私の雇用主の一人は、プロジェクトごとに各活動タイプに費やされた時間を記録することを私たちに要求しました。 (私たちはプロジェクトを進めることができなかったので)ピークがありました(私たちは夕方と週末に納期を守っていたので)、谷がありましたが、私たちがタイムシートを入力した電子システムでは、週37.5時間を超えて働かなければなりませんでした。雇用者は、各プロジェクトおよび活動タイプに対して正確な時間を記録したかったので、1つの活動タイプまたはプロジェクトから別のアクティビティタイプまたはプロジェクトに時間を移動することなく、実際のタイムアウトをピークから谷まで広げなければなりませんでした。次のように
- 期間の合計時間は、37.5の必要な複数でなかった場合は、時間は最高のピークまたは最も深い谷から移動されました次の期間の最初の週。
- メインループの各サイクルで合計が最も高い週が選択されます。この合計が37.5時間以下の場合、アルゴリズムは終了しました。
- 各タスク(アクティビティタイプとプロジェクト)に対して記録された時間が短縮され、新しい合計が37.5になり、週の合計時間に対する各タスクの時間の新しい割合が可能な限り元の割合に似ていました。
- 各タスクから差し引かれた時間は、その週がすでに正しくなっていない限り、前の週と後の週との間で等しく分割され、同じ方向の次の補正されていない週が余分な時間を受け取った。
Option Explicit
Sub Control()
' For each worksheet
' * Validate and load maximum column value and matrix.
' * If maximum column value or matrix are faulty, output a message
' to below the matrix.
' * Call the redistribution algorithm.
' * Store result below the original matrix.
Dim Addr As String
Dim ColCrnt As Long
Dim ColMatrixLast As Long
Dim ErrMsg As String
Dim Matrix() As Long
Dim MatrixMaxColTotal As Long
Dim Pos As Long
Dim RowCrnt As Long
Dim RowMatrixLast As Long
Dim RowMsg As Long
Dim TotalMatrix As Long
Dim WSht As Worksheet
For Each WSht In Worksheets
ErrMsg = ""
With WSht
' Load MaxCol
If IsNumeric(.Cells(1, 1).Value) Then
MatrixMaxColTotal = Int(.Cells(1, 1).Value) ' Ignore any decimal digits
If MatrixMaxColTotal <= 0 Then
ErrMsg = "Maximum column value (Cell A1) is not positive"
End If
ErrMsg = "Maximum column value (Cell A1) is not numeric"
End If
If ErrMsg = "" Then
' Find dimensions of matrix
If IsEmpty(.Cells(2, 2).Value) Then
ErrMsg = "Top left cell of matrix (Cell B2) is empty"
Debug.Print .Name
If Not IsEmpty(.Cells(2, 3).Value) Then
' Position to last non-blank cell in row 2 after B2
ColMatrixLast = .Cells(2, 2).End(xlToRight).Column
' Cell C2 is blank
ColMatrixLast = 2
End If
'Debug.Print ColMatrixLast
If Not IsEmpty(.Cells(3, 2).Value) Then
' Position to last non-blank cell in column 2 after B2
RowMatrixLast = .Cells(2, 2).End(xlDown).Row
' Cell B3 is blank
RowMatrixLast = 2
End If
'Debug.Print RowMatrixLast
If ColMatrixLast = 2 Then
ErrMsg = "Matrix must have at least two columns"
End If
End If
End If
If ErrMsg = "" Then
' Load matrix and validation as all numeric
ReDim Matrix(1 To ColMatrixLast - 1, 1 To RowMatrixLast - 1)
TotalMatrix = 0
For RowCrnt = 2 To RowMatrixLast
For ColCrnt = 2 To ColMatrixLast
If Not IsEmpty(.Cells(RowCrnt, ColCrnt).Value) And _
IsNumeric(.Cells(RowCrnt, ColCrnt).Value) Then
Matrix(ColCrnt - 1, RowCrnt - 1) = .Cells(RowCrnt, ColCrnt).Value
TotalMatrix = TotalMatrix + Matrix(ColCrnt - 1, RowCrnt - 1)
ErrMsg = "Cell " & Replace(.Cells(RowCrnt, ColCrnt).Address, "$", "") & _
" is not numeric"
Exit For
End If
If TotalMatrix > MatrixMaxColTotal * UBound(Matrix, 1) Then
ErrMsg = "Matrix total (" & TotalMatrix & ") > Maximum column total x " & _
"Number of columns (" & MatrixMaxColTotal * UBound(Matrix, 1) & ")"
End If
End If
RowMsg = .Cells(Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row + 2
If ErrMsg = "" Then
Call Redistribute(MatrixMaxColTotal, Matrix)
' Save answer
For RowCrnt = 2 To RowMatrixLast
For ColCrnt = 2 To ColMatrixLast
.Cells(RowCrnt + RowMsg, ColCrnt).Value = Matrix(ColCrnt - 1, RowCrnt - 1)
.Cells(RowMsg, "B").Value = "Error: " & ErrMsg
End If
End With
End Sub
Sub Redistribute(MaxColTotal As Long, Matrix() As Long)
' * Matrix is a two dimensional array. A row specifies the time
' spent on a single task. A column specifies the time spend
' during a single time period. The nature of the tasks and the
' time periods is not known to this routine.
