2017-03-29 10 views

これはひどい割れ目です。私はSTDに似た外観を持つようにしようとしているロギング機能を書いている:: coutのC++では、各演算子のオーバーロード・カスケード後に改行を書き込もうとしています。


log << "text"; // This would output "text\n"; 
    log << "some " << "text"; //This would output "some text\n" 
    log << "some number "<< 5; //This would output "some number 5\n" 


#include <iostream> 

// stream_newliner works by just taking the address of an ostream you 
// give it, and forwarding all writes (via operator<<) to that ostream. 
// Then, when it finally destructs, it writes the newline. 
template <typename CharT, typename Traits> 
class stream_newliner 
// The constructor just takes the address of the stream you give it. 
explicit stream_newliner(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& s) : 

// Boilerplate move construction. Nothing special here. 
stream_newliner(stream_newliner&& s) : p_s_{nullptr} 
    *this = std::move(s); 

// On destruction, write the newline. (Note we check the pointer for 
// null for technical reasons.) 
    if (p_s_) 
     // If you have std::unhandled_exceptions(), you can check to 
     // see if a new exception is in flight, and only do the 
     // newline if there's not. 

     // Note that I'm writing an X and not a newline so you can 
     // see it easier. 
     (*p_s_) << 'X'; 

// This is where the magic happens. Any time you do "x << y" where 
// x is this type, it just passes it on to the underlying stream. 
// When you do "x << y1 << y2", it all works magically because it 
// translates to "operator<<(operator<<(x, y1), y2)"... and this 
// function just passes each call to the underlying stream. 
template <typename T> 
auto operator<<(T&& t) -> stream_newliner<CharT, Traits>& 
    (*p_s_) << std::forward<T>(t); 
    return *this; 

// Boilerplate move assignment. Nothing special here. 
auto operator=(stream_newliner&& s) -> stream_newliner& 
    std::swap(p_s_, s.p_s_); 
    return *this; 

// Technically don't need these, but it doesn't hurt to be explicit. 
stream_newliner(stream_newliner const&) = delete; 
auto operator=(stream_newliner const&) = delete; 

// You could use a reference to the stream rather than a pointer, 
// but references are harder to work with as class members. 
std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>* p_s_ = nullptr; 

    // Helper function to make it easier to create. 
    template <typename CharT, typename Traits> 
    auto line(std::basic_ostream<CharT, Traits>& s) 
return stream_newliner<CharT, Traits>{s}; 

    auto main() -> int 
line(std::cout) << "foo"; 
std::cout << '\n'; 

line(std::cout) << 1 << ' ' << 2 << ' ' << 3; 
std::cout << '\n'; 

あなたはできません。それぞれの '<<"は演算子への別の呼び出しであり、チェーンの最後のものがいつ認識されるかはわかりません。 – Barmar



: はここで、これまでで最も成功した試みです。見てみましょう:

struct eol_log 
    eol_log(std::ostream& os) : os_(os) {} 
    ~eol_log() { os_ << '\n'; } 

    template <typename T> 
    std::ostream& operator<<(const T& t) && { return os_ << t; } 

    std::ostream& os_; 

使用法: "フル表現ガード" の一種として

eol_log(std::cout) << "Foo" << "Bar" << 10; 
eol_log(std::cout) << 10; 



class EolLogger 
    class RvalLog 
     friend class EolLogger; 

     RvalLog(std::ostream* os) : os_(os) {} 
     RvalLog(RvalLog&& rhs) : os_(rhs.os_) { rhs.os_ = nullptr; } 
     std::ostream* os_; 

     template <typename T> 
     RvalLog operator<<(const T& t) && { *os_ << t; return std::move(*this); } 

     ~RvalLog() { if (os_) *os_ << '\n'; } 

    std::ostream& os_; 

    EolLogger(std::ostream& os) : os_(os) {} 

    template <typename T> 
    RvalLog operator<<(const T& t) { return RvalLog(&os_) << t; } 


EolLogger elog(std::cout); 

elog << "Foo"; 
elog << 1 << 2 << 3; 

[デモ](https://wandbox.org/permlink/kttlK6zHUn8Q9UxH) –


これは 'with_eol'などと呼ばれているはずです。 –


「eol_log」はElf Tolkienのように聞こえません。 – user4581301



#include <iostream> 
using namespace std; 

struct Liner { 
    bool Owned = true; 
    Liner() = default; 
    Liner(Liner &&O) { O.Owned = false; } 
    ~Liner() { if (Owned) std::cout << '\n'; } 

template <typename T> 
const Liner &operator<<(const Liner &L, T &&E) { 
    std::cout << std::forward<T>(E); 
    return L; 

struct SubLiner { 
    operator Liner() const { return {}; } 

const static SubLiner line; 

int main() { 
    line << "hello " << "world!"; 
    line << 1 << 2; 
    line << 3; 
    return 0; 