2016-10-28 15 views


Sub Scheduling() 

Dim Times As Worksheet 
Dim tLR, r, c As Long 

Set Times = Worksheets("Times") 
tLR = Times.Range("C" & Times.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).row + 1 
c = 10 
    For r = 18 To tLR 
     If Cells(r, 8).Value > Cells(17, c) Then 
      If Cells(8, c) > Cells(r, 7) Then 
      Cells(r, 9).Value = Cells(17, c).Value 
      Cells(r, c).Value = Cells(r, 7).Value 
      End If 
      End If 
     c = c + 1 

End Sub 

利用可能な時間を正しくチェックしておらず、時間が入力されていない次の列に入力するだけです。また何が起きているのかをスクリーンショットでお知らせします。 ご質問がありましたら、お気軽にお問い合わせください。


Screenshot of Worksheet once Macro has ran




Sub Scheduling() 

    Dim Times As Worksheet 
    Dim tLR As Long, r As Long, c As Long 

    Set Times = Worksheets("Times") 
    tLR = Times.Range("C" & Times.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).row 
    For r = 18 To tLR 
     c = 10 
     Do While Cells(17, c).Value <> "" 
      If Cells(r, 8).Value > Cells(17, c).Value Then 
       If Cells(8, c).Value > Cells(r, 7).Value Then 
        Cells(r, 9).Value = Cells(17, c).Value 
        Cells(r, c).Value = Cells(r, 7).Value 
        Exit Do 
       End If 
      End If 
      c = c + 1 

End Sub 

編集 - 複数日のタスクを許可する:

Sub Scheduling() 

    Dim Times As Worksheet 
    Dim tLR As Long, r As Long, c As Long 
    Dim timeReq As Double 

    Set Times = Worksheets("Times") 
    tLR = Times.Range("C" & Times.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).row 
    For r = 18 To tLR 
     c = 10 
     Cells(r, 9).Value = "" 
     timeReq = Cells(r, 7).Value 
     Do While Cells(17, c).Value <> "" 
      If Cells(r, 8).Value > Cells(17, c).Value Then 
       If Cells(8, c).Value > 0 Then 
        If Cells(r, 9).Value = "" Then 
         Cells(r, 9).Value = Cells(17, c).Value 
        End If 
        If Cells(8, c).Value >= timeReq Then 
         Cells(r, c).Value = timeReq 
         Exit Do 
         timeReq = timeReq - Cells(8, c).Value 
         Cells(r, c).Value = Cells(8, c).Value 
        End If 
       End If 
      End If 
      c = c + 1 

End Sub 

私はそのコードをテストしていないが、それは正しいと思う。 AF15駅ごとに使用可能な時間を計算します:これは、細胞のJ9で式に依存している駅あたり最大



Sub Scheduling() 

    Dim Times As Worksheet 
    Dim tLR As Long, r As Long, c As Long, s As Long 
    Dim timeReq As Double 
    Dim rng As Range 

    Set Times = Worksheets("Times") 
    tLR = Times.Range("C" & Times.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row 
    For r = 18 To tLR 
     'Set row number that contains remaining time for this day for this station 
     Set rng = Range("I9:I15").Find(What:=Cells(r, "F").Value) 
     If rng Is Nothing Then 
      'Invalid station entered 
      MsgBox "Row " & r & ": Unrecognised station" 
      s = rng.Row 
      'Initialise which column to start processing at 
      c = 10 
      'Reset start date 
      Cells(r, 9).Value = "" 
      'Set a temporary variable to keep track of how much more 
      ' time we need to allocate 
      timeReq = Cells(r, "G").Value 
      'Loop through each day 
      Do While Cells(17, c).Value <> "" 
       If Cells(r, "H").Value > Cells(17, c).Value Then 
        If Cells(s, c).Value > 0 Then 
         'Set start date if not already set 
         If Cells(r, "I").Value = "" Then 
          Cells(r, "I").Value = Cells(17, c).Value 
         End If 
         'Check how much time can be used 
         If Cells(s, c).Value >= timeReq Then 
          'We have plenty of time, so assign all to this day 
          Cells(r, c).Value = timeReq 
          'No more to process, so go to the next row 
          Exit Do 
          'Can't fit everything into this day, so work out how much 
          'we need to carry forward to another day 
          timeReq = timeReq - Cells(s, c).Value 
          'Allocate all remaining time for this day to this task 
          Cells(r, c).Value = Cells(s, c).Value 
         End If 
        End If 
        'See if we have hit the due date without yet allocating all the time 
        MsgBox "Row " & r & ": Cannot be scheduled by the due date" 
       End If 
       'move to the next day 
       c = c + 1 
     End If 

End Sub 

ありがとう@ YowE3K。それは完璧に動作します!今は、タスク時間が使い尽くされるまで、1日以上のタスクを分割する必要があります。 – Beth


@Beth - (必要に応じて)複数の日に分散されたタスクを必要に応じて編集しました。 – YowE3K


もう一度@ YowE3Kあなたはそれが絶対完璧だ!ありがとうございました。もう一度あなたの助けを求めることができますか? – Beth
