編集:それを考え出した - 私は、サーバーに保存し、登録トークンを生成しようとした後、プッシュ通知を送信するためにトークンを使用していますGCM通知受信/トークン登録
以下の回答を参照してください。この時点で、登録トークンを正常に送信して保存し、Web APIから通知を送信していますが、デバイスに到着していません。 R.string.gcm_defaultSenderId(つまりGCMの送信者キー)を置き換える必要があるかどうか、私は疑問を抱いていました。トークン登録用コードと通知リスナーを含めています。
public class GCMRegistrationIntentService extends IntentService {
//Constants for success and errors
public static final String REGISTRATION_SUCCESS = "RegistrationSuccess";
public static final String REGISTRATION_ERROR = "RegistrationError";
private Context context;
private String sessionGUID = "";
private String userGUID = "";
//Class constructor
public GCMRegistrationIntentService() {
protected void onHandleIntent(Intent intent) {
context = getApplicationContext();
sessionGUID = RequestQueueSingleton.getInstance(context).getSessionGUID();
userGUID = RequestQueueSingleton.getInstance(context).getUserGUID();
//Registering gcm to the device
//Registers the device to Google Cloud messaging and calls makeAPICall to send the registration
//token to the server
private void registerGCM() {
//Registration complete intent initially null
Intent registrationComplete;
//declare a token, try to find it with a successful registration
String token;
try {
//Creating an instanceid
InstanceID instanceID = InstanceID.getInstance(this);
//Getting the token from the instance id
token = instanceID.getToken(getString(R.string.gcm_defaultSenderId),
GoogleCloudMessaging.INSTANCE_ID_SCOPE, null);
//Display the token, need to send to server
Log.w("GCMRegIntentService", "token:" + token);
String android_id = Settings.Secure.getString(context.getContentResolver(),
int osTypeCode = Constants.OST_ANDROID;
JSONObject parms = new JSONObject();
try {
parms.put("deviceID", android_id);
parms.put("OSTypeCode", osTypeCode);
parms.put("token", token);
} catch (JSONException e) {
Transporter oTransporter = new Transporter(Constants.TransporterSubjectUSER,
Constants.REGISTER_NOTIFICATION_TOKEN, "", parms, userGUID, sessionGUID);
oTransporter.makeAPICall(getApplicationContext(), "");
//on registration complete. creating intent with success
registrationComplete = new Intent(REGISTRATION_SUCCESS);
//Putting the token to the intent
registrationComplete.putExtra("token", token);
} catch (Exception e) {
//If any error occurred
Log.w("GCMRegIntentService", "Registration error");
registrationComplete = new Intent(REGISTRATION_ERROR);
//Sending the broadcast that registration is completed
public class Transporter {
private String subject;
private String request;
private String key;
private Date lastUpdateDate;
private boolean forceLoad = false;
private Date requestDate;
private Date responseDate;
private int status;
private String statusMsg = "";
private String tempKey = "";
private JSONObject additionalInfo = null;
private JSONObject parameters;
public static String sessionGUID = "";
public static String userGUID = "";
public static String SERVER = Constants.qa_api;
//transporter object to interact with the server, containing information about the request
//made by the user
public Transporter(String pSubject, String pRequest, String pKey,
JSONObject parms, String userGUID, String sessionGUID)
subject = pSubject;
request = pRequest;
key = pKey;
parameters = parms;
//implements an API call for a given transporter, takes 2 arguments:
//the application context (call getApplicationContext() whenever it's called)
//and a String that represents the field that we are trying to update (if there is one)
//i.e. if we are calling getUserFromSession(), we want the user guid so jsonID = "userGUID"
public void makeAPICall(final Context context, final String jsonID) {
RequestQueue mRequestQueue =
String targetURL = getServerURL() + "/Transporter.aspx";
StringRequest postRequest = new StringRequest(Request.Method.POST, targetURL,
new Response.Listener<String>() {
public void onResponse(String response) {
String parseXML= parseXML(response);
System.out.println("response: " + parseXML);
JSONObject lastResponseContent = null;
try {
lastResponseContent = new JSONObject(parseXML);
} catch (JSONException e) {
try {
if (lastResponseContent != null && !jsonID.equals("")) {
String info = lastResponseContent.getString(jsonID);
if (jsonID.equals("userGUID")) {
userGUID = info;
//put other things in here to pull whatever info
} catch (JSONException e) {
}, new Response.ErrorListener() {
public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError error) {
}) {
public byte[] getBody() throws AuthFailureError {
String body = getXML(subject,
request, "",
sessionGUID, userGUID, null, parameters);
return body.getBytes();
こんにちはイーサン。あなたは先に進み、正しい答えとしてこれを受け入れるべきです。 [あなた自身の質問に答える](http://stackoverflow.com/help/self-answer)には何も問題はありません。 –
^あなた自身の回答を受け入れるための最小限の時間があります(一般的に、または私が新しいユーザーであるため) - それはさらに6時間受け入れることはできません – Ethan