' * This routine uses rows 1 to N and columns 1 to M. Row 0 and
' Column 0 could be used for headings such as task or period
' name without effecting this routine.
' * The time spent during each time period should not exceed
' MaxColTotal. The routine redistributes time so this is true.
Dim FixedCol() As Boolean
Dim InxColCrnt As Long
Dim InxColMaxTotal As Long
Dim InxColTgtLeft As Long
Dim InxColTgtRight As Long
Dim InxRowCrnt As Long
Dim InxRowSorted As Long
Dim InxTotalRowSorted() As Long
Dim Lng As Long
Dim TotalCol() As Long
Dim TotalColCrnt As Long
Dim TotalMatrix As Long
Dim TotalRow() As Long
Dim TotalRowCrnt As Long
Dim TotalRowRedistribute() As Long
Call DsplMatrix(Matrix)
ReDim TotalCol(1 To UBound(Matrix, 1))
ReDim FixedCol(1 To UBound(TotalCol))
ReDim TotalRow(1 To UBound(Matrix, 2))
ReDim InxTotalRowSorted(1 To UBound(TotalRow))
ReDim TotalRowRedistribute(1 To UBound(TotalRow))
' Calculate totals per column and set all entries in FixedCol to False
For InxColCrnt = 1 To UBound(Matrix, 1)
TotalColCrnt = 0
For InxRowCrnt = 1 To UBound(Matrix, 2)
TotalColCrnt = TotalColCrnt + Matrix(InxColCrnt, InxRowCrnt)
TotalCol(InxColCrnt) = TotalColCrnt
FixedCol(InxColCrnt) = False
' Calculate totals per row
For InxRowCrnt = 1 To UBound(Matrix, 2)
TotalRowCrnt = 0
For InxColCrnt = 1 To UBound(Matrix, 1)
TotalRowCrnt = TotalRowCrnt + Matrix(InxColCrnt, InxRowCrnt)
TotalRow(InxRowCrnt) = TotalRowCrnt
' Created sorted index into totals per row
' This sorted index allows rows to be processed in the total sequence
For InxRowCrnt = 1 To UBound(TotalRow)
InxTotalRowSorted(InxRowCrnt) = InxRowCrnt
InxRowCrnt = 1
Do While InxRowCrnt < UBound(TotalRow)
If TotalRow(InxTotalRowSorted(InxRowCrnt)) > _
TotalRow(InxTotalRowSorted(InxRowCrnt + 1)) Then
Lng = InxTotalRowSorted(InxRowCrnt)
InxTotalRowSorted(InxRowCrnt) = InxTotalRowSorted(InxRowCrnt + 1)
InxTotalRowSorted(InxRowCrnt + 1) = Lng
If InxRowCrnt > 1 Then
InxRowCrnt = InxRowCrnt - 1
InxRowCrnt = InxRowCrnt + 1
End If
InxRowCrnt = InxRowCrnt + 1
End If
'For InxColCrnt = 1 To UBound(Matrix, 1)
' Debug.Print Right(" " & TotalCol(InxColCrnt), 3) & " ";
For InxRowCrnt = 1 To UBound(TotalRow)
Debug.Print Right(" " & TotalRow(InxRowCrnt), 3) & " ";
For InxRowCrnt = 1 To UBound(TotalRow)
Debug.Print Right(" " & InxTotalRowSorted(InxRowCrnt), 3) & " ";
Do While True
' Find column with highest total
InxColMaxTotal = 1
TotalColCrnt = TotalCol(InxColMaxTotal)
For InxColCrnt = 2 To UBound(TotalCol)
If TotalColCrnt < TotalCol(InxColCrnt) Then
TotalColCrnt = TotalCol(InxColCrnt)
InxColMaxTotal = InxColCrnt
End If
If TotalColCrnt <= MaxColTotal Then
' Problem solved
Exit Sub
End If
' Find column to left, if any, to which
' surplus can be transferred
InxColTgtLeft = 0
For InxColCrnt = InxColMaxTotal - 1 To 1 Step -1
If Not FixedCol(InxColCrnt) Then
InxColTgtLeft = InxColCrnt
Exit For
End If
' Find column to right, if any, to which
' surplus can be transferred
InxColTgtRight = 0
For InxColCrnt = InxColMaxTotal + 1 To UBound(TotalCol)
If Not FixedCol(InxColCrnt) Then
InxColTgtRight = InxColCrnt
Exit For
End If
If InxColTgtLeft = 0 And InxColTgtRight = 0 Then
' Problem unsolvable
Call MsgBox("Redistribution impossible", vbCritical)
Exit Sub
End If
If InxColTgtLeft = 0 Then
' There is no column to the left to which surplus can be
' redistributed. Give its share to column on the right.
InxColTgtLeft = InxColTgtRight
End If
If InxColTgtRight = 0 Then
' There is no column to the right to which surplus can be
' redistributed. Give its share to column on the left.
