WhatAmI(Right(i, 2)) 
    ElseIf i >= 90 Then 
     s = b(7) 
     If Right(i, 1) > 0 Then s = s & "-" & a(Right(i, 1)) 
    ElseIf i >= 80 Then 
     s = b(6) 
     If Right(i, 1) > 0 Then s = s & "-" & a(Right(i, 1)) 
    ElseIf i >= 70 Then 
     s = b(5) 
     If Right(i, 1) > 0 Then s = s & "-" & a(Right(i, 1)) 
    ElseIf i >= 60 Then 
     s = b(4) 
     If Right(i, 1) > 0 Then s = s & "-" & a(Right(i, 1)) 
    ElseIf i >= 50 Then 
     s = b(3) 
     If Right(i, 1) > 0 Then s = s & "-" & a(Right(i, 1)) 
    ElseIf i >= 40 Then 
     s = b(2) 
     If Right(i, 1) > 0 Then s = s & "-" & a(Right(i, 1)) 
    ElseIf i >= 30 Then 
     s = b(1) 
     If Right(i, 1) > 0 Then s = s & "-" & a(Right(i, 1)) 
    ElseIf (i >= 20) Then 
     s = b(0) 
     If Right(i, 1) > 0 Then s = s & "-" & a(Right(i, 1)) 
    ElseIf (i > 9) Then 
     s = a(i) 
    ElseIf (i >= 0 AND i <= 9) Then 
     s = a(i) 
    End If 
    WhatAmI = s 
End Function 

' Ensure input is really numeric           ' 
Function is_numeric(s) 
    Dim i, c 

    is_numeric = True 

    If IsNull(s) OR s = "" Then 
     is_numeric = False 
     Exit Function 
    End If 

    If s = "" Then 
     is_numeric = False 
     Exit Function 
    End If 

    For i = 1 To Len(s) 
     c = Mid(s, i, 1) 
      If Asc(c) < 48 OR Asc(c) > 57 Then 
      is_numeric = False 
      Exit For 
     End If 
End Function 

i = InputBox("Enter the number you wish to convert:", "Numbers to Text") 

If i <> "" Then i = Replace(i, ",", "") ' In case input was 1,100 or something ' 

If Len(i) > 15 Then 
    MsgBox "Sorry, numbers larger than a trillion aren't supported", 0, "Fail" 
End If 

If NOT is_numeric(i) Then 
    MsgBox "That is not a valid number... Integers only, please", 0, "Fail" 
    i = CDbl(i) 

    MsgBox FormatNumber(i, 0) & " = " & WhatAmI(i), 0, "Converted" 
End If 


110,314 = one hundred and ten thousand, three hundred and fourteen 

540,610,333 = five hundred and forty million, six hundred and ten thousand, three hundred and thirty-three 

'WhatAmI()'関数の場合。 +1 – Lankymart