InxColTgtRight = InxColTgtLeft
End If
'Debug.Print InxColTgtLeft & " " & InxColMaxTotal & " " & InxColTgtRight
' Calculate new value for each row of the column with maximum total,
' Calculate the value to be redistributed and the new column total
TotalColCrnt = TotalCol(InxColMaxTotal)
For InxRowCrnt = 1 To UBound(TotalRow)
Lng = Round(Matrix(InxColMaxTotal, InxRowCrnt) * MaxColTotal/TotalColCrnt, 0)
TotalRowRedistribute(InxRowCrnt) = Matrix(InxColMaxTotal, InxRowCrnt) - Lng
Matrix(InxColMaxTotal, InxRowCrnt) = Lng
TotalCol(InxColMaxTotal) = TotalCol(InxColMaxTotal) - TotalRowRedistribute(InxRowCrnt)
If TotalCol(InxColMaxTotal) > MaxColTotal Then
' The column has not be reduced by enough.
' subtract 1 from the value for rows with the smallest totals until
' the column total has been reduced to MaxColTotal
For InxRowCrnt = 1 To UBound(TotalRow)
InxRowSorted = InxTotalRowSorted(InxRowCrnt)
Matrix(InxColMaxTotal, InxRowCrnt) = Matrix(InxColMaxTotal, InxRowCrnt) - 1
TotalRowRedistribute(InxRowCrnt) = TotalRowRedistribute(InxRowCrnt) + 1
TotalCol(InxColMaxTotal) = TotalCol(InxColMaxTotal) - 1
If TotalCol(InxColMaxTotal) = MaxColTotal Then
Exit For
End If
ElseIf TotalCol(InxColMaxTotal) < MaxColTotal Then
' The column has be reduced by too much.
' Add 1 to the value for rows with the largest totals until
For InxRowCrnt = 1 To UBound(TotalRow)
InxRowSorted = InxTotalRowSorted(InxRowCrnt)
Matrix(InxColMaxTotal, InxRowCrnt) = Matrix(InxColMaxTotal, InxRowCrnt) + 1
TotalRowRedistribute(InxRowCrnt) = TotalRowRedistribute(InxRowCrnt) - 1
TotalCol(InxColMaxTotal) = TotalCol(InxColMaxTotal) + 1
If TotalCol(InxColMaxTotal) = MaxColTotal Then
Exit For
End If
End If
' The column which did have the hightest total has now beed fixed
FixedCol(InxColMaxTotal) = True
' The values in TotalRowRedistribute must but added to the columns
' identified by InxColTgtLeft and InxColTgtRight
For InxRowCrnt = 1 To UBound(TotalRow)
Lng = TotalRowRedistribute(InxRowCrnt)/2
Matrix(InxColTgtLeft, InxRowCrnt) = Matrix(InxColTgtLeft, InxRowCrnt) + Lng
TotalCol(InxColTgtLeft) = TotalCol(InxColTgtLeft) + Lng
Lng = TotalRowRedistribute(InxRowCrnt) - Lng
Matrix(InxColTgtRight, InxRowCrnt) = Matrix(InxColTgtRight, InxRowCrnt) + Lng
TotalCol(InxColTgtRight) = TotalCol(InxColTgtRight) + Lng
Call DsplMatrix(Matrix)
End Sub
Sub DsplMatrix(Matrix() As Long)
Dim InxColCrnt As Long
Dim InxRowCrnt As Long
Dim TotalColCrnt As Long
Dim TotalMatrix As Long
Dim TotalRowCrnt As Long
For InxRowCrnt = 1 To UBound(Matrix, 2)
TotalRowCrnt = 0
For InxColCrnt = 1 To UBound(Matrix, 1)
Debug.Print Right(" " & Matrix(InxColCrnt, InxRowCrnt), 3) & " ";
TotalRowCrnt = TotalRowCrnt + Matrix(InxColCrnt, InxRowCrnt)
Debug.Print " | " & Right(" " & TotalRowCrnt, 3)
For InxColCrnt = 1 To UBound(Matrix, 1)
Debug.Print "--- ";
Debug.Print " | ---"
TotalMatrix = 0
For InxColCrnt = 1 To UBound(Matrix, 1)
TotalColCrnt = 0
For InxRowCrnt = 1 To UBound(Matrix, 2)
TotalColCrnt = TotalColCrnt + Matrix(InxColCrnt, InxRowCrnt)
Debug.Print Right(" " & TotalColCrnt, 3) & " ";
TotalMatrix = TotalMatrix + TotalColCrnt
Debug.Print " | " & Right(" " & TotalMatrix, 3)
End Sub
可能重複[VBAをエクセル:日間の分布(http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8816399/excel-vba-distribution-of-days) – brettdj
和は、その後N ''に等しい場合それぞれのセルに値「N/33」を入れてください...あなたが別の答えをしたいならば、あなたはあなたの質問を異なって(すなわち、もっとはっきりと)定式化しなければなりません。 –
@ Jean-Francois Corbett:私はもっと多くの例をもって質問を広げました。今はっきりしていることを願っています。 – user366